What was something bad for you that you resisted today??

emma1488 Posts: 175
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
With so much temptation around, it's often hard staying on track! I thought it would be good to share what foods you resisted today:)


  • mrsyatesy
    mrsyatesy Posts: 173
    Well mine is actually yesterday as it's only 7.45am here so even I haven't met much to tempt me today!!
    Yesterday there was a birthday at work and the table in the kitchen was pure temptation, do-nuts, cakes, the works. I had a few little sweets which I logged and nothing else - a small miracle!!
  • hannah_lin
    hannah_lin Posts: 54
    My boyfriend ate a whole pizza in front of me!! I didn't even have one bite :)
  • RED CREME OREOS!!!! well technically i didnt really resist, i only ate two instead of the as many as i normally do- which is the whole package.... but i ate two pieces of pizza and a cheesy bread stick at my friends house...oops... hey i was hungry, my stomach was growling.... but i came home and exercised! *GRIN* instead of going sttraight to bed like i normally would have....yay for meee!!!!

    Doing better...every day, one day at a time!
  • cvtga
    cvtga Posts: 118
    Movie theater popcorn. We took our boys to see the new Shrek movie, but I didn't have one bite. By the way the movie is adorable.
  • dulcy
    dulcy Posts: 69 Member
    Like Shylanikole I didn't exactly 'resist'!!!:laugh:
    I made a yummy chocolate cake with chocolate frosting for my partner & kids & only had a really little piece!!:wink:
    Usually I'd have a piece when everyone else had some & then usually another slice with a coffee later in the evening,:embarassed: but I didn't!
    It's sitting on the kitchen counter staring at me & my goal today it to resist it all day & have another tiny piece this evening!

    Lets see how I get on!!! LOL

    I logged it & was still under calories & everything for the day. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • tapp52000
    tapp52000 Posts: 52 Member
    It was'nt today but I logged 3/4 of a container of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream the other day. I was still under for the day but I made a note to myself that Ben and Jerry are NOT my friends. lol (^_^)

    (Also I had to do a little bit more cardio that day to get under for my calories)
  • SimonLondon
    SimonLondon Posts: 350
    I resisted eating anything after 9pm last night. Unusually I was feeling quite peckish around 11pm but stuck to water. Felt great this morning that I didn't eat anything :smile:
  • emma1488
    emma1488 Posts: 175
    Wow! This is inspiring. I sometimes find it even harder to have a little piece and not keep chomping. If I start I just keep going. So I just try to go without for now!
  • emma1488
    emma1488 Posts: 175
    Today I resisted a choc crunch bar that was staring at me across the table! It was for a fund raiser and everything, but I managed to stay strong!! .... Having no change on me also helped:P
  • dulcy
    dulcy Posts: 69 Member
    well I stayed away from the chocolate cake all day!!!:smile:
    Even though twice I went to it & almost caved in!!!!!:laugh:
    I had a small piece last night, as I'd promised myself I would & now, thankfully it's been finished up by my partner & kids!! So no more temptation!!!!!:happy:
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    I walked into Firehouse Subs tonight (best subs in the world!) to buy some empty pickle barrels for making sauerkraut and nixtamal. The smell hit me immediatelly and I almost bought a sub but since I had just eaten dinner, I resisted. I don't know that I would have been able to if I hadn't eaten.
  • mrsyatesy
    mrsyatesy Posts: 173
    Does it count that I made my husband eat the chocolate buttons so I couldn't eat them??!!
  • stephflo33
    stephflo33 Posts: 160 Member
    Five cheese ravioli in voda cream sauce. :brokenheart: I wanted it really bad, but i resisted.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Mine was actually yesterday too! I was actually pretty proud, and surprised at myself! It was screaming hot here, yesterday, and after school I took my daughter, and a couple of her friends, to Dairy Queen. Not only did I not even want any for myself, but I didn't even feel tempted. All the girls got their DQ and later that night I had a skinny cow ice cream which was only 150 calories as opposed to the 660 the small blizzard would have been had I even wanted DQ!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    GREAT POST! :flowerforyou:

    Today I resisted a yummy chicken salad sandwich - packed full of mayo! I ate the roasted chicken breast w/mustard instead. Earlier this week, I resisted mexican food and margaritas - ate the salad with grilled chicken instead.

    Doesn't it make you feel great to know you successfully resisted!!! :drinker: :heart: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • Everyone at work ate out for lunch, but I stuck to my own food from home.
  • RMX82
    RMX82 Posts: 172
    Today has actually been a great day. I haven't had any temptations so far. My problem is at night though and it is only 3:45pm, so we shall see if that continues though! :wink:
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    I resisted having cheese and a tortilla and made a taco salad instead. It had 4oz supreme lean ground beef, low sodium seasoning, half a HUGE tomato, half an avocado, and several cups of baby spinach. I was so full. The tortilla and cheese would have tasted good but were completely unnecessary (would have been an extra 200 calories and 12 grams of fat). It was an awesome meal without them.
  • emma1488
    emma1488 Posts: 175
    Does it count that I made my husband eat the chocolate buttons so I couldn't eat them??!!

    yes! It totally counts!!! I try to make my boyfiend eat all the bad food to get it awayfrom me!!!

    Yesterday u resisted chocolate that I wanted so bad because I was in a bad mood, but I promised myself to it today... Which I devoured!!! Totally worth the wait...

    However I've resisted having massive portions and making sure I have a much smaller portion than my boyfriend! So I'm pretty proud of that:)
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    Right now im sat an arm stretch away from some lovely homemade rum truffles I made the other day, and some malted milk cow biscuits (my favourites). I keep sending them the occasional glance but I'm yet to reach over. I dont want to remove them completely because im trying to test my will... and im going pretty strong :laugh:

    I also find it easier to not have anything than to only have one or two... once I start, I dont even realise im still eating untill I'm at the end of the pack. So if I do treat myself I need to take two (of whatever) out, put them on a plate, put the packet away and then go into another room to eat them, that way I cant continue eating without noticing. I still empty the plate before I feel I should have though :blushing:
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