I'm having a hard time

I'm already upset because I've been working out for two weeks already everyday eating right and I am not loosing weight. On top of that I am getting criticism. My hubby laughs when I mentioned I run in the house a mile a day, (I'm a desperate mother of a 6month old and it's 10 degrees out) then when I eat healthy I get picked on because it , "looks gross". This morning it all hit me when my 8 year old is looking under my door giggling at me when I'm working out. I'm in tears. I feel like I am being made fun of at their expense. It might sound silly to you all but I'm hurt. I'm struggling enough to get in shape then I get made fun of....


  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    You might open up your food/exercise journal so others can check it out and make suggestions.
  • Aleks87
    Often the ones closest to us don't understand what we are doing and why we are doing it. My husband doesn't understand why I decided to start losing weight all of a sudden and at times makes fun of my choices. For example, a few nights ago we ordered a large pizza and I decided not to have any and instead make myself a salad...his reaction..."Why are you wasting food?" I couldn't believe it but I realized you can't let people get you down about what you are doing. It will pay off in the long run.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    I'm already upset because I've been working out for two weeks already everyday eating right and I am not loosing weight. On top of that I am getting criticism. My hubby laughs when I mentioned I run in the house a mile a day, (I'm a desperate mother of a 6month old and it's 10 degrees out) then when I eat healthy I get picked on because it , "looks gross". This morning it all hit me when my 6 yet old is looking under my door giggling at me when I'm working out. I'm in tears. I feel like I am being made fun of at their expense. It might sound silly to you all but I'm hurt. I'm struggling enough to get in shape then I get made fun of....

    just laugh with them. nothing is more disarming to people laughing at you than being able to laugh at yourself.

    also, your 6 year old son is not old enough to understand what he's laughing about or why. he's probably just giggling because he thinks it's fun to "look under the door at mommy and not have mommy be able to see me".
  • Kttyler87
    Kttyler87 Posts: 141 Member
    I keep telling myself that but it's so upsetting not getting the reaction I hope. Sometimes no reactions better than the kind I get lately...

    I keep track on here my diet I don't eat any fast foods I eat healthy I believe so idk why I'm so stuck
  • Sherriediva1
    Sherriediva1 Posts: 345 Member
    Well, your 6 yr old is just that....6. Lots of stuff is funny to them!! I have a 7 yr old and a 10 yr old and the weirdest stuff amuses them! Just laugh with him and say "yeah, mommie looks funny huh, but that summer suit is gonna look great!!" If your husband chuckles, just ignore him - after all, you are doing this for you not him. I will say that his attitude doesn't speak highly of him. Give him a little time, maybe it's just the novelty that hits his funny bone, not your efforts. Keep up the good work! I admire the kind of determination it takes to "run a mile in the house"!!

  • Dtcoff
    Don't let them get you down. First, your husband needs to be more understanding and supportive. Change is hard for everyone and sometimes it just takes time to adjust. Second, I can't imagine your 6 month/year? old was giggling at you directly but was probably just being a kid being silly.

    Don't be so hard on yourself. By your picture, you are definately not gross.

    You almost have to be a little selfish with your goals. Cook meals that work for you and work out when you can. Motivation has to come from within.

    (Wow, I sound like Dr. Phil!! Sorry)
  • Kttyler87
    Kttyler87 Posts: 141 Member

    just laugh with them. nothing is more disarming to people laughing at you than being able to laugh at yourself.

    also, your 6 year old son is not old enough to understand what he's laughing about or why. he's probably just giggling because he thinks it's fun to "look under the door at mommy and not have mommy be able to see me".
    I'd say your right but he hears his dad make jokes and picks on his "papa" for being fat because everyone jokes on that side of the family. It makes me upset he's gonna look at people that way...
  • Kttyler87
    Kttyler87 Posts: 141 Member
    Well, your 6 yr old is just that....6. Lots of stuff is funny to them!! I have a 7 yr old and a 10 yr old and the weirdest stuff amuses them! Just laugh with him and say "yeah, mommie looks funny huh, but that summer suit is gonna look great!!" If your husband chuckles, just ignore him - after all, you are doing this for you not him. I will say that his attitude doesn't speak highly of him. Give him a little time, maybe it's just the novelty that hits his funny bone, not your efforts. Keep up the good work! I admire the kind of determination it takes to "run a mile in the house"!!

    Thank you :-)
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    I keep telling myself that but it's so upsetting not getting the reaction I hope. Sometimes no reactions better than the kind I get lately...

    I keep track on here my diet I don't eat any fast foods I eat healthy I believe so idk why I'm so stuck

    - eating more than you think you are
    - water retention
    - not giving it enough time to see results
    - improper calculations for BMR/TDEE

    these can all help explain it.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    If you don't hide from your six year old, it won't be so funny. Get a dance game or DVD and he can play along!

    It can be really hard to stick to changes when the results aren't visible, but you are getting healthier!

    Are the gross foods odd diet foods or vegetables? If the former, eat real food! If vegetables are "gross" you need to work at introducing them to the whole family.

