EEK! First grocery trip today! Help!

Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
I am making my first grocery trip today since starting this journey, FOR REAL. We never get snacks other than granola bars or fruit nor terrible junk food (mostly fast foodies) so I'm not terribly worried about going "off" plan or splurging. I'm more concerned about making the wisest decision with my money and calories.

What are the essentials that you get when you grocery shop? What are some "hidden" saboteurs to look out for?


  • stephflo33
    stephflo33 Posts: 160 Member
    I am a carb cutter, so when I shop, I always make sure I go when I am going to have plenty of time to shop. My best advice to you is to try and make up a menu for the next week of what you will be eating, and take the time to read labels in the stores. By doing these things, I have been able to find low carb pastas, breads, etc. Stock up on veggies. Buy some fresh, and some frozen if you are shopping for enough food to last a week or 2.
  • cocacole77
    cocacole77 Posts: 53
    FRUIT FRUIT FRUIT and VEGGIES!!! We LOAD up on those things!!! Oroweat's Double Fiber bread is great for sandwiches. I Can't believe it's not butter! Spray is an awesome substitute for butter and cooking oil. Sugar free jello with light cool whip is a good dessert. Oh or Sugar free chocolate pudding, light cool Whip, and some strawberries is DIVINE! Just stay away from processed foods and the poly and mono fats as much as you can!! We find our grocery bill is now about $100 more a month because of the fruit and veggies but my health is worth it!!

    Good luck!
  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    I definitely think you should plan your meals, or at least get a feel for what your going to be hungry for and write it down. This way you can stay on track in the store.
    Also lots of fruits and veggies. Make sure you are reading the labels. I couldn't tell you how many times I would go to pick up something that I thought was "healthy" and then come to find that it had an extreme amount of carbs/ sodium/ fat in it!!
    We love egg whites, light english muffins, cereal with fiber to keep you full longer!
    Good luck girl!!
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    I think the tried and true stick to the perimeter of the store and avoid the interior as much as possible is a good one. I am also a big label reader, so if you want an "impuls item", just read the label and chances are you will talk yourself out of it once you read whats in it!! Having a list is phenomenally helpful for me. I have a smart phone, so my list is always on my phone and I can add/subtract at any time I think of something. I plan my menu for the month, go through my cabinets/fridge/freezer then make a list. It also helps me spend less money, which makes the hubby happy!! Check out my blog for more info on my menu planning. Hope that helps! :smile:
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    I plan my meals a few days in advance so I know what I'm buying. Always read the labels and I avoid anything that has white sugar, white flour and high fructose corn syrup. I like to buy a rotisserie chicken, pull the meat off and store in the fridge for lunch. 100 % whole wheat tortilla's, hummus, fruits and veggies of course, birds eye brown rice in the freezer section, also love the store brand frozen steamable veggies. I buy lots of canned beans so they are always in my pantry to throw in with something (drained and rinsed of course). healthy harvest whole wheat pasta is very good. jello sugar free pudding are great snacks. if you have a trader joe's i love to get my luna bars from there as well as my Aria for Women protein powder. They have a great cheddar popcorn, spicy black bean dip, there hummus is very good. Cabernet pot roast is out of town! That's where I get my whole wheat tortilla wraps, they have rolled oats and flaxseed in them and are very good.
  • MsElphaba
    MsElphaba Posts: 432 Member
    Read ingredients, too. I used to be big on premade marinades thinking they made prepping meats so east. Recently, though, I realized they are all high in fructose corn syrup. :noway: I stay well away from those now and use rubs or my own marinades. Many packaged foods I try to think how I can make it myself.

    I do make a list of what we'd like to have, but I'm also big on checking out whats on sale, especially at the meat counter, and vary my list as needed.

  • Gerkenstein
    Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
    Mellie - I've never heard to stick to the outside and avoid the aisles of a grocery store, but that makes so much sense! Thanks for the tip! Reading through the blog now (very helpful!). :)

    I will definitely be stocking up on fruits and veggies (steph -thanks for the frozen veggie tip! Totally slipped my mind!).

