low calorie hangover cure?

OK, bad night - dinner with friends and drank too much wine. Woke up with hangover, so ate a fry-up. What should I have done? Any tips for next time appreciated (not that there will be a next time of course!)


  • nannybubbles
    My personal advice is:- Change that to GOOD night with friends, enjoyed myself and had a fry up... Oops!

    Wait half an hour, and if the sky hasn't fallen in (which it won't) stop beating yourself up. Right this minute it doesn't help to know what you SHOULD have done. We are all human... OK some less than others, but you can't change this time.. it's done. In a couple of days, think back on it as a lesson and think ahead to next time.

    If it were me, I would make the most of next time, enjoy.... but look forward to an indulgent, TREAT of a breakfast the next morning that is filling (always used to be ravenous after a night on the sauce) but healthier than a fry up.

    Not everyone's cup of tea, I know, but I would make sure I had things in the fridge that minimise the damage and make myself my poor man's version of eggs benedict (which I have never actually had!) but I might have wholemeal toast with some sort of fish, smoked salmon or smoked trout fillets (both available from a cheapie supermarket, doesn't have to cost a fortune) with scrambled or poached eggs and a big dollop of Baxters Tomato chutney on top!!

    If I were still hungry I would also have some galia melon or strawberries or BOTH if I felt like it!!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    A workout
  • Brad805
    Brad805 Posts: 289 Member
    So long as it is not too often, I would chalk it up to a good night and move on. It happens since we humans are imperfect by design.
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member

    You could get away with something like a bacon egg and cheese (1 egg, low cal cheese, couple slices of bacon, low cal bread or bagel thin)
  • ShullaElgood
    ShullaElgood Posts: 7 Member
    Bananas are a proven hangover cure.

    Force one down your neck at 3am as you stumble in the front door, along with some all important water. Have another in the morning on top of your porridge (the porridge will fill you and help you not overeat).

    Then, if you still feel rubbish at lunch time...well, just give in and have a bacon bap haha If i get this far I make myself feel a little bit better not slopping lots of sauce on it to avoid the sugars.

    This doesn't work for everytime, but bloody hell it's worth a go. A a total winner when it does work!
  • bgardiner49
    bgardiner49 Posts: 86 Member
    great answers, thanks!
  • IsleEsme
    IsleEsme Posts: 175 Member
    Yesterday was NATIONAL MARGARITA DAY! Did you know that? I didn't either until I googled it.

    Well, I couldn't pass that up! Especially since it's been months since I had one. LOVE margaritias!!

    Didn't love them as much upon waking up this morning-ugh. Had a clean breakfast and ignored the bacon in the fridge. Got my butt to the gym and sweated them out. I feel better now.
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    A smoothie with banana and coconut water in it would be a great hangover cure :)
  • MBNagel74
    MBNagel74 Posts: 444 Member
    Hangovers are typically because you are dehydrated... Replenish your fluids... Drink a big glass of water when you get home from drinking (or before you go to bed if you were drinking at home), another big glass of water when you wake up (more aspirin if needed), and just make sure you drink more water through the day.

    If it's really bad, I drink the gatorade (not other sport drinks that have way more sugar).

    Other tips:

    Drink Water: You'll feel miserable until you are rehydrated. Water is an excellent hangover remedy. So is orange juice, unless your stomach is too upset to handle it.

    Eat Something Simple: Eggs contain cysteine, which may help combat hangover symptoms. Milk is more food than water, but it serves to rehydrate you while supplying calcium, which may ease your misery.

    Sodium Bicarbonate: Try a spoonful of baking soda in water to help quell the hangover queasiness.

    Exercise: It raises your metabolic rate, which helps you clear toxins associated with metabolizing alcohol. Exercise helps you deliver oxygen to your cells, which can increase the speed at which you detoxify harmful compounds.

    Vitamin B1 or Thiamine: Thiamine helps prevent the buildup of glutarate in the brain, which may be associated with part of the headache associated with a hangover. Other B vitamins are depleted when you drink, so taking a B vitamin complex may be beneficial.

    (Found at http://chemistry.about.com/od/everydaychemistry/a/hangovers.htm)

    At the end of the day, though, DO NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP... We are only human, and this will most likely happen again. Personally, I love a big, greasy burger with an egg and all the fixings the morning after. I've refrained, but nothing tastes better after a night of drinking than that!
  • MBNagel74
    MBNagel74 Posts: 444 Member
    Yesterday was NATIONAL MARGARITA DAY! Did you know that? I didn't either until I googled it.

    Well, I couldn't pass that up! Especially since it's been months since I had one. LOVE margaritias!!

    Didn't love them as much upon waking up this morning-ugh. Had a clean breakfast and ignored the bacon in the fridge. Got my butt to the gym and sweated them out. I feel better now.

    Darn it... Missed that one!