Another newbie working on baby weight and then some..

Hi! I am new to using MFP too and am trying to take off the baby weight and then some.. I had my second child in Aug 2011. I am 5'5" and was at an all time high of 169 when I got pregnant. Post baby I got stuck at 181 for a while and have been fluctuating in the mid 170's lately. I'd really like to get back down to my wedding weight of 145 - so I have 30 lbs to lose. That sounds like such a big number! :frown:

I've been using WW and MFP simultaneously to compare - not sure which I like more...... I'm also using Beachbody work outs (currently doing Slim in 6, but also own Power 90) and drinking Shakeology for breakfast.

My weakness is binge eating from stress. I have an awful lot on my plate and "reward myself" with food and drink. I also struggle with depression, so eating healthy and exercise is key to me! Falling off the wagon can really put me in a negative tailspin.

I would love some support, friends, accountability and am happy to offer same :) Message, reply or friend me!

Thanks for listening.

Alex (xandralaw)


  • Motria
    Motria Posts: 54 Member
    Hi Alex! Love your picture. I had my 2nd baby in Dec. 2010 then got back to my pre-baby weight within a year. But it started creeping back in 2012. Now I'm back on the wagon, recognizing that I need to consistently track my diet and exercise to keep the weight down. I'm logging daily.. would love to share support and motivation! Sending you a friend request..
  • EvaHook12345
    EvaHook12345 Posts: 2 Member

    I only have one Baby but I also have and issue with stress eating and depression. I am over my highest baby weight right now even though I have tried EVERYTHING ( it feels) . I would love to chat more with you . Sending you a request.
  • jcourter76
    jcourter76 Posts: 14 Member
    i understand the baby weight , i had my 7th baby in august and im so depressed ive over the 200 mark....i also struggle with depression. so sometime its hard to stay focused. i would love to chat and maybe we can encourge each other! welcome to add me as a friend..Good luck to all!
  • Rhiana1188
    Rhiana1188 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm also working on baby weight. I just had my third child (in less than 4 years) 5 months ago and it has really taken a toll on my body. I'm working to lose 20 lbs. I'd REALLY like to button my jeans again... ;)
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    feel free to add me if you like....I'm 33 lbs down and still some to go. I love to comment, motivate, and congratulate successes
  • Hi! I am always open to new friends, esp mommies. I had my 2nd n 3rd babies oct 2011, I lost the weight but had started off the pregnancy 10lbs heavier, I got preg again a few months later [lost it tho] I gained 10lbs in that time and then got preggo again. So I started off my current pregnancy 20lbs heavier than I was before and after my first child. So even if I lose all baby weight like I usually do within few weeks ill still have 20lbs to lose to be where I use to be and then an additional 10 until my ultimate goal. I log daily on here to keep gain minimal and keep myself motivated so its easier come may when I'm not preggo anymore to stay on track. Feel free to add me! As with anyone else who would like to :)
  • MrsMeisner
    MrsMeisner Posts: 40 Member
    Feel free to add me! I had similar goals when I started MFP, I had about 18lbs to lose to reach my pre-baby weight (168-150). With the help of MFP I was able to do that and a little more and I've extended my goal by 10lbs. I've dealt with depression and anxiety issues in the past as well.
  • RandiLandCHANGED
    RandiLandCHANGED Posts: 630 Member
    I'm a mom of 3 and am also 5"5. I gained excessive amounts of weight with each pregnancy. I exercise & I eat a lot :)
  • amymina
    amymina Posts: 64 Member
    I have been in a similar boat of not being able to lose the weight after the babies. I have three kids and gained weight with each that I never got rid of. I went through post pardum depression with both baby 1 and three and struggled with it on and off for years. After five months of eating healthy and working out, I feel like I have finally taken control of my life and do not struggle as much with the depression. It still hits at times, but I have a few close friends I can talk to, and I can pull myself out with their help and many times, treadmill therapy. I wish you luck, for it is a tough place to be, but you can do it, and will feel better once done!
  • Hi! This is my first week on here and I am really hoping to see some results. I am getting married in April and feel like I really need to drop 10 lbs before the big day. I have spent the last 5 months getting up at 5:20a during the week just to bust my tail at boot camp for an hour. Although I burn 500-600 calories per class, I am not seeing the weight come off.

