When is best time to exercise, morning or afternoon?



  • Kerry_R
    Kerry_R Posts: 25 Member
    I prefer to exercise in the mornings as I feel ready for the rest of the day however I fit it in whenever I can... sometimes I'm up at 5am for a swim and other times I have to wait til after work.
  • Heitor71
    Heitor71 Posts: 224
    I prefer to work out in the morning, very early. But, it is up to you
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    When ever you can get it in...that includes but is not limited to the following:

    In a public restroom
    In a stairwell
    In your office cubicle/office
    In the middle of the street
    In the middle of a field
    In the woods
    In the morning
    In the mid morning
    In the afternoon
    In the mid afternoon
    In the evening
    Late at night
    When you're tired
    When you're hyper
    When you think you can't go anymore!
  • rachlat
    Ideally the best time is in the morning and before you eat. I am a keen cyclist and lose more weight in the summer because I ride early morning and eat after I get back. I find that my weight loss is about 3 times faster. The same if I walk the dog in the winter before breakfast. It kick starts the metabloism and starts the fat burning process ao as we eat we continue to burn fat rather than store it.
    In the winter as I excercise less, the weight loss slows. I hope this helps you :))
  • exile40
    exile40 Posts: 161 Member
    I'd say for men its probably in the morning as our natural testosterone levels are higher.
  • fly4acareer
    fly4acareer Posts: 6 Member
    This is usually a general topic in fitness magazines and I've heard both but the bottom line is anytime is better than no time so pick a schedule that works for you and work out :-) I rotate 3 shifts so some days I work out mornings and sometimes evening but as long as I get in a workout I feel amazing afterwards no matter the time of day. Sometimes when I know I can't make it to the gym I walk on my fifteen minute breaks at work...every little bit counts so just get your body moving, have fun, eat right, and watch the pounds slip away.....haha now only if I can listen to my words on the eat right part...easier said then done for me :-P but we can do it!!!!
  • alexisu
    Myself, if I don't workout in the morning I will find every excuse in the book to not workout at all. Whatever time you find works for you, I have heard that the best time to workout is the same time every day.
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    I really think it depends on what works best for you. Personally, I find I prefer working out in the afternoon, although the daycare at my gym breaks from 1pm-4pm, so I usually go in the early evening. I'd love to go in the morning, but even when my toddler's sleep schedule allows for it, I just don't have the same energy. I find when I go in the morning that I don't have as much gusto or stamina as I do in the afternoon or evening, and I feel like that has an impact on the kind of workout I get.

    Bottom line- do what works best for your mind/body and schedule! :)
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Best time? Whatever works for you!