My husbands epic list of all the foods he will eat



  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    My epic list of foods I won't eat:

    Peas(ok in other foods)
    Brains(never tried them)

    That's it.
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    A few suggestions: since he won't permit you to add to what he likes, how would this work?

    When you cook pasta, also cook something like zucchini slices. Serve it separately. Mix the zucchini in with your own pasta portion and your children's at the table. Let your husband eat the pasta w/o the vegetable(s). For weight loss, I try to replace half the pasta in my portion w. vegetables.(Sometimes I saute the vegetables with onion and garlic to make them tastier--or, I just rely on the sauce for flavor, microwave the veg.)

    For pizza, serve basic pizza with tomato sauce, let each person build out their own slices from bowls of sausage, grated cheese, a vegetable like cooked frozen chopped spinach (my personal choice), broccoli, sliced artichoke hearts--whatever. If necessary, rewarm the constructed slices in the oven or even the microwave.

    For tacos, I serve empty shells with bowls of shredded lettuce, chopped tomato, ground meat, guacamole, sauce and so on.Let people fill their own shells. A person could go extra heavy on the lettuce and tomato, light on the meat, avocado, sour cream, cheese, etc.

    I once read that the four most fattening foods are beef, nuts, cheese, and avocados. The taco reipes I'm familiar with have three of those four, with sour cream thrown in to boot, so I try to put out a huge bowl of lettuce and lots of tomato, then I stint on the rich stuff for myself.

    I haven't a clue what you can do about enchiladas. I usually add chopped spinach to mine before I bake them--but probably your husband wouldn't tolerate that. I guess if I were in your posibion I would serve myself a half portion, then mix it with cooked spinach served in a separate bowl at the table.

    Great helpful suggestions for working with the situation!

    I like this!
  • alishacupcake
    alishacupcake Posts: 419 Member
    Sounds just like my lovely boyfriend! His trips to mcdonalds as well, the worst part is HE"S TINY! He loses weight all the time without trying... on his beer and whatever he feels like diet.

    This also drives me crazy about my bf lol. He weighs nothing and he eats like crap. Some people get all the skinny genes lol.
  • doggiesnot
    doggiesnot Posts: 334 Member
    Garbage in, garbage out.

    Food is fuel for your body. I didn't see fruits/veggies on the list, assume he eats those as well.

    EDIT: I read some more responses, and have to say, BTW, that avocados are NOT fattening.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I always chop up carrots really really little and add them to any ground beef when I am browning don't even notice...I don't hide it but it is so small they don't notice
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    I divorced the man who insisted on a limited list like this. Not because of his limited tastes, but because the rest of us (three sons) suffered if anything didn't go his way- even at work. But I know how frustrating it is. You have my sympathy. IF YOU CAN, let him fix his own meals. I was able to do this by feeding my kids early and getting them bathed and ready for bed before he came home in the winter, but during the summer they would want to be outside long in to the evening so it didn't work then. For a long time it was hard to get my kids to eat healthier things, too. But as young adults they do a bit better, sometimes.

    I'm sorry you went through whatever you went through with your husband, but you contradicted yourself with that first sentence. You clearly didn't divorce your husband because of a 'limited list of food' he would eat, and it seems a little strange you would condone doing that (when you then said you didn't) to the OP as an okay choice. I do agree if letting him fix his own meals is a choice then let him do it, but only the OP can really know how well her husband would take that kind of thing.

    You completely misunderstood that post. Hopefully the OP gets it. If not, I'll come back and explain....or you could just read it again.
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    doggisnot.....nope he doesnt
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    He'd be very hungry at my house.
  • HealthyAlison
    HealthyAlison Posts: 112 Member
    My wife's list is about that short. Eating with more variety will be a bonus of ending our marriage. Only a few more months for me.
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    foods cannot touch so throwing chicken and potatoes into a crock pot is out.

    Does he know all the foods *touch* in his guts:noway: Anyway, get a cookbook with pictures. Show him the pictures and ask what he thinks about trying something new. No matter what he says cook it anyway. If he won't even try it, then punch him in the nuts. When he opens his mouth in pain, shove the food in. Trust me it works!

    I'm not sure which is more awesome... the comment in general or the fact that a man posted it..

    To the OP...
    If you're in a hurry and don't have time to cater to him, but there's things that he would normally eat in the pantry/fridge he can help himself and if he doesn't feel like have that, it'd be tooo f'n bad..

    Personally I cook some things just for myself, some things just for my daughter and some things just for him, but if I don't have time and he doesn't wanna eat what I cook, he knows where the kitchen is!
  • fearlessbetz
    fearlessbetz Posts: 97 Member
    Any fish options? Remember turkey tacos are a good way to keep fat down, and be able to add tomato or avocado. What about soups or stews? They could have the chicken or beef, along with some veg, beans, or rice. It looks like you have some great starting items for main dishes. Consider stir fries which can taste great with some low sodium soy sauce or peanut sauce. We make a home version of orange chicken with brown rice and stir fried mushrooms, snow peas, etc. Hopefully this helps. If left to his own devices I think my guy would live on hot wings and pizza. But he likes the results of a lighter menu when he can make it down the rugby pitch faster than some young guys. My husband is not on a diet like me. I make the same thing, but he gets more than I do. He might get something on his that I can't have like more cheese, or sauces that are too high in salt. It takes some planning but there are ways to make sure you aren't double cooking. Or perhaps state what you are serving, then point out the frozen pizzas and the microwave. He could have smaller servings of the more junky foods along with healthier sides of veg or salad you might be eating. Just some thoughts.
  • loserbaby84
    loserbaby84 Posts: 241 Member
    Just as a side note, after cooking for this man for 8 years you would think you'd either be used to it, compromised to his ways, or had the conversation of him attempting new foods.

