Help! What am I doing wrong?

I am starting to get a little frustrated and that is bad for my mentality. I started at MFP in Jan and for the first couple weeks I lost pretty good - 13lbs since beginning of January. For the past 3 weeks I have had no loss and in fact my weight is going up. This is very discouraging.

A little history - prior to tracking with MFP I was working out very regularly but not paying too much attention to portion control and not always making the healthy choice. I did not lose much weight but I didn't gain weight.

Since January I have increased the working out I do and I started tracking and using proper portions and lost 13 lbs in the first month. Then I was stalled over the past few weeks but I thought it was pretty normal so I continue on but this morning when I weighed in I was up 2lbs and it really has me feeling down. I am ok to just keep going as I know this takes time but I just want to check that I am on the right path.

When I started MFP I think I was at 1800 calories a day, with the weight loss I am down to 1700 calories a day. My workouts look like this:

M- I do a sweat and sculpt class at the gym
T - hot Bikram yoga
W - sweat and sculpt class
Th - sweat and sculpt class
F - hot Bikram yoga

Sat and Sun depends. If I can't get to the gym I do a video at home. On top of this I am doing the C25K program and am currently on W7D2 so just over a week until I am done. I run every other day. I also just started incorporating weights into my workouts (this week). The sweat and sculpt classes are registered classes that are almost over. When they are done I will focus more on weights and running. I am signed up for a 5k in March. I do eat back some of my calories but a lot of times it is just a portion. I don't have "cheat" days but I don't restrict so if we are at a birthday party I will have a small piece of cake if it is worth it to me. I do not work well with deprivation as it sets me up for failure.

I have input my info into the scooby calculator as well and according to that at moderate exercise I get:

BMR - 1660
TDEE - 2573
Daily calories - 2059

If I use the 5-6hrs week exercise (which I think is more accurate for me) I get:

TDEE - 2864
Daily calories - 2291

What do I do? Increase calories? Decrease calories or nothing, keep doing what I am doing? My biggest frustration doesn't even come from the scale, it is the lack of change with measurements.

Thanks for taking the time to read and voice your opinion/advice :smile:


  • jlmed
    jlmed Posts: 226 Member
    Oh and I am 5'8, 35yr F. Current - 197, goal - 160
  • jlmed
    jlmed Posts: 226 Member
    No one? :(
  • Cara75
    Cara75 Posts: 52 Member
    I dont get many responses to my HELP messages either... i think we stump people? LOL... I as well work out 5-6 days a week burning 500-1000 cals a day, twice a week i have derby training and i can burn well over 1500 cals those days. I eat well, try and log most days, but weekends are crazy in my house, but even those days i do not go off program. If anything my issue is not eatting enough, but i am trying to fix it, changed to whole eggs, added a protein shake with peanut butter and so forth... I have lost 2 gained 3, lost 4 gained 2 this passed month, gettin frusterating!
  • lself0924
    lself0924 Posts: 113 Member
    I've also been on MFP since Jan. I am a man and I weigh a lot more than you do, but I'm also a very logical thinker. I've wanted to really educate myself and not fall prey to a bunch a bunk. Hopefully what I learn I can help other too. Look at link below, I really thought it was spot on. I also followed the "HERE" link in the article for additional information.

    I've been going on seven weeks and I've not hit a flat spot yet. I had two weeks I lost 2 lbs, the other weeks have been 2+. My profile and diary are open, I TRY to log everything.

    Good luck!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    You should give it a little more time. One thing I would suggest is increasing protein and dropping you carbs. I would probably adjust to macro's to around 40% carbs, 40% protein and 20% fat. And I would suggest eating around 1800 calories. The issue with yoga, is while it's intense, it's not a huge calorie burner so you are more likely over estimating TDEE. But look at this as long term. What is your average weight loss since you start. It's not a weekly thing.

    Also, make sure you give yourself a rest day. Your body needs to heal. if you aren't resting, then you could be retaining water to repair your muscles.
  • smokinjackd
    I was doing insanity 6 times a week and my spin bike 2-3 times a week and my weightless totally stalled out and I was feeling worn out all the time and having to eat so many calories everyday. I have backed off the workouts, doing Insanity 3-4 times a a week and 2-3 times a week on my bike and the weight has started to come off again. I really think I was pushing too hard if that makes any sense.
  • fausonk
    One thing that is unclear to me is you say you're down to 1700 calories, but your TDEE shows you should be eating much more than that - up to 2300. Perhaps you should bump up the calories a bit if you're only eating 1700/day. At 1700 and all that exercise, you're likely to be eating below BMR every day.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    I was doing insanity 6 times a week and my spin bike 2-3 times a week and my weightless totally stalled out and I was feeling worn out all the time and having to eat so many calories everyday. I have backed off the workouts, doing Insanity 3-4 times a a week and 2-3 times a week on my bike and the weight has started to come off again. I really think I was pushing too hard if that makes any sense.