    It may be time to talk to your six year old about how jokes can sometimes hurt people's feelings.
  • CaliSteph
    CaliSteph Posts: 142 Member
    I'm so sorry you're not getting the support you deserve right now!.Have you tried talking to him about it or straight up telling him to knock off the jerk talk? Your 6 year old is well 6 and I think seeking out attention from you. My 2 year old would giggle when I worked out just so I would stop to play with him. I've learned to work out when he's asleep - I just get a lot more done when he isn't around.

    I can understand having to make due with what you can in the house because its too cold outside. I've been doing 30DS when my little ones are asleep. Its 30 minutes of a great calorie burn that I'm able to do every day.

    Don't give up on yourself - I can't see your diary but if you're eating right and getting enough exercise in, you will start to see a change. You may have already started to change, it's just not the type of numbers you're looking for. Have you measured yourself? I started to lose inches on my waist/thighs before I started to lose weight.

    Good luck to you!
  • thediva46
    You will do just fine! This is DAY 1 of my "transformation" but I CAN NOT give up my daily cup of coffee!
  • bonitacash08
    bonitacash08 Posts: 378 Member
    My boyfriend does the same thing to me.. I've tried losing weight about 16,548,516,457,115,487 times and never stuck with it.. Unfortunately, the lack of support at home hurts but sites like this give you support from people going through the same things.. He'll be singing a different tune when you're strutting around in your bikini this summer :-)
  • Kttyler87
    Kttyler87 Posts: 141 Member
    I'm already upset because I've been working out for two weeks already everyday eating right and I am not loosing weight. On top of that I am getting criticism. My hubby laughs when I mentioned I run in the house a mile a day, (I'm a desperate mother of a 6month old and it's 10 degrees out) then when I eat healthy I get picked on because it , "looks gross". This morning it all hit me when my 6 yet old is looking under my door giggling at me when I'm working out. I'm in tears. I feel like I am being made fun of at their expense. It might sound silly to you all but I'm hurt. I'm struggling enough to get in shape then I get made fun of....

    Omg brain fart!!! 8 year old!!!! Haha I have a 6 month old and a 8 year old hahahhaa
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    You've got a 6 month old so I guess you're quite tired too...hence emotional, I know I was!!

    Our kids will laugh at us, when I get ready for my karate class my nearly 3 year old points and laughs and tells me I look funny, ok so he finds it funny. I'm not going to get upset over it and not go to my class.

    We have an open plan living area where I work out, my husband and 3 boys think it's ok to come talk to me, join in etc, the youngest will try and go through my legs when I'm doing squats, or crawl under me when I'm doing push ups...that's family for you lol!!

    My husband will come in from the kitchen where he's cooking and ask me to taste the food...WTF he's thinking I do not know.

    What I'm saying is just ignore them as much as you can and carry on for YOU!!
  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member
    As a teacher and education professor I would say this is a very good time to start teaching your 6 year old some compassion. How about working out to a DVD with your 6 year old? Investment in a stationary bike and/or treadmill is a great way to go--I've had both and love them for cold weather workouts. Accept no negative comments about your food choices--if it is the 6 year old, a quick talk about being kind and if that doesn't work, a 30 second time out will help. If it is your husband--I'm sure others on this topic will have great ideas. Go girl!
  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member
    Quick way to lose a few hundred pounds--dump the boyfriend!
  • Kttyler87
    Kttyler87 Posts: 141 Member
    Bahahaha!! I need to edit it, he's 8 I was having a brain fart writing this! Haha
  • AngelsInThighHighs
    AngelsInThighHighs Posts: 247 Member
    I'm already upset because I've been working out for two weeks already everyday eating right and I am not loosing weight. On top of that I am getting criticism. My hubby laughs when I mentioned I run in the house a mile a day, (I'm a desperate mother of a 6month old and it's 10 degrees out) then when I eat healthy I get picked on because it , "looks gross". This morning it all hit me when my 6 yet old is looking under my door giggling at me when I'm working out. I'm in tears. I feel like I am being made fun of at their expense. It might sound silly to you all but I'm hurt. I'm struggling enough to get in shape then I get made fun of....

    Babygirl you just had a baby, yougotta relax your uterus is still stretched out it takes a full year to recover from child birth alone, youve got hormones raging, you have two children to take care of, ect. Its ok to be overwhelmed, your not doing this for your boyfriend your doing it for you.

    So he thinks healthy food is gross SO what, he isnt eating it so let him be childish about it. So your child laughs at you when you workout, why not let him come in and learn a few workouts from mommy? My two year old does insanity with me lol she jumps and squats and goes "uuuuurrr!" When im huffing and puffing haha.

    Really darling i think its the new baby hormones that are messing with your preception, dont be so hard on yourself :)
  • kathunny
    Ask yourself, why are you eating right and getting in shape? Do you do it for them, or for you? It is always hard to work hard at something only to have it picked at and torn apart by those who are supposed to help. Talk to you husband and be honest. He probably wishes that he could run a mile! Love the six year old for being a good sport. He probably is trying to figure out where you are trying to run to in the house! And always be aware that he is watching you. He will always be watching you. Your habits will rub off on him. Being a Mother and Wife are very important jobs. I think one of the most important you will ever have. It keeps us so busy, but you have to take a little time for you. So take a deep breath and keep running! "Win the race that is set out before you"!! And be strong in your determination to succeed. You cannot control what others do, you can only control what you choose to do. Good luck!!