Anybody busting their butts and seeing NO results?

I have been having a hell of a time trying to lose weight. Last month I worked out like crazy. Going up to 7 days a week and working out for 5+ hours in a day. I also ate very healthy and stayed below or within my target calories. With all that work I lost a whopping (insert sarcasm) 4 lbs in a month.....Moving on to February I have been working 5 days a week and only a hour a two at a time and I have GAINED 3 lbs back.... and I am heartbroken. I dont know what to do and I dont know what Im doing wrong. I am seeing women who do nothing but walk at 3.0 pace for 20 mins on a treadmill dropping 5-10 lbs in a week and it frustrated me that I am busting my butt to to see no good results!!!

Can anyone throw some advice my way as to what Im doing wrong?


  • Gracerrr
    Gracerrr Posts: 141
    Yes, and I have a LOT to lose, so it should be easy, right?? Pffft :P

    Trying to accept that we are all different. I'm following my MFP recommendations, eating healthier, and working out every single day for 90 minutes, heavy sweat (alternating between circuit training on even days and running/elliptical on odd days). I've lost 4 lbs in the first few weeks and a few inches at that time as well, but I'm at the two month mark with NO further results. Clothes are still fitting me like a sausage. lol.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Just looking at a couple of days from you diary I noticed that you're not eating back exercise calories and netting very low calories. I hope you realize that MFP has a deficit baked into your calorie goal to lose actually don't have to bust hump at the gym using the MFP method. With the MFP method, exercise is extra curricular so MFP expects you to eat them back. When you don't eat them back you give yourself a mammoth sized deficit. With such a large deficit, your body slows metabolism to reserve energy and you get the opposite of what you intend...your body actually starts storing fat (and burning muscle for fuel). shouldn't be dropping 5-10 Lbs in a week. Do some research on healthy and safe weight's anywhere from 1/2 - 2 Lbs per week. Those that you speak of losing 5-10 Lbs in a week are losing mostly water, not fat...they are burning up muscle as well and will quickly come to a screeching halt and will have to go to great lengths to reset their metabolisms.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    First, weight loss is about a calorie deficit, which doesn't require exercise, so yes it's very possible for someone to sit out the couch all day and still lose weight.

    Next, did you really say you are working out 5+ hours PER day 7 days a week??? That's completely unnecessary. And probably unhealthy for all but the most gifted athlete (assuming you are working out at a fairly high intensity).

    Your logging is all over the board, and not at all in line with what you posted. My guess is that you have no idea how many cals you are really taking in or how many you are burning, so being in any kind of a consistent deficit is, at best, a crap shoot for you.

    Slow down, be more strategic about what you're doing and go from there.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Working out 5+ hours a day for 7 days a week? Holy cow, what are you trying to accomplish? You're killing yourself.

    4 pounds in a month is where you SHOULD be for weight loss.

    Your food diary is spotty at best. Most days are blank or obviously incomplete. Weight loss happens in the kitchen, not while you're out exercising 35+ hours a week. That's madness.

    You need to log your food. You could work out all day every day and never lose a pound if you eat too much. On the flip side, you could work out 2 hours a week and lose plenty of weight by controlling your calorie intake.

    It seems you're only doing the exercise part, and you're going absolutely nuts on it while completely neglecting the food part. You need to get that in order. Run a healthy calorie deficit and you will see the results you want.
  • emilyc85
    emilyc85 Posts: 450 Member
    Thank you!!! I am so glad I am not the only one! In my 85 days of logging I have only lost 1.5 stupid pounds, I HAD lost inches until I checked today, and I GAINED THEM BACK!!!!!!! :angry: :grumble:

    I have no idea what to do anymore! When I was working out like crazy I didn't lose, and not working out I don't lose! I am damn near tears because I have no idea what to do! :cry: :sad:

    I am willing to try anything at his point :frown:
  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    I'm no expert, but your exercise schedule sounds nuts! I'll let the people with knowledge respond to help you out.
    Side note, I did look at your diary and noticed Jones Bros and pho. I live in Omaha...which Vietnamese place is your favorite? Haha.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Thank you!!! I am so glad I am not the only one! In my 85 days of logging I have only lost 1.5 stupid pounds, I HAD lost inches until I checked today, and I GAINED THEM BACK!!!!!!! :angry: :grumble:

    I have no idea what to do anymore! When I was working out like crazy I didn't lose, and not working out I don't lose! I am damn near tears because I have no idea what to do! :cry: :sad:

    I am willing to try anything at his point :frown:

    Drop your calorie intake by 250. If you're doing everything right and not losing weight, then you're eating too many calories. Drop it by a bit and see what happens.
  • Cara75
    Cara75 Posts: 52 Member
    I totally hear you both!!! I am having the same issue! I work out hard, im eating well and i have even tried to add more cals to my diet because i have been training so hard, tho i will admit i do have a tough time taking in enough cals, never thought id say that!!! BUT I am NOT a small girl, this is not my last troubling 10lbs to lose, i have over 50lbs to go so you think it would be coming off. First two weeks i lost about 8 lbs, all water n belly bloat of course, last month i have yo-yoed between a 2 lb and a 4lb loss... TOTAL!!! Sometimes my cloths feel loose, other times i think its just in my head... i dont know, but i agree... getting discouraged! I do have problems always logging in all my food, have a crazy busy house one of my goals this weekend is to log.
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    Muscle burns fat. If you lose muscle you burn less fat. Your goal should be to maintain muscle and lose fat, not lose weight. If you exercise too much or eat too little for the activity levels you are doing then you are very likely losing mucle and fat. The more muscle you lose the harder it becomes to lose the fat. Also rest is as important as eating enough and exercise so that your body can repair itself.

    My recommendation: Eat at a reasonable cut from TDEE (10-20%) and exercise for about 60 min 3-5 days per week, primarily focusing on strength training and interval cardio (rather than steady state cardio). Balance your macros to get enough protein, fat and carbs. Do this for at least 3 months before saying it doesn't work. Take pictures and watch your progress.
  • emilyc85
    emilyc85 Posts: 450 Member
    Thank you!!! I am so glad I am not the only one! In my 85 days of logging I have only lost 1.5 stupid pounds, I HAD lost inches until I checked today, and I GAINED THEM BACK!!!!!!! :angry: :grumble:

    I have no idea what to do anymore! When I was working out like crazy I didn't lose, and not working out I don't lose! I am damn near tears because I have no idea what to do! :cry: :sad:

    I am willing to try anything at his point :frown:

    Drop your calorie intake by 250. If you're doing everything right and not losing weight, then you're eating too many calories. Drop it by a bit and see what happens.

    I have a Body media armband. Still try dropping my cals?
  • xXMandiiXx
    I just want to say you might be losing inches, which is very good!! Have you tried measuring yourself weekly? But also, Muscles weigh more then fat. Working out in the gym will give you muscles!! I wish I could help you in other ways, but I'm not as good as some of the others on here!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Thank you!!! I am so glad I am not the only one! In my 85 days of logging I have only lost 1.5 stupid pounds, I HAD lost inches until I checked today, and I GAINED THEM BACK!!!!!!! :angry: :grumble:

    I have no idea what to do anymore! When I was working out like crazy I didn't lose, and not working out I don't lose! I am damn near tears because I have no idea what to do! :cry: :sad:

    I am willing to try anything at his point :frown:

    Drop your calorie intake by 250. If you're doing everything right and not losing weight, then you're eating too many calories. Drop it by a bit and see what happens.

    I have a Body media armband. Still try dropping my cals?

    Well assuming you're spot on with your food logging, you know your calories in. So the only thing left is your calories out. Somewhere your calorie expenditure calculation/measurement is not reflecting reality. So make a small drop in your calorie intake.

    I don't know what your exercise is like, but I assume it's reasonable and regular and you are adjusting for it using the BodyMedia.
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    I just want to say you might be losing inches, which is very good!! Have you tried measuring yourself weekly? But also, Muscles weigh more then fat. Working out in the gym will give you muscles!! I wish I could help you in other ways, but I'm not as good as some of the others on here!

    1 lb = 1 lb whether it's muscle or fat.

    1 lb of muscle takes up less space (more dense) than fat.
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    I have been having a hell of a time trying to lose weight. Last month I worked out like crazy. Going up to 7 days a week and working out for 5+ hours in a day. I also ate very healthy and stayed below or within my target calories. With all that work I lost a whopping (insert sarcasm) 4 lbs in a month.....Moving on to February I have been working 5 days a week and only a hour a two at a time and I have GAINED 3 lbs back.... and I am heartbroken. I dont know what to do and I dont know what Im doing wrong. I am seeing women who do nothing but walk at 3.0 pace for 20 mins on a treadmill dropping 5-10 lbs in a week and it frustrated me that I am busting my butt to to see no good results!!!

    Can anyone throw some advice my way as to what Im doing wrong?

