Acne- What foods to cut

What foods should you cut out of your diet to get rid of acne/clear it up


  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    According to this article from NPR, which just came out a couple of days ago, maybe try cutting out some empty carbs and see how your skin reacts?
  • mrs_schultz2012
    mrs_schultz2012 Posts: 395 Member
    drink TONS of water
  • ModoVincere
    ModoVincere Posts: 530 Member
    have you seen a dermatologist?
    There's different kinds of acne, and depending on what type, it may or may not respond to dietary changes.
  • tracymat
    tracymat Posts: 296 Member
    Go see a good esthetician (I am one...). There isn't really anything to cut out, unless you have an allergy and sometimes that comes out as acne. Dairy is sometimes linked.

    But I always tell my clients, the healthier you are on the inside, the healthier you will look on the outside. Eat right, exercise, drink alot of water and get rest. (and get a good skin care system).

    Good luck!
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Look up the nutritionist named Chris Kresser--he has at least one great article and a podcast episode about treating acne naturally. He strongly believes acne to be a manifestation of troubles with the gut, so treats it that way, and apparently with great success.
  • ls_66
    ls_66 Posts: 395 Member
    my teenager daughter has acne problems and suggested her to stop dairy products for couple months... after roughly one month she told me she has seen some improvements...
  • EmilyTwist1
    EmilyTwist1 Posts: 206 Member
    Some studies indicate that dairy could be related to acne, but it's not really conclusive. I'd take a look at as many factors as possible, such as family history, skin care routine, stress, etc. before jumping to cutting out foods.
  • Emma_Problema
    Emma_Problema Posts: 422 Member
    have you seen a dermatologist?
    There's different kinds of acne, and depending on what type, it may or may not respond to dietary changes.

    I agree! I tried everything to clear up my acne- topical medications, different types of face washes, oral medications, dietary changes....the works! And it was soooo frustrating! But then my dermo decided to see how birth control worked and it was MAGIC! There are SOOO many different types of acne and so many causes. You really need to examine what things seem to trigger it or when it's happening. And professional help is definitely recommended. Also, they've kind of proven more or less that diet doesn't really have a lot of impact on acne. The medical community goes back and forth with it, but in general it's not thought to be a cause of acne.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    for me and my best friend, when we switched to organic dairy and cut down on dairy in general, our skin got a LOT better. i suspect it was the added hormones to regular dairy (antibiotics, growth hormone, etc)

    i used to have 3-4 cystic acne spots along my chin, pretty much any time of the month. when i switched to organic, i no longer get cystic acne, just small ones which go away in a day or two.

    i cannot tell you how much easier my life has been since i don't have to do the "cover up this zit, take advil to reduce swelling, don't touch face, try not to let it affect self-confidence" dance. i wear less makeup, am happier!

    i was so happy to go back to my doctor to show her no, i didn't need pills, i needed a diet overhaul. i hate taking pills to fix a problem when you don't even know what the problem is. less crap in my body, thanks!
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Look up the nutritionist named Chris Kresser--he has at least one great article and a podcast episode about treating acne naturally. He strongly believes acne to be a manifestation of troubles with the gut, so treats it that way, and apparently with great success.

    this, this and more this.
  • ModoVincere
    ModoVincere Posts: 530 Member
    have you seen a dermatologist?
    There's different kinds of acne, and depending on what type, it may or may not respond to dietary changes.

    I agree! I tried everything to clear up my acne- topical medications, different types of face washes, oral medications, dietary changes....the works! And it was soooo frustrating! But then my dermo decided to see how birth control worked and it was MAGIC! There are SOOO many different types of acne and so many causes. You really need to examine what things seem to trigger it or when it's happening. And professional help is definitely recommended. Also, they've kind of proven more or less that diet doesn't really have a lot of impact on acne. The medical community goes back and forth with it, but in general it's not thought to be a cause of acne. daughter is just finishing up a 6 month treatment of accutane. It's the only thing that has worked.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    have you seen a dermatologist?
    There's different kinds of acne, and depending on what type, it may or may not respond to dietary changes.

    I agree! I tried everything to clear up my acne- topical medications, different types of face washes, oral medications, dietary changes....the works! And it was soooo frustrating! But then my dermo decided to see how birth control worked and it was MAGIC! There are SOOO many different types of acne and so many causes. You really need to examine what things seem to trigger it or when it's happening. And professional help is definitely recommended. Also, they've kind of proven more or less that diet doesn't really have a lot of impact on acne. The medical community goes back and forth with it, but in general it's not thought to be a cause of acne. daughter is just finishing up a 6 month treatment of accutane. It's the only thing that has worked.

    cept that stuff is crazy dangerous
  • ModoVincere
    ModoVincere Posts: 530 Member
    have you seen a dermatologist?
    There's different kinds of acne, and depending on what type, it may or may not respond to dietary changes.