    Anyone ever buy frozen fish? If so, what kind and how did you prepare it?
  • IbettR
    IbettR Posts: 139 Member
    I go for the Arnold thin Rounds (they're sometimes buy 1 get 1 free) in whole wheat, etc;
    whatever fruits are on sale (bananas, strawberries, blueberries to add to my cereal);
    I can't believe it's not butter;
    light mayo;
    almonds/walnuts and cranberries/raisins for my salads;
    fiber one honey almond flax cereal;
    baby carrots for snacking;
    lettuce - LOTS OF LETTUCE;
    1% or skim milk or light vanilla soy, if that's your preference;
    kosher chicken hot dogs and whole wheat buns (kids won't know the difference);
    ground turkey (you can make stuffed peppers - yum!;
    turkey or chicken burgers (you can have them with the thin rounds instead of hamburger buns);
    deli sliced turkey breast for sandwiches and i add it to my salads as well;

    Best of luck to you and I hope this helped :0) :flowerforyou:
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Definitely try to get a list of what you will be eating for the week. Staples here for healthy eating:

    Chicken breast (I stock up when it is on sale)
    Olive oil
    Oatmeal (old fashioned or quick oats)
    Vanilla yogurt (my husband won't eat plain) or flavors if they are on sale (for smoothies or snacks)
    Lots of fresh fruit (whatever is on sale) and fresh or frozen veggies (again, whatever is on sale though I try to keep onions and peppers on hand -- you can freeze those if you buy more than you need)
    Spices (if you don't have) -- black pepper, garlic salt or powder, basil/oregano/Italian seasoning blend
    Whole wheat or enriched pasta (I love Ronzoni's Smart Taste -- the purple box -- my husband doesn't like ww pasta either!)
    Brown rice (in the bag that you cook for 30-35 minutes)

    Some quick and easy menu ideas:

    Spaghetti with side salad -- pasta, canned whole tomatoes, tomato paste, mushrooms/peppers/onions and any other vegetables you want to throw in

    Chicken stirfry over brown rice -- I usually just buy the frozen mix, throw in some chicken and serve over brown rice

    Kebabs on the grill -- chicken, onion, peppers, mushrooms -- marinate in italian dressing or low sodium soy sauce. Pineapple is great on the grill as well!

    Grilled chicken, fresh corn on the cob, steamed broccoli (throw corn and broccoli in the microwave for a few minutes while the chicken is grilling)

    Taco salad -- lots of lettuce, black beans, whatever veggies you want, a few chips if you want, salsa, and homemade guacamole (avocado with a little lemon juice and garlic)

    Strawberry/Spinach salad -- Diced chicken, spinach, halved strawberries, light raspberry vinaigrette dressing. I love throwing in mandarin oranges, sunflower seeds, red onion or Craisins for variety.
  • Gerkenstein
    Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
    I plan my meals a few days in advance so I know what I'm buying. Always read the labels and I avoid anything that has white sugar, white flour and high fructose corn syrup. I like to buy a rotisserie chicken, pull the meat off and store in the fridge for lunch. 100 % whole wheat tortilla's, hummus, fruits and veggies of course, birds eye brown rice in the freezer section, also love the store brand frozen steamable veggies. I buy lots of canned beans so they are always in my pantry to throw in with something (drained and rinsed of course). healthy harvest whole wheat pasta is very good. jello sugar free pudding are great snacks. if you have a trader joe's i love to get my luna bars from there as well as my Aria for Women protein powder. They have a great cheddar popcorn, spicy black bean dip, there hummus is very good. Cabernet pot roast is out of town! That's where I get my whole wheat tortilla wraps, they have rolled oats and flaxseed in them and are very good.

    I love hummus! Great idea!
    I'm a little weary of whole wheat pastas because I've had some that are really grainy. Is Healthy Harvest like that? Definitely would love to find one that I like though!
  • nopeekiepeekie
    nopeekiepeekie Posts: 338 Member
    I think the tried and true stick to the perimeter of the store and avoid the interior as much as possible is a good one.

    I do this as well!

    For frozen fish.... I don't eat it but my husband and daughter do, I either like to grill or broil them with a little bit of olive oil and seasonings (depending on the fish). We get salmon, talapia (sp?) and cod. They also enjoy shrimp. McCormick (I think) has a good seasoning rub for fish.
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Shopping on the outside is totally key! Yes, there are a few things that you will need from the other isles, just read the labels.
    You'll do fine!
    Any fish really is good this way:
    baked at 350 deg f
    spay pan with non stick spray
    sprinkle salt & pepper
    some capers
    some dill
    a few slices of lemon per filet
    bake until flakey!