    Okay, slow your roll, first off lol. 4 lbs in a months is good. That's about a lb a week which is the recommended .But. The second month if you continued the same routine, you put yourself on a plateau. I hear that your exercise should be switched up about every month (or when you start to plateau (or gain in your case) I think giving yourself a rest day or two would be optimal. (You don't have to do nothing, just don't do a lot. A small walk on a rest day if perfect.)
    And if you're not eating back your exercise calories, get on that! It does help :D

    EDIT: Not to mention, exercise can make you gain if you're losing fat, but not muscle or if you're retaining water. Rule of thumb- clear or pale urine. If it's not either of those colors drink more water!

    EDIT EDIT: when through your diary and I also see you go over your calories quite a bit. Plan better and get those numbers down. That'll help too :)
  • emilyc85
    emilyc85 Posts: 450 Member

    Well assuming you're spot on with your food logging, you know your calories in. So the only thing left is your calories out. Somewhere your calorie expenditure calculation/measurement is not reflecting reality. So make a small drop in your calorie intake.

    I don't know what your exercise is like, but I assume it's reasonable and regular and you are adjusting for it using the BodyMedia.

    Thanks I will try moving around calories to see if that helps :) I really appreciate it!
  • sugboog29
    sugboog29 Posts: 630 Member
    After reading some of the replies I went and checked my own diary!!! WOW...what an eye opener....guess I should take a better look at it daily!! I am low almost daily on my protein! AND...I LOVE cottage cheese...what a great reason to eat more!! So glad I read this thread! Thanks!
  • ellejay1214
    ellejay1214 Posts: 42 Member
    Just looking at a couple of days from you diary I noticed that you're not eating back exercise calories and netting very low calories. I hope you realize that MFP has a deficit baked into your calorie goal to lose actually don't have to bust hump at the gym using the MFP method. With the MFP method, exercise is extra curricular so MFP expects you to eat them back. When you don't eat them back you give yourself a mammoth sized deficit. With such a large deficit, your body slows metabolism to reserve energy and you get the opposite of what you intend...your body actually starts storing fat (and burning muscle for fuel). shouldn't be dropping 5-10 Lbs in a week. Do some research on healthy and safe weight's anywhere from 1/2 - 2 Lbs per week. Those that you speak of losing 5-10 Lbs in a week are losing mostly water, not fat...they are burning up muscle as well and will quickly come to a screeching halt and will have to go to great lengths to reset their metabolisms.

    I lost 7 pounds in January and then started adding in harder workouts in February and have now gained back the weight. I was told that it was my body responding to low glycogens with water weight. Your post sounds very informed so I have a question for you: are you supposed to eat back ALL the workout calories or a percentage of them? I know when I was doing Weight Watchers, you didn't want to eat back the exercise calories unless you burned off more than half of what you had eaten that day.

    I've been eating back until I'm not hungry anymore and *trying* to eat more protein than carbs (if you look at my tracker you can see I'm struggling with this). Also, does the *kind* of calories you eat affect weight gain or loss when eating back your exercise calories?
  • andreagreen1974
    andreagreen1974 Posts: 64 Member
    Most often, lack of results seem to come from a coiuple of things.

    The TYPE of food being eaten should be clean, free of chemicals, not processed, etc.

    Not getting enough calories. Many people don't track their calories burned. You have to eat back those calories, that's why MFP reduces your net calories when you track exercise.

    The carb to protein ratio needs to be appropriate. Food is fuel for your body. Fuel it for what activities you are putting it through!!

    5 hours in a day is TOO MUCH. I'd have to be eating up to 3000 calories a day if I worked out that much!!! Your body adjusts to the calories in and out. If you broke your leg tomorrow and couldn't exercise for 2 months, how may calories would you have to eat to maintain your weight? If you're working out that much, you'd have to still have negative calories, that's too much!!!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Also, does the *kind* of calories you eat affect weight gain or loss when eating back your exercise calories?

    Not to any significant degree, no. Focus on the macros.
  • Gracerrr
    Gracerrr Posts: 141
    I just want to say you might be losing inches, which is very good!! Have you tried measuring yourself weekly? But also, Muscles weigh more then fat. Working out in the gym will give you muscles!! I wish I could help you in other ways, but I'm not as good as some of the others on here!

    1 lb = 1 lb whether it's muscle or fat.

    1 lb of muscle takes up less space (more dense) than fat.

    Oh geez. My eyes just rolled out of my head. She never said that 1lb of fat is lighter than 1lb of muscle.