Pinched nerve in neck, continue to work out?

I have a pinched nerve in my neck and the doctor prescribed me muscle relaxers. Should I hold off on working out until I'm done taking them?


  • cwick56
    cwick56 Posts: 48 Member
    Depends on you. Pain tolerance, severity, etc. Everyone is different
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Depends on you. Pain tolerance, severity, etc. Everyone is different


    It would have been a question to ask your doctor. But as long as you won't injure yourself worse, I say go for it
  • Loftearmen
    Do not lift if you have any sort of neurological complication. If you just have a slightly pulled muscle, slightly sore joint, or another orthopaedic issue then it's okay to train around it but NOT WITH NEUROLOGICAL ISSUES. Nerves do not regenerate like other tissues of the body so if you wind up damaging the nerve then it may never go back to normal. Trust me on this one, this is what I do for a living (Electroneurophysiology).

    Wait for it to go away completely before you do anything.
  • juliegin
    juliegin Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks for all the feedback. Yeah, I'm regretting not asking him as I walked out of the appointment.

    I guess I'll wait another few days before getting back to it, just to be safe.
  • Loftearmen
    Thanks for all the feedback. Yeah, I'm regretting not asking him as I walked out of the appointment.

    I guess I'll wait another few days before getting back to it, just to be safe.

    It wouldn't have mattered if you asked him anyway unless he happens to be a doctor/meathead. Doctors typically don't know anything about exercise or even proper nutrition.
  • katmumn
    katmumn Posts: 78 Member
    Is the pinched nerve due to a disc issue? If so, I would clear it with your doctor before you start to lift. I had to start small, with resistance bands and small weights.

    I would think walking or other low impact cardio might be good though.

    I hope the muscle relaxers work for you, they've never done anything for me.
  • JessyJ03
    JessyJ03 Posts: 627 Member
    My husband has 3 bulging discs in his neck (from a car accident in Nov). He's on muscle relaxers as well. The pain specialists and chiropractor both said no lifting. It was also over a month before they okay'd any exercise and they only did it then because hubby was going stir crazy.

    Running will hurt the neck... don't do that. Walking isn't too bad. Hiking hurt hubby's neck but not unbearable.

    I wouldn't push it if I were you. You can do some major damage to your neck and end up with surgery. I would suggest light exercise for awhile until you see what kinda damage is really done.
  • cyyruss
    cyyruss Posts: 8 Member
    Is it your neck or your trap? Did you pinch it in the gym?

    I had a trap issue and stopped working out for months.. Dr prescribed the same thing muscle relaxers and Naproxen to no avail. I finally went back to the Gym and just changed up my routine. Specifically, I added light wieght military presses and was fine the next week.

    If it’s not a disc issue then go to the gym, go light, and change up your routine.
  • juliegin
    juliegin Posts: 77 Member
    I don't think its a disc issue. I think it got pinched from sleeping incorrectly, and having my computer monitors off to the right side at work. The doctor said its inflammed from being compressed, or something like that. I moved the computer monitors, and want to get a lumbar support for my chair. The muscle relaxers help somewhat, but I still feel it. Its getting a little better, but its taking its time. I will def not do any lifting, but really want to get back into some cardio like the elliptical or stationary bike.
  • jeannemusellafling
    I've had a pinched nerve for over a month now. The best things I've been doing are stretches, moist heat and anti-inflammatories. I lightened up my workout routine substantially and am just now getting back up to speed. I am afraid to lift or do abdominal work though, for fear of the stress it might put on my neck. I'm going to just lift 2-3 lb hand weights at home for a while so as not to completely lose my strength... I will continue to do the cardio/strength classes (without weights) as much as possible.