    I usually do a steamed veg and brown rice.
  • IbettR
    IbettR Posts: 139 Member
    Mellie - I've never heard to stick to the outside and avoid the aisles of a grocery store, but that makes so much sense! Thanks for the tip! Reading through the blog now (very helpful!). :)

    I will definitely be stocking up on fruits and veggies (steph -thanks for the frozen veggie tip! Totally slipped my mind!).

    Anyone ever buy frozen fish? If so, what kind and how did you prepare it?

    I find Tilapia to be the most affordable. I recently read a recipe where you season and bake the fish, chop it up, and drop it in a wrap with lettuce, tomato, onions and peppers. I plan to try this very soon!
  • Gerkenstein
    Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
    Wow! Thank you everyone, for the staples and recipe ideas! I can definitely put together a game plan. Will let you know how it goes!!!

    smuehlbauer - That fish sounds delicious!

    Ibett - That fish sounds delicious, too! lol I'd also love to do fish tacos sometime. Maybe try that next week.

    Clarissa - This may be a silly question, :ohwell: but I'm not much of a cook as I've spent so much of my time in drive thrus. Do you need a broiler to broil something? Or is there a way to do this with standard kitchen appliances?
  • wendylady123
    wendylady123 Posts: 24 Member
    If it has lots of sugar/high fructose syrup or enriched grains....RUN THE OTHER WAY!

    The first ingredient should be what the product is advertising. You want the least amount of ingredients in your food (less preservatives) The ingredients should be real food and not chemicals.

    100 calorie packs are misleading. Sure, they are 100 calories, but 100 calories worth of crappy food. I'd take a 100 calorie medium banana over 100 calorie cheesy chex mix pack any day.

    I made the same mistake before I knew better.

    Also, be careful not to get too many fruits & veggies at once other wise they'll go bad before you can eat them all. Or encourage your whole family to eat them. Green bags help them last a little longer also.
  • elizamary77
    elizamary77 Posts: 76 Member
    Sticking to the outside is a good idea, since I started eating healthier I did this without even realizing it, and unless I'm getting something specific in the baking isle or cereal isle I'm on the outside. I would say yes lots of produce! Also maybe try the hungry girl website no only does she have some great recipes she has a printable shopping list with lots of good ideas.
  • wendylady123
    wendylady123 Posts: 24 Member
    Tilapia is sooooooo good.

    I foil wrapped mine and grilled it (takes almost NO time to cook). Lemme find the recipe.

    So tasty and I think I'm able to eat two of those with grilled sweet potatoes (I cut them into silverdollars foil wrap these and add brown sugar, cinnamon and a little olive oil and throw them on the grill-put them on first, they take a little longer to cook)

    Add some veggies and you are good to go!

    I'm drooling thinking about it.
  • Gerkenstein
    Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
    Wendy - I'm definitely not getting into the 100 calorie packs. For one, I think they're over-priced, but like you, I'd rather have fruit or yogurt even (love Yoplait light!). I'll probably be getting more frozen fruit/veggies than fresh, just so I don't find myself without them in a few days and a lack of motivation to get back to the store. I have a question though, what are "enriched grains"?

    Eliza - I LOVE the 2010 Supermarket List! Thanks so much for the tip! This will be so helpful tonight!
  • LoveMy4Kids
    LoveMy4Kids Posts: 231
    I make sure I get lots of low cal snacky foods to fill me up in between meals, other wise I want to eat too much at meal time!

    kellogs special k almond and peanut bars
    cheetos 100 cal. cheesie packs
    slim fast peanut crunch snack bars (taste just like a crispy crunch chocolate bar, very sweet)
    laughing cow light cheese wedges
    unsalted rice cakes (to put the cow cheese on, lol)
    fresh veggies of coarse (not a fruit eater)
    mini flavored rice cakes (love the ketchup ones and sour cream and onion)
    sour cream and onion rice crackers (great with laughing cow cheese too)
    kraft extra thin cheese slices (great on egg mc muffins)
    whole wheat english muffins (love egg mc muffins made with an egg, one laughing cow cheese wedge and a slice of tomato)
    skinless boneless chicken breasts (we buy the huge box of frozen to save some money)
    ground chicken (I make anything that calls for ground beef with it)
    I also buy some pre made dinners (lean cuisine, smart ones etc.) which \I know are high in sodium but sometimes when my family is eating something that I just know I shouldn't have, I have one of those instead, or if I am in a hurry!