Just a girl who is 200+ lbs that needs some motivation !



  • Pipil503
    Pipil503 Posts: 56 Member
    60 pounds in three months? I say aim high, but be happy if you only end up with 20-30 by graduation.

    I know some people are able to shed weight like crazy, but they are very disciplined and eat really clean or were on the Biggest Loser where you don't have school or work, just hours and hours to workout and almost none of the real world temptations. It took me six months to lose 30 and I used to be 243 pounds.

    Here's what to expect:

    I used the documentary below to help me, great watch.... but like I said - at a price.

  • Pipil503
    Pipil503 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm Meaghan as well! 24, and graduated from college May 12, 2012! That is a totally attainable goal! You can do it!

    Are you high? Attainable, yes maybe if she cuts off a limb or develops an eating disorder. Safe? Most certainly not.

    The bigger you are the more weight you lose faster... just by tweaking what you eat what you do and not starving yourself... seriously.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    Same here... feel free to add me. I don't have enought friends on here.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    I was about 220 pounds 5 years ago and then I worked really hard and got down to 162 which gave me a wicked body. After slacking off the gym and changing jobs to a desk job, I slowly crept up to 180 again and now I'm working hard to not go any higher. I learned to add veggies to every meal and cooking for an hour is much better than something that's prepackaged. As well, learn to love the grocery store and shop around the outside walls rather than the aisles. The other thing I learned is that if I have a craving for cookies, I make myself have to make them from scratch. If the craving isn't that great, the motivation to make them will diminish. By the time dishes are put away, the urge to eat more than one or two is also gone as well. You can do it I believe in you! I will add you as a friend if you have any questions.

    ^^My story very similar.... unfortunately I've swung up to 241 and haven't gone back down. I was 155lb 4 years ago. I'm a work in progress now.
  • nmelleby
    nmelleby Posts: 15 Member
    You can definitely add me! I'd like to lose close to my goal by May as well, when I'm taking a vacation oversees, and we could definitely push each other if either of us starts to slack!!
  • BriUndead
    Hey, I'm bri. :) I'm 22 and 195 pounds. My weight loss goal is 120 pounds. Its going to take awhile and be hard work to get all this weight off so having some motivation friends would be nice. Anyone can add me if they'd like. :)
  • rougecrayon
    You may be able to drop it, but to keep it off is to do so healthfully!
    I watch a really motivating show called X-Weighted, and the most committed people can lose over 60lbs in 6 months! They to COMPLETELY overhaul their diet, and eat only whole foods, drop out all chemicals, and do cardio and strength training.

    It's on Slice (a TV channel if you're not in the same area)

    The transformation in these women and men are amazing! So motivating! Plus I have gotten so many tips and tricks to use in my own journey to getting fit!

    Good luck!
  • moontenshi23
    moontenshi23 Posts: 29 Member
    Hey! I'm Michelle and if you want some support I would be glad to help :) I'm also 22 and currently weighing around 209 pounds. Funnily enough I graduate from college the same day as you! I also hope to lose some weight before then.