Is There Hope for Old C-Section Belly

My children were born by c-section in 1992 and 1996. I was the right-for-me size before pregnancy, but w/ my first, I gained over 70 lbs (I dont know how much more, because I refused to look at the numbers at that point), and lost only enough weight to fit into a size 18 (I'm 5'4") before I got pregnant again - four years later. I only gained 30 lbs. w/ the second, and lost that within a few months. Fast forward to today... I have yo-yo'd over the last 16 years, but only w/in a 10 lb. range until now. I'm finally just about at goal and in the best physical shape I have ever been in my life. I was always thin, but never fit, before pregnancy. So, as fit as I am, and I know I could certainly take this further, I do have what I believe is loose skin around and below my belly button/above my c-section scar.

I am hoping that there is someone out there who got in shape at least a decade after having a c-section, and has good results around their belly. I'm not looking for perfect, tight, six-pack, though wouldn't that be nice. I just want to see something flatter than the water balloon I'm carrying. Everything I have seen are the results of really working hard right after dr. gives okay to exercise, and I cannot relate to that.:frown:

Thanks in advance.


  • Ivey05131980
    Ivey05131980 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I'd love to know, friends and I call this a "FUPA" You can message me if you are not sure what this means....we :laugh: but, it is a bad thing to have to deal with. :ohwell:

    Kinda similar to the muffin-top.
  • Littlesmile
    Littlesmile Posts: 99 Member
    hey dear vemkash ... dats exactly i am luking for too... :(

    i am not even daring to think for second child .. still not recovered from the first pregnancy scars...
  • deeander
    deeander Posts: 17 Member
    My story is similar to yours, I was doing 200 situps a day, and no results. I finally went to a plastic surgeon for a breast reduction, and she told me that all the situps in the world would not get rid of my "apron". She also informed me that when I had my emergency surgery for my c section they never really sewed my muscles together optimally. I am not sure that is your situation, I had my skin actually hanging down like a deflated breast! My son was an 11lb baby, he ruined my body... love the little devil... so before you get to frustrated with all your efforts you may need to seek the advise of a doctor. It was the best thing I did for my body, it put me back to normal! and my breast reduction also put me back to normal there too. I went from a size b to DD and they never went back to my b size again... hence the need for a back and my guts were killing me. My back due to the weight of my breasts, and my guts due to wearing jeans and tucking in that lump of skin. It would press in on my organs and just was not supposed to be there! Now I can wear tight jeans and no pain. I still have weight to loose, but those issues are gone. I hope that helps.
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    I should mention, I suppose, that i have a horizontal scar, and that there is no issue re muscle. There is a vague six pack peeking out mostly above my belly button - you know, when the light is right. :wink: And, my actual scar, though long, is pretty pale. It doesn't bother me at all. It is the flabby jellyroll hanging over it that bothers me. It is like everything, uh, below the scar is nice and flat (not muscular, just smooth flat), then there's the scar, then there is that little roll over the scar - I'd say less than an inch thick, but six or so inches across. That area, and on up to the belly button (and a very little bit all the way around the belly button) is just loose and jelly/marshmallow like, then going up, a smooth transition to muscle lines/tone.

    There ain't enough money in the world for me to post a pic of it, so I hope my description makes sense. :blushing:

    Oh, and just for the heck of it, I'll mention that my first child was 11.5 lbs, 23 inches long, and two weeks early, as there was concern that the baby might be as big as 9.5 lbs. When my dr. delivered him, he said, "Congratulations. You just gave birth to a three-month old." Now he's 20 yrs old, average height, average/thin weight. :huh:
  • Hi there, I had a c-section with my little (big girl)! She was 10 lbs 7 oz and was born 9.5 months ago. I gained 50 lbs with that pregnancy and I was 10 lbs over weight at the time I got pregnant anyawys. I am down to 142 lbs now and I was 200 lbs when I had her. I lost 28 of those lbs right away so I went from 172 to 142 in about 4 months.

