Creeping up on 40, gotta get this under control!

Looking for a support system and buddies to help keep me accountable! I'm more than happy to do the same. :wink: I've been using myfitnesspal off and on for about 8 months and I am SERIOUSLY ready to do this deal and get the extra weight off. I need to lose about 30 lbs. My better half is taking me to Vegas to celebrate my 40th (a few months early) in late May and I shudder at the thought of laying out by the pool looking like I do now...

Please help!


  • HopeB77
    HopeB77 Posts: 18 Member
    I just turned 40 & I'm bound and determined to lose at least 50 pounds by my 41st birthday!!! I need all the support that I can get too!!! :bigsmile:
  • Welcome ! This is where you get a lot of support. People are great here.
    Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • Motria
    Motria Posts: 54 Member
    It's a great time to get fit! You're starting good habits that can last you into your golden years.

    I'm 42 and, believe me, nothing feels better than surprising people, "What?! You're over 40? No way!"

    Feel free to add me, too.
  • Turning 40 next year here. 20 months ago I was looking pretty flabby and I too was looking at myself in the mirror and asking "does my wife find "THIS" attractive??" Something in me just snapped and I haven't looked back since June 2011. It only took 6 months of dedication to see noticeable results, and I'm now just 6 pounds away from my weight goal (and from having "Abs" for the first time in my life :bigsmile: )

    I'm on here pretty much every day and can lend support/motivation if you need it!
  • BunnieMommie
    BunnieMommie Posts: 680 Member
    I'm over 40 and have really stuck with trying to get healthy. I've lost a little over 20 lbs since really focusing on my eating habits and exercise. Add me if you'd like. I'm on here daily and really do make it a point to say something positive after a friend posts something.