Finally taking charge! Any advice??

So I started weight watchers and like always after 3 weeks of seeing no results I went back to my old habits. But I'm just sick of this extra weight! Out of high school I lost over 30 lbs and kept it off for over a year. I moved out on my own and well gained all but 5 lbs back! My clothes hardly fit and I'm unhappy. I started weight watchers again and logging on here for my calories. I started the jillian michaels 90 day shred. Any advice?? I always get discouraged after a few weeks if the scale hasn't budged. I usually end up sabotaging myself:/ I want this time to be different though!


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    Log everything you eat. Buy a $20 food scale at Target, or Amazon. Weighing and measuring everything you eat and drink and recording it in a journal will work.

    Don't expect results from the work you didn't do.

    It's on you.

    You can do it. Welcome to MFP :flowerforyou:
  • Doctorpurple
    Doctorpurple Posts: 507 Member
    First you have to think why you keep on giving up if you don't see the scale budge. You have to know the reason behind your bad habits first before you start making permanent changes in your lifestyle. Understand that psychological and mental issues plays a lot in bad eating habits. After you have resolved this with yourself. Start seeking out help while you are doing weight watchers or whatever exercise/diet regimen you decide to do. Attend meetings, find people just like you, etc. This will help you to be accountable to other people besides yourself if you have a hard time motivating yourself when you see no results.

    Also please please keep in mind that weight loss and healthy lifestyle acquisition is a change that you will do for the rest of your life. Losing all the weight does not end your journey. It's just the beginning. As you've already experienced, losing weight is the tip of the iceberg and maintenance is the bulk of the work.
  • lightdiva1
    lightdiva1 Posts: 935 Member
    Don't weigh yourself daily and expect to see some weight gain initially. Working out will add muscle but also you will retain water for healing muscles so I would advice you to take your measurements as those are more accurate of progress than any scale.
  • Im not the best person to give weight loss advice, having only just started myself - but the last time i loss a decent amount of weight, i never weighed myself - i took measurements instead - maybe that would help with your motivation? - you can shrink and lose inches before the actual weight/water comes off? - just an idea! :)

    wishing you lots of good thoughts - you can do this! :) xxx
  • Woomytron
    Woomytron Posts: 253 Member
    First off, Don't look at that darn scale! lol

    Eat healthy and do 30DS. Log everything and measure yourself. You will notice big changes. After level 1 on the 30DS you will notice your clothes fitting different. I'm almost done with level 2 and I can tell a difference but my scale isn't moving much.

    Good luck. You can do it!
  • Thanks for the advice!:)
  • When I think back to how I lost 30 pounds before, it just kinda happened. I started working out everyday while watching one tree hill and making healthier choices I never weighed myself .. Maybe I need to get back into the mind set of just making healthier choices an working out instead of "omg I need to lose weight now!"
  • try zumba, its a fun workout and you burn over 500 calories!