    I do have the c-section tummy but it is probably not as bad as it seems. We are all our own worst critics. I don't think I will ever have a flat tummy. I had a really bad abdominal separation because of her size and how much she stretched me out but that has repaired itself. I also have an umbilical hernia but I have had it since I was born but now that I had the c-section and massive abdominal tear I find it makes my tummy protrude more, plus I have some loose skin still making me look bigger than I actually am.

    I do think that strength training, cardio and abs are the way to go as I did lose alot of inches before when I did a workout called the 30 day shred. If you can do it I highly suggest doing this program but you have to be consistent. It is an everyday workout and if you can stay strong and do it everyday you will tone your body up but like I said you need to be consistent.

    I have more weight around my midsection between my waist and my hips that I want to get rid of. So I am doing the 30 day shred, and once I get my endurance up I will be running on the treadmill 3 times per week to optimize buring fat!

    EDIT - My daughter was 23.5 inches tall, 10 lbs 7 oz and 36cm head circumference. HUGE!! I was 11 days overdue and had to be induced! My delivering OBGYN said (as well as all the nurses) "Congratulations you've given birth to a toddler" LOL
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I've told my wife that if she sets herself a fairly aggressive weight loss goal, and meets it, I will pay for a tummy tuck if she's still not happy with the results. She has had two C-Sections and has the 'apron' others have mentioned. I made the aggressive goal a requirement, because I don't want it to be an alternative to weight loss. I want her to lose weight for her health, and to learn how to stay at that healthy weight.
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    I've told my wife that if she sets herself a fairly aggressive weight loss goal, and meets it, I will pay for a tummy tuck if she's still not happy with the results. She has had two C-Sections and has the 'apron' others have mentioned. I made the aggressive goal a requirement, because I don't want it to be an alternative to weight loss. I want her to lose weight for her health, and to learn how to stay at that healthy weight.

    If she doesn't come through, will you pay for mine? :wink:

    Actually, that's very sweet and perfectly reasonable. I think if I had worked on my health/fitness as soon as it was safe to do so, I would not have this problem. Trouble is, I carried 30-40 extra pounds for about 20 years. In spite of my work now, which has indeed developed muscle and tightened up damn near everything else, my belly just doesn't want to get in line. That's why I'm hoping to find someone successful on MFP, in spite of waiting over a decade to get in shape. I think the fact that I was never fit before c-section (though I was certainly thin) doesn't help matters. Truth is, because I can cover my belly, I would not do the surgery. But wouldn't it be nice if I didn't have to cover up? So, any 10+ year post c-section success stories out there??
  • ChristinaBarnhouse
    ChristinaBarnhouse Posts: 274 Member
    I would love to know this as well. Both of my boys were c-section, in 2004 & 2009. Since then, I have started working out for the first time in my entire life and in the best shape I've ever been in. I'm 5'4" and weigh 145 lbs, however I still can't get rid of the fat below my belly-button. Each time I do ab exercises, I feel it in my upper abs, but not in the lower.

    Any advice would be a huge help!!! Thanks! :)
  • I would love to know this as well. Both of my boys were c-section, in 2004 & 2009. Since then, I have started working out for the first time in my entire life and in the best shape I've ever been in. I'm 5'4" and weigh 145 lbs, however I still can't get rid of the fat below my belly-button. Each time I do ab exercises, I feel it in my upper abs, but not in the lower.

    Any advice would be a huge help!!! Thanks! :)

    have you tried bicycle crunches and reverse ab crunches? they help the lower abs. but if there is extra weight there you'll need to do some cardio too.
  • harmonyh10
    harmonyh10 Posts: 58 Member
    Pilaties three or four times a week.
  • charmingcee
    charmingcee Posts: 32 Member
  • You might want to check out the book Lose Your Mummy Tummy for some exercises to try. I also had a C-section and had the apron and was having luck with those exercises when I got pregnant again. I don't think it will entirely go away without surgery though.
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    Seems like folks who had c-sections and started working those abs w/in a few months or even a couple of years have luck in significantly reducing that "apron." But not doing jack about it for at least 15 years, like me, makes it seem like that apron will not go away. I have to tell you, I can feel good, solid muscle under there, but that layer on top, ugh! I'll keep at it, of course, as I love all the results that I AM seeing from working out (both cardio and strength).
    Thanks for all your responses.