
mafery Posts: 167 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I am not sure if anyone else feels this way, but even though I have lost 110 lbs, I still feel it is not enough and am completely unhappy with my body. I think now I am obsessed. I have runny, jiggly arms and thighs, and we will not even go to the stomach, even though I am doing strength/weight training, I am sure it will never change. I think when I was higher in weight, I was not even this critical of my body.

Now, I just can't stop tearing myself apart and yes, doing the comparison thing. Sorry, for the complaining thing, I guess I am having a "day." Better yet, it is a week long thing.


  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Its difficult when someone looses so much weight, like 100 lbs because the skin doesn't shrink with the body always. A lot of people have that problem. I don't think you're wrong, you expected to look amazing after working so hard to be healthy and fit and now you aren't as happy with yourself as you expected.

    If strength training isn't helping with the jiggly skin left from your heavier days, you may need to have the excess skin removed surgically. A lot of people that loose such a large amount of weight have to have that procedure to make them happy with their body after dramatic weight loss. There is nothing to be upset about. Just keep in mind that you lost so much weight that now you need to have it removed.
  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    I understand how you feel. I've also lost a lot of weight the past year. I still have more to lose but I am noticing my arms, thighs, and stomach are getting flabby...which I hate!!
    Try not to be so hard on yourself because you've done such a great job!!
    I'm probably going to have the skin removed after I get to my goal but the thought of that scares me!!!
  • shaggys
    shaggys Posts: 140 Member
    Did you just say-ONE HUNDRED TEN pounds?!
    And you put a race shot in your profile?Amazing job-you have accomplished what so many on here can only dream of:flowerforyou:
    Now hit the mall,and buy some new clothes and make up!
  • You are being way too hard on yourself...let yourself live a little and stop being so critical....and I agree with you totally you seemed more happy and confident when you were bigger. Text me your number again my phone was reset.
  • Melanie1967
    Melanie1967 Posts: 238 Member
    Wow! What a awesome job you have done, and I think you look great in your photo's. But, you have really really hit home base with me here, espically being we were so close weight wise at the start. I started a plan onn my own, at 255lbs in January, 2010, due to health issues. When I started here in March, I was only down to 247.7lbs. Now, I am at 211.8lbs, this morning's weigh in. I am already notice it alot in my arms. I hold a arm out, and there is at least a inch hanging under it at the top. :0( With my health issue, a extremely large umbilical hernia (picture on my page), the doctor has me on many restrictions exercise wise, but yet she wants me down to 180lbs before the surgery. Basically, I can walk 2.0mph, ride a bike, and lift weights, but not over 3lbs at a time. Alot of good that does. I already have that feeling of being unhappy with the way I look, and really, I went from a tight fit 24 pants to a loose 20 now, and I just DON'T see it. I wish I would have been this critical of myself earlier in life also. Oh wow, now you got me complaining also! Guess this is the place though. If you get a chance, since you have done such a great job, take a look at my photo's and see if you have any exercise suggestions. You are a inspiration to me, with the EXCELLENT job you have done!
  • mafery
    mafery Posts: 167 Member
    Thanks everyone. I really appreciate it, I am having a hard week, looking at it. I started saving money, thinking surgery...we will see. Yes, I have the arm wings, ready for my flight plan. I do notice some toning, but that hang...Anyway....thank you thank you thank you!!
  • mafery
    mafery Posts: 167 Member
    Wow! What a awesome job you have done, and I think you look great in your photo's. But, you have really really hit home base with me here, espically being we were so close weight wise at the start. I started a plan onn my own, at 255lbs in January, 2010, due to health issues. When I started here in March, I was only down to 247.7lbs. Now, I am at 211.8lbs, this morning's weigh in. I am already notice it alot in my arms. I hold a arm out, and there is at least a inch hanging under it at the top. :0( With my health issue, a extremely large umbilical hernia (picture on my page), the doctor has me on many restrictions exercise wise, but yet she wants me down to 180lbs before the surgery. Basically, I can walk 2.0mph, ride a bike, and lift weights, but not over 3lbs at a time. Alot of good that does. I already have that feeling of being unhappy with the way I look, and really, I went from a tight fit 24 pants to a loose 20 now, and I just DON'T see it. I wish I would have been this critical of myself earlier in life also. Oh wow, now you got me complaining also! Guess this is the place though. If you get a chance, since you have done such a great job, take a look at my photo's and see if you have any exercise suggestions. You are a inspiration to me, with the EXCELLENT job you have done!

    I didn't mean to start a complain fest, but I have been down lately. Sorry :( I guess turning 40 did it too!

    When I started out at my heavist, I walked a lot and hiked A LOT. I suggest that to anyone looking to loose weight. I joined a hiking group as well through So you can always have company. I also take my dogs on long walks. But I suggest to anyone who can walk...hike! Once I was close to reaching my goal weight I started running. Hard on the OLH----Old lady Hip...

    You are doing fine and keep up the good work! It does take time, I started my journey in September of 2008....even get sidetracked here and there too.

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