    Personally, I could not be with a picky eater .. I would kill my significant other! I'm lucky my man is all about new things and loves veggies like me :D Truth be told, he's the cook .. Not I. I do all cooking out of pure survival, lol!

    Good luck!!
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member

    Tacos (all types)
    Enchaladas (the kind you make)

    Sloppy Joes


    Chicken (BBQ, fried, any other way you can think of)
    Orange Chicken
    Chicken Strips
    Turkey (BBQ)

    Roast (beef, made into sandwiches or taquitos)

    Potatoes (preferred mashed, but also baked and fried)
    Salad (with ranch dressing and croutons)

    Seriously this took him 3 or 4 days to come up with and the worst part is its true! I have been cooking for him for 8 years and I can't think of anything he left out! : ( I need help .... ugh

    You can definitely work around this.
    Try switching potatoes to sweet potatoes if you don't already as they are better for you. Will he eat roast beef on a plate with potatoes and vegetables? Or ONLY in sandwiches/taquitos? Surely if he likes beef, he likes beef?
    Chicken is a good thing as well, it is really good for you especially if you grill it and have it with some vegetables.
    As for lasagne, spaghetti, etc. You can work with those too. My advice to you is to get researching healthy lasagne recipes and don't be afraid to throw stuff in there he says he doesn't like. Just because people don't like something plain doesn't mean they won't like it (or just not notice it) when it's in a dish with lots of other foods.
    When I make lasagne, I put a crazy amount of vegetables in with the mince and there are ways to make the sauces lower in fat also.

    If this is an issue for YOUR diet then I say tell him if he doesn't want to eat the healthy food you are cooking for you then he can cook his own food. Or deal with the fact you cook 2 dinners. I do this on a regular basis and it doesn't bother me.
    If this issue is HIS diet, I'd start tricking him into eating healthier. Haha. But also use the things he does like to your advantage by making them healthy.
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    roast beef he will ONLY eat as taquitos, I personally have never ever seen him eat a roast sandwich even when we have been to his moms house for dinner which included roast ans she sent home leftovers.... he won't touch sweet potatoes

    this isn't about anyones diet. I am just bored and tired of cooking something quick and him not being satisfied. plus he sleeps from 9-5 every day and leaves at 5:45 3 days a week for school and fridays I leave for work at 3 and sundays he sleeps from 3-11 and heads to work for his monday... makes dinner time suck
  • mommyshortlegs
    mommyshortlegs Posts: 402 Member
    Add homemade white bread and subtract the shrimp, the salad, and anything Mexican, and you basically have my husband's epic list of all the foods he will eat. ;) This is why they invented 2 separate meals within a meal...
  • ajourney2beme
    ajourney2beme Posts: 181 Member
    I divorced the man who insisted on a limited list like this. Not because of his limited tastes, but because the rest of us (three sons) suffered if anything didn't go his way- even at work. But I know how frustrating it is. You have my sympathy. IF YOU CAN, let him fix his own meals. I was able to do this by feeding my kids early and getting them bathed and ready for bed before he came home in the winter, but during the summer they would want to be outside long in to the evening so it didn't work then. For a long time it was hard to get my kids to eat healthier things, too. But as young adults they do a bit better, sometimes.

    I'm sorry you went through whatever you went through with your husband, but you contradicted yourself with that first sentence. You clearly didn't divorce your husband because of a 'limited list of food' he would eat, and it seems a little strange you would condone doing that (when you then said you didn't) to the OP as an okay choice. I do agree if letting him fix his own meals is a choice then let him do it, but only the OP can really know how well her husband would take that kind of thing.

    You completely misunderstood that post. Hopefully the OP gets it. If not, I'll come back and explain....or you could just read it again.

    No, i'm pretty sure I understood the post. Wasn't really a hard one to get as it was pretty straight forward and it really didn't feel like there was some sort of secret hidden message within it. I also set the part that I was referring to in bold and feel that I said my piece with it. Thank you for your opinion though and the offer to assist in explaining but I don't feel like I need it (as this is not about my personal life, but the OPs). If the OP needs an explanation I'm sure she will ask for it and then you can step up and do your thing girl.

  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    iv got a pen and a piece of paper... anyone willing to help me come up with 16-20 days worth of meals that are acceptable to him as "base" meals and then I can go back and figure out the vegies or variations I would like to do?

    he cooks hamburgers, tacos, and pizza every friday, saturday, and sunday so thats working .....

    There's almost always a point while you are cooking where you can easily fit in a split.

    i.e., You want a yummy stir-fry with chicken and veggies, cook the chicken, then take his out and pour some BBQ sauce on it and make a salad for him - then add veggies and sauce to the other half and finish that. This cost you a serving of BBQ sauce and a minute. (I'd pay $0.50 and 60 seconds to make my wife happy any day).

    You are either going to accommodate him or not. But it doesn't have to be that much work or expense. If you try to accommodate him and he wants something different - then have some options that he can microwave. I liked the frozen burrito idea - or hot wings - or taquitos - etc.
  • mwfaith1971
    mwfaith1971 Posts: 3 Member
    My epic list of things I won't eat:

    kale/spinach (silver beet)

    That is all. :happy:
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Thanks everyone for the help : ) Iv always struggled with ideas on how to change his food for me and the kids without making something totally different. You guys have given some great suggestions looks like iv got a good menu made without having spaghetti every monday and fettucini every thursday and mixing the rest in somewhere lol.

    looks like between the 9th and the 23rd he will be having hamburgers 3 times, pizza 2 times, fettucini 2 times, spaghetti 1 time, tacos 2 times, enchiladas 1 time, and sloppy joes 1 time..... I guess thats ok for a 2 week period of time?
  • barb1241
    barb1241 Posts: 324 Member
    I hope he can cook.