    That isn't too uncommon unless you were eating ton of calories. Insanity alone requires a ton of calories, 1800+ for women and 2400 + for men. If you add in cycling, it could have been 3000+ since you are a guy.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    My first thought is this:

    You lost 13lbs in one month! That's great! Your body might just be adjusting to that change. That's a lot of weight in little time.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    My second thought is:

    now that you've got the tracking thing down and you know where your calories need to be, try "getting the most" out of your calories by choosing nutrient dense foods. Your body burns through sugar/carbs quickly (think about when you put a piece of newspaper on the fire), but it burns fat slowly (like a good piece of hardwood). So, play with your macro-nutrients a little. Eat more fat (and protein) and less carbs. I'm not saying you have to go low-carb, but perhaps a better balance of the 3 will work better for you :)

    Also, this:
  • jlmed
    jlmed Posts: 226 Member
    One thing that is unclear to me is you say you're down to 1700 calories, but your TDEE shows you should be eating much more than that - up to 2300. Perhaps you should bump up the calories a bit if you're only eating 1700/day. At 1700 and all that exercise, you're likely to be eating below BMR every day.

    The 1800 down to 1700 is what MFP tells me to consume. The TDEE info is from the calorie calculator from scoobys workshop. This is my confusion as I am not sure which calorie recommendation to follow.

    Also I know typical yoga is not a high calorie burn but the Bikram yoga is. It really gets your heart going, it is a 90 minute class and according to my HRM it burns an average of 885 calories. It is intense.

    To those that posted links, thanks. I am off to check them out :smile:
  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    One thing that is unclear to me is you say you're down to 1700 calories, but your TDEE shows you should be eating much more than that - up to 2300. Perhaps you should bump up the calories a bit if you're only eating 1700/day. At 1700 and all that exercise, you're likely to be eating below BMR every day.

    The 1800 down to 1700 is what MFP tells me to consume. The TDEE info is from the calorie calculator from scoobys workshop. This is my confusion as I am not sure which calorie recommendation to follow.

    Also I know typical yoga is not a high calorie burn but the Bikram yoga is. It really gets your heart going, it is a 90 minute class and according to my HRM it burns an average of 885 calories. It is intense.

    To those that posted links, thanks. I am off to check them out :smile:

    If what you're doing isn't working (1700-1800 cal), it can't hurt to try the TDEE method ( for a few weeks to see if that makes a difference, especially since you're exercising a TON. 1700-1800 (and sometimes to 2000) is what I'm eating as a 5'0 female working out 5-6x per week. Also, I know it seems counterintuitive, but maybe think about taking a rest day in the middle of the week, or on your weekend, instead of doing a dvd. You could just be overexerting yourself.
    Remember to give it a few weeks before reassessing your game plan. Good luck!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    One thing that is unclear to me is you say you're down to 1700 calories, but your TDEE shows you should be eating much more than that - up to 2300. Perhaps you should bump up the calories a bit if you're only eating 1700/day. At 1700 and all that exercise, you're likely to be eating below BMR every day.

    The 1800 down to 1700 is what MFP tells me to consume. The TDEE info is from the calorie calculator from scoobys workshop. This is my confusion as I am not sure which calorie recommendation to follow.

    Also I know typical yoga is not a high calorie burn but the Bikram yoga is. It really gets your heart going, it is a 90 minute class and according to my HRM it burns an average of 885 calories. It is intense.

    To those that posted links, thanks. I am off to check them out :smile:

    Just a heads up, HRM will not accurately show your burn for yoga. Their algorithms are only designed for intense cardio. More than likely, you are burning half that. Now, you could try to eat 2000-2100 calories for a month to see if that improves your weight loss. If that doesn't help, I would recommend looking to get some blood work as a precaution.
  • jlmed
    jlmed Posts: 226 Member
    One thing that is unclear to me is you say you're down to 1700 calories, but your TDEE shows you should be eating much more than that - up to 2300. Perhaps you should bump up the calories a bit if you're only eating 1700/day. At 1700 and all that exercise, you're likely to be eating below BMR every day.

    The 1800 down to 1700 is what MFP tells me to consume. The TDEE info is from the calorie calculator from scoobys workshop. This is my confusion as I am not sure which calorie recommendation to follow.

    Also I know typical yoga is not a high calorie burn but the Bikram yoga is. It really gets your heart going, it is a 90 minute class and according to my HRM it burns an average of 885 calories. It is intense.

    To those that posted links, thanks. I am off to check them out :smile:

    If what you're doing isn't working (1700-1800 cal), it can't hurt to try the TDEE method ( for a few weeks to see if that makes a difference, especially since you're exercising a TON. 1700-1800 (and sometimes to 2000) is what I'm eating as a 5'0 female working out 5-6x per week. Also, I know it seems counterintuitive, but maybe think about taking a rest day in the middle of the week, or on your weekend, instead of doing a dvd. You could just be overexerting yourself.
    Remember to give it a few weeks before reassessing your game plan. Good luck!

    I do take 1, usually 2 rest days. With the dvd's I meant if I didn't make it to one of my gym classes I would do the workout at home.