    So - this is my new chapter! I have given up Dr Pepper (my greatest struggle) and hoping that by logging my food choices I will be more aware and therefore keep my calorie intake low.

    Encouragement and support are welcome! And I will provide the same :-)
  • Hi I am new I have been using the app for about a month lost 10 pounds so far. I lost about 50 pounds back in 2009 / 10 then I got pregnant and had a baby in 2011 I am trying to get back to my pre baby weight it has been hard but I am trying. I want to look nice in my clothes. My biggest is that I am having a hard time working out. I get off work at 5:30 and then pick up kids from daycare and school by the time I get home it is 6 or 7pm I eat make sure the kids are done with homework and bath and then it bath and bed for me on time for a work out. Any suggestions?
  • xandralaw
    xandralaw Posts: 50 Member
    Hi I am new I have been using the app for about a month lost 10 pounds so far. I lost about 50 pounds back in 2009 / 10 then I got pregnant and had a baby in 2011 I am trying to get back to my pre baby weight it has been hard but I am trying. I want to look nice in my clothes. My biggest is that I am having a hard time working out. I get off work at 5:30 and then pick up kids from daycare and school by the time I get home it is 6 or 7pm I eat make sure the kids are done with homework and bath and then it bath and bed for me on time for a work out. Any suggestions?

    I have a similar work schedule - everyone out the door by 7 am, one kid to daycare, one kid to school, work 8-5 then reverse pick ups.. I get up at 5 am to work out. I'm done and in the shower before 6 and my hubby knows he's on duty with kids until he has to leave at 6:30, so I at least have time to get dressed. It was a rough schedule to get used to (and I'm far from consistent), but I feel more energized and in control when I start my day with a work out. :)
  • xandralaw
    xandralaw Posts: 50 Member
    i understand the baby weight , i had my 7th baby in august and im so depressed ive over the 200 mark....i also struggle with depression. so sometime its hard to stay focused. i would love to chat and maybe we can encourge each other! welcome to add me as a friend..Good luck to all!

    The depression part is by far the hardest. It's like having this looming failure lurking around every corner. One slip up and it's SO easy to use it as an excuse to fall off the wagon. I'm really going to rely on the support from MFP. Chat me up anytime :)
  • xandralaw
    xandralaw Posts: 50 Member
    I'm also working on baby weight. I just had my third child (in less than 4 years) 5 months ago and it has really taken a toll on my body. I'm working to lose 20 lbs. I'd REALLY like to button my jeans again... ;)

    Jeans! How I long to wear jeans. I'm still in the frumpy long skirt phase! Lol
  • teagans1mom
    teagans1mom Posts: 1 Member
    I just started on MFP three days ago so,I haven't been able to upload pictures yet but, when I read your Topic line I figured now is as good a time as any to start in with a support circle! I have a very similar, two kids and a crazy schedule. My son is 9 and my daughter is 2 so their activities are so different. This is the heaviest I have ever been and I just can't take it anymore! I am motivated to take care of myself as well as I take care of everyone else. I was able to lose the baby weight pretty easily with my first child but I was in my 20's, it is a whole different ball game in my mid 30's! I too have always battled with depression and I have really focused on getting that aspect of my life on track. Now that it is, I want to work on the whole package inside and out. This is not just about getting thin for me, I want to be healthy mind, body and soul.
  • Runningnorth
    Runningnorth Posts: 38 Member
    Hi, I am also a mom trying to lose baby weight, juggle life and staying awake. My kids are now 2 and 4 and 21 months apart. My oldest doesn't sleep so I am constantly working on half a tank of gas during my workouts. I am 5'11", I was 195 after I had my daughter and I have gotten down to 163. I was 145 before kids and I am aiming for someplace around that number. I am currently training for a half marathon to give me a push out the door.

    If you would like to share motivation and tips I would be interested.
