Food Intolerances....

I'm wondering if anyone on here has taken any testing for Food Intolerance. I just got my test results from taking whats called the ALCAT test. It tests for different levels of intolerances. I have to meet with my doctor on Friday to get a better understanding of what all of this means for my diet (can eats can't eats and healthy eatting) But i'm really scared that this might negatively impact my new eatting plan. I want to eat well for my body and healthy foods. I don't know, i just needed to say out loud that this scares me a little and I don't know what the impact is going to be, positive or negitive.

Anyone take any test like this? Have any adivce?


  • Crysta1976
    Crysta1976 Posts: 184 Member
    I have been wanting to be tested! After some research and family history, I put myself on a gluten-free diet. It's been about a month (though not 100%) and have noticed many other intolerances in the meantime. It's confusing, and would love to know for sure. But without insurance, it's a difficult thing to have done.

    I'm curious to others results as well. Maybe it is worth paying cash for the testing...?

    I hope that your results will be more beneficial and not as scary as you're anticipating. Good luck and keep us posted!
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    What made you get the test done, and how do you approach getting it done? I have such a crazy sensitive stomach. My doc from several years ago said I have IBS and put me on meds, no diet plan. When I got pregnant my doc took me off the meds. Now I try to keep a food journal when I have flare-ups but honestly don't know what causes these episodes and I would like to have a specific food plan. Any advice for me?

    Hope your test results come out well for you. Don't freak out if you have to get a new eating plan, you will be able to make anything work!
  • tigersgirl
    tigersgirl Posts: 66 Member
    ENTERTOLAB- tests for gluten, dairy- casine,milk, soy, yeast and other test-
    my bf just had this completed -
  • AlexandraNK
    AlexandraNK Posts: 54
    Thanks ladies!
    My insurance didn't pay for the test (outside lab) my doctor is the one who told me about it. she did it on herslef and lost a bunch of weight becuase she cut out the food that was making her sick. So when i could get the moeny together i decided to do the test.

    I was having terrible stomach problems and my asthma was really getting bad. This amazing doc of mine, after i told her the symptoms told me about the test. This test is really expensive but it makes a lot of sense. It's called ALCAT. Here is the website,

    I came to MFP on my own to loose weight but i had a bad reaction to something recently and just needed to have this done so i could stop getting sick. Since i changed my diet i've felt a lot better but I think once i change it more from these results i should feel better but I'm scared at the impact.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Initally it is pretty typical to "freak out" a bit with the "unknown" . . . but as I've learned you quickly adapt to what is on your list of "bad" that seems to bother you and find ways to work around it . . . still learning to eat healthy and keeping it interesting.
    Good luck!
  • lighttekkie
    I see a herbalist who's helped me with food intolerances. I found that by taking out things I was down right allergic to (turkey, pork and peanuts) I was less reactive to other foods (if that makes sense). Since then I've discovered I'm a sugar addict and further reducing that in my diet has helped immensely in dealing with issues from foods. I'd have problems for example with certain lunch meats (full of sugar) and not realize why but I had to start looking for sugar. Since doing a Wild Rose D-Tox (which is different from the ones I've read on where you live on juice or something ridiculous) I learned that my digestion works better for me without dairy and by limiting flour (I don't have a gluten issue but too much flour slows things up for me, I FEEL better on whole grains like quinoa, couscous, whole grain and wild rice etc). I've also recently decided to go vegetarian after learning that some meat intolerances can get worse and include more meats. I wouldn't say it should have been a scary process. I mean I guess it was at first. But now I'm eating foods that are more "whole" and closer to original (if that makes sense). I'm learning I love beans. I'm still using up the last of my fish and chicken but I look at a meal and think, hmm... protein, veggies, then whole grain (which gives me so much energy). I'm also experimenting more with foods from other countries and finding that foods like lentils and barley that I never tried before are really tasty. I'm finding that with the things I can't eat as much now a whole new world of foods are opening up to me... ok, so no dairy (gives me indigestion), no pork, turkey, peanuts, go easy on the flour... I went and got a ton of veg and vegan cookbooks (including one with dishes from around the world) and at first I was freaking out about new foods (tofu? what is that!?!) and now I'm excited to open it up and cook "today's new food." Perhaps try a new cookbook for your dietary needs. There are plenty of gluten free cookbooks as well as online recipe groups for allergies too! Don't know if any of this helps or if I'm just too rambly today!
  • UFOGal
    UFOGal Posts: 4
    There are a lot indications emerging that these food intolerance that are on the rise aren't really food intolerance to the actual food items it's the junk that's in them due to modern commercial farming practices. The GMO soy and corn which one or the other is in nearly all processed food in some for or fashion is causing intestinal issues because your gut has been made a living pesticide factory. This happens because the way soy and corn are altered to not die when sprayed with round-up weed killer, it's done by Bactria the planet normally doesn't produce. The Bactria survives the food making proses ends up in your gut and over takes the natural Bactria colonies causing an imbalances. Meats, eggs, milk, milk products are chalked full of antibiotics and hormones. Chickens are raised in horrible conditions feed antibiotics and growth hormones. On ...and On...and on I can go. The bottom line is large commercial farming doesn't have your health in mind when they produce their products profit and ease is the only thing.

    The cure for many people is moving to organic products, and avoiding GMO, and humanly raised livestock.

    There also lot indications that artificial sweeteners are really bad for you. Cut out things that use aspartame, or splendia. Try stevia instead for low cal sweetener. Lot proof the aspartame causes autoimmunity issues that makes you hypersensitive aggravating allergic reactions. Let me tell you cutting out my diet coke was on the hardest things I have done. I'd been drinking it since I was a teenager.

    Bottom line eat organic, as of now if it's certified organic it's not allowed to have GMO product in it. Find a local farm grass feeding there animals and are following organic practices which doesn't allow antibiotic use or hormones. A good way to do this is finding a CSA farm in your area. Google 'CSA farm'

    Good luck on your testing, and consider the organic optional and bear in mind it will take some time to flush your system of all the really nasty stuff out of your body that modern commercial farming has been putting in your food for years. Know where your food comes from, then you can trust it far more to do it's job in replenishing your body.

    The greatest medicine is good food.

  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    For me, I did my own testing through the Atkins Nutritional Approach and the advice from a Naturopathic Doctor.

    I found that I have a grain intolerance, I am allergic to most cruciferous vegetables (especially broccoli and cauliflower, they cause me to swell really bad).

    With the way the Atkins plan has you to re-introduce 1 food at a time to see how your body reacts to it, then you know if you have a food intolerance.

    So, its not just the preservatives and such that are in the foods we eat that can cause us food intolerances. Sometimes its foods that are really good for us.

    I crave brocolli and cauliflower, and the naturopathic doctor told me the reason I crave them is because I am allergic to them.

    Weird, huh?

    Good Luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • JoyElizabeth
    JoyElizabeth Posts: 65 Member
    I have a lot of intolerances and I have found that over time I have developed a system that seems to work for me. But I found a great thread to help you get through this is

    Check them out - the are really supportive and have a lot to offer.

    Hope it helps.

    Kind Regards,

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Ps - once you start to eliminate the things that are making you feel out of sorts, you will start to feel amazing and it helps you with your weight loss too.