Cardio or lifting first?

I used to just do cardio and call it a day but I've started lifting after my cardio sessions lately and now it just hit me, does the order matters at all for efficient progression?


  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I'll do 10 minutes of cardio to warm up, then lift... and if I'm feeling crazy, I'll follow up with another 30 minutes on the arc trainer or running.
  • imhungry2012
    imhungry2012 Posts: 240 Member
    I do cardio after lifting for two reasons:

    1 - I sweat profusely during a good treadmill/elliptical session so I'd rather not subject others to that for an extended period of time
    2 - I like the effects lifting weights has on my body and want to be able to give it 100%, if I do it after cardio, I'm tired and likely won't do as much as I do before

    For results, I do not think there would be a major difference either way as long as you are able to put in as much after a cardio session as you would before.

    Good for you for starting, enjoy! It's awesome!
  • _jorge_
    _jorge_ Posts: 28 Member
    There is a slight benefit in doing lifting first (after a proper warm-up). You cannot lift as much if you have tired yourself out with cardio. Some prefer the other way around, but I do my heavy lifting first.
  • I don't think it really matters. I do a Body Pump class for 60 minutes and then an Insanity class for 30. And, believe me, the cardio comes with the Insanity class!
  • I don't know that order matters greatly, but I would probably do my lifting first using the same principle that they must have used to decide the order of events in a triathlon.
    Do the events most likely to hurt you while you're the freshest. Depending on the kind of cardio you're doing, you can probably get away with letting your focus wane a bit without causing problems. If you're lifting heavy, don't wear yourself out before you've got a lot of weight overhead.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I do cardio on different days than lifting.
  • 99cherrypie99
    99cherrypie99 Posts: 205 Member
    Lift first. You want to be as strong and least tired so you can lift heavy. This, of course, does not apply to a short cardio warm up if you need it.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Generally speaking, do the one you want to focus on first. I run before I do upper body because I find it doesn't really affect my performance. But, I do not run before lower body because I want my legs to be as fresh as possible, and i don't want my form to suffer. Depending on how I feel, I might do some cardio after either of those, typically a 10 or 20 minutes video or videos.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I just started lifting and backed off my running because I needed to get stronger - long distances were killing me.

    So, now I do HIIT cardio for 15 minutes to warm up an then lift for 30-40 minutes 3x a week. I don't know if this is the best way to go...but it has only been 3 weeks and I am waiting another before I check results.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    There is a slight benefit in doing lifting first (after a proper warm-up). You cannot lift as much if you have tired yourself out with cardio. Some prefer the other way around, but I do my heavy lifting first.

    This. It absolutely matters if you are lifting heavy.
  • Summer_Lunatic
    Summer_Lunatic Posts: 543 Member
    Lift first.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I used to just do cardio and call it a day but I've started lifting after my cardio sessions lately and now it just hit me, does the order matters at all for efficient progression?

    It depends. It depends a bit on your goals, and a bit on how hard/intense you are going.

    You run a greater risk of injury when lifting, especially if it's at all heavy. That's why most people will suggest lifting first, when you are freshest and able to keep the best form while lifting the most weight.

    However, if you have cardio specific goals, then you should probably do cardio first to get the most bang for the buck, so to speak. Just make sure you ease off the weights a bit so you can keep good form and hopefully not hurt yourself.

    Obviously they ideal would be to do them on different days.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    I do lifting after cardio because if I don't do my cardio first I won't do it at all. I'm pretty exhausted after lifting. If I do it first I get it out of the way and don't have to think about it or dread it.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I work out first thing. On days I do my running in the gym (winter), then I do cardio first. I find it helps me wake up. If I start with lifting, in the dark, at 6am, I find that I don't focus as well.
  • Pipil503
    Pipil503 Posts: 56 Member
    Ideally cardio should be spaced out by about 6-8 hours from when you lift; but if you must do it at the same time lifting is best done first because your not tired out and you don't sacrifice form. Then followed by 15-20 minutes of high intensity cardio - otherwise a good brisk walk for 30 min is sufficient.

    Saw a program/documentary with IFBB Pro Jeff Willet and that was his advice - so far it's all working for me. Losing weight while not sacrificing much lean muscle. Trust me it's hard to build a good strong lean foundation so why not work hard at keeping it?
  • FitCowgirl8
    FitCowgirl8 Posts: 175 Member
    On lifting days I do 10-15 minutes of intervals as a warm up before my lifting. Then after I lift if I still have time and energy I will do another 20 minute cardio session. On the days I don't lift then I do longer cardio sessions.
  • Lift first.

    Intensive cardio prior to lifting will deplete muscle glycogen, needed to fuel taxing anaerobic activity. It would be more beneficial to lift heavy first, in order to have maximum energy and retain muscle.
  • Energizer06
    Energizer06 Posts: 311 Member
    Lift first.

    Intensive cardio prior to lifting will deplete muscle glycogen, needed to fuel taxing anaerobic activity. It would be more beneficial to lift heavy first, in order to have maximum energy and retain muscle.

    YES! Many studies show that a good 30 min brisk walk after lifting actually contributes to burning strictly fat. I wish I could remember the references for you....but you can google it and find several legit sources of clinical studies.
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    I don't think it really matters. I do a Body Pump class for 60 minutes and then an Insanity class for 30. And, believe me, the cardio comes with the Insanity class!

    No offense intended, but (as I tell my wife) Body Pump isn't really heavy lifting. It's really cardio with resistance added.
  • yummymummy65
    yummymummy65 Posts: 86 Member
    Definitely lifting!!! Otherwise you won't have it in you to lift heavy!