    I agree! I tried everything to clear up my acne- topical medications, different types of face washes, oral medications, dietary changes....the works! And it was soooo frustrating! But then my dermo decided to see how birth control worked and it was MAGIC! There are SOOO many different types of acne and so many causes. You really need to examine what things seem to trigger it or when it's happening. And professional help is definitely recommended. Also, they've kind of proven more or less that diet doesn't really have a lot of impact on acne. The medical community goes back and forth with it, but in general it's not thought to be a cause of acne. daughter is just finishing up a 6 month treatment of accutane. It's the only thing that has worked.

    cept that stuff is crazy dangerous

    yes, it is. That's why there's doctors involved.
    blood tests, pregnancy tests, online certifications, etc.
  • teambaker
    teambaker Posts: 15 Member
    Cut dairy and drink a lot of water. Just remember to add a lot of vegetables containing calcium. Also see a dermatologist, you might just need a different type of cleanser.
  • Emma_Problema
    Emma_Problema Posts: 422 Member
    [ daughter is just finishing up a 6 month treatment of accutane. It's the only thing that has worked.

    cept that stuff is crazy dangerous

    yes, it is. That's why there's doctors involved.
    blood tests, pregnancy tests, online certifications, etc.

    Seriously. I was about to start accutane before my dermo decided to wait and see if birth control helped. There were so many forms I had to fill out and the testing involved! Plus all of the whole depression and suicide stuff. I'm glad it's worked out for your daughter. It sucks when the extreme is the only way of fixing the problem. Bad acne is definitely one of the most frustrating and self-esteem ruining issues to have. I used to spend HOURS every day looking up information online trying to figure out what was going on.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    have you seen a dermatologist?
    There's different kinds of acne, and depending on what type, it may or may not respond to dietary changes.

    I agree! I tried everything to clear up my acne- topical medications, different types of face washes, oral medications, dietary changes....the works! And it was soooo frustrating! But then my dermo decided to see how birth control worked and it was MAGIC! There are SOOO many different types of acne and so many causes. You really need to examine what things seem to trigger it or when it's happening. And professional help is definitely recommended. Also, they've kind of proven more or less that diet doesn't really have a lot of impact on acne. The medical community goes back and forth with it, but in general it's not thought to be a cause of acne.

    This. I've had varying causes of acne (and, at one point, a skin reaction that appeared to be acne and wasn't). Turned out all to be hormonal; going on BC has done wonders for me. I also suggest, topically, to try LOW % Benzoyl Peroxide instead of the high stuff; "more" does not necessarily mean better for acne, due to the overdrying quality. Find a 4% or lower, wash, moisturize--boom, should hopefully help, too.
  • DivaMoe40
    DivaMoe40 Posts: 159 Member
    have you seen a dermatologist?
    There's different kinds of acne, and depending on what type, it may or may not respond to dietary changes.

    I went to the dermatologist yesterday for the same reason (I'm 40 with acne like it was in high school :noway: !). I had changed my eating habits and the whole nine and nothing was working. So, I broke down and went to the Dr's and ending up getting a prescription. So yeah, you may want to check it out with a Dr., it could be something totally unrelated.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    have you seen a dermatologist?
    There's different kinds of acne, and depending on what type, it may or may not respond to dietary changes.

    ^^^ this
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    There is no one size fits all for acne, so you may trying cutting out various foods, and maybe something will work, maybe it won't. I've had horrible acne since I hit puberty (two rounds of accutane, which got it down from severe to moderate, tried a few different kinds of oral contraception, every over the counter and perscription lotion and potion, dietary changes, etc). Mostly mine is stress induced. The only things I've found that help are being super diligent about skin care and Perfect Skin by Genuine Health. The supplement doesn't work for everyone, but it's a magic in a bottle for me. It's mostly fish oil, with a few other things in it.
  • JusticeGirl25
    JusticeGirl25 Posts: 703 Member
    I was told diet has nothing to do with getting acne.
  • rayyesnk
    rayyesnk Posts: 24 Member
    anything going on with your body is affected by diet, including acne!
    I stopped eating dairy and my acne cleared up. (Stopped eating cheese but I eat yogurt because of the live cultures).
    Also, my nutritionist/acupuncturist says to avoid peanut butter (which I don't usually eat anyway).

    I'd recommend these for normal/ mild acne. If you have a serious/ unique problem like cystic acne, you might need accutane (which I had to take when I was 17) so consult your dermatologist. But if it's just normal acne -- I'd say cut down on dairy, sugars (esp. refined sugars) and processed foods.
  • Once I started eating more fresh fruits and veggies my face cleared up and now I only have a few break outs here and there but nothing like it use to be. The more good foods you put in your body the more your body will thank you. If you are eating healthier foods then maybe you need to go see someone about it.
  • juliec33
    juliec33 Posts: 238 Member
    Hmmmm, pretty sure doctors are wrong when they say diet has nothing to do with acne. I've had horrible cystic acne since I was 13. I've been under dermatologist care since then. I've tried everything.....including Accutane. It is pretty harsh but it does clear up the acne for a few years. About 4 years after I took it I started breaking out again. It's not a permanent fix for everyone. My derm put me on a drug called spironolactone and it's done wonders for my skin. My type of acne is mainly cause by out of whack testosterone (that's why teens and people using 'roids get acne). The spironolactone controls the androgens (testosterone precursors) and keeps me from getting oily and breaking out. Birth control did nothing for me. Spironolactone is a generic and I'm pretty sure it's one of the $4 or $5 drugs that you can get at most pharmacies. Might be worth talking to a derm about.

    As for diet, sugar is a huge trigger for me. I still break out if my sugar intake is high
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Hmmmm, pretty sure doctors are wrong when they say diet has nothing to do with acne. I've had horrible cystic acne since I was 13. I've been under dermatologist care since then. I've tried everything.....including Accutane. It is pretty harsh but it does clear up the acne for a few years. About 4 years after I took it I started breaking out again. It's not a permanent fix for everyone. My derm put me on a drug called spironolactone and it's done wonders for my skin. My type of acne is mainly cause by out of whack testosterone (that's why teens and people using 'roids get acne). The spironolactone controls the androgens (testosterone precursors) and keeps me from getting oily and breaking out. Birth control did nothing for me. Spironolactone is a generic and I'm pretty sure it's one of the $4 or $5 drugs that you can get at most pharmacies. Might be worth talking to a derm about.

    As for diet, sugar is a huge trigger for me. I still break out if my sugar intake is high

    doctors have no understanding of nutrition on the whole.

    diet has everything to do with acne.
  • cmodre
    cmodre Posts: 1 Member
    try cutting back on dairy and use Acne free
  • Emma_Problema
    Emma_Problema Posts: 422 Member

    doctors have no understanding of nutrition on the whole.

    diet has everything to do with acne.

    Tell that to my broken out face after eating better than I ever have but switching birth control methods.

    Yes, diet is important for many things and a necessary foundation for overall health. But saying that it has everything to do with acne is quite misinformed. Like it's been said, different types/causes of acne out there.
  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    birth control is the only thing that has ever cleared up my acne (I'm 24 and have had it since about 12.) If you break out off to the sides of your chin, below the lip area, that is a sign that your acne is hormonal and that a trip to the derm is your best bet.

    As for diet, I know nothing about nutrition and the skin, but I DO know that when I eat something greasy or salty or icky there may be a light residue on my hands, and when I'm reading or doing work I ALWAYS seem to touch my face- this most definitely does not help.

    Drinking loads of water will improve skin all around!!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member

    diet has everything to do with acne.

    Hormones play a HUGE role in acne. Diet can play a role in certain outbreaks, certain kinds, etc., definitely. But increased testosterone, androgen, the natural fluctuation of estrogen in menstruating females, etc. are responsible for a large portion of acne in acne-sufferers.
  • Emma_Problema
    Emma_Problema Posts: 422 Member

    diet has everything to do with acne.

    Hormones play a HUGE role in acne. Diet can play a role in certain outbreaks, certain kinds, etc., definitely. But increased testosterone, androgen, the natural fluctuation of estrogen in menstruating females, etc. are responsible for a large portion of acne in acne-sufferers.

    YOU SO SMART!!! :love: :love: :love:
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member

    diet has everything to do with acne.

    Hormones play a HUGE role in acne. Diet can play a role in certain outbreaks, certain kinds, etc., definitely. But increased testosterone, androgen, the natural fluctuation of estrogen in menstruating females, etc. are responsible for a large portion of acne in acne-sufferers.

    YOU SO SMART!!! :love: :love: :love:

    NO YOU ARE :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: