Anyone else juicing?



  • losin4ever
    losin4ever Posts: 19 Member
    I'm not looking for a quick fix anymore.. I'm 51 and already yo yo up to my highest weight last year..
    I've been reading about benefits of juicing and the natural effects of fresh fruit and green veggies.

    Personally I don't eat enough veggies, especially good greens. this will help me.
    I will not be fasting for a long length of time but will always be incorporating juicing throughout
    my day!! Benefits my lil one as well.....
  • losin4ever
    losin4ever Posts: 19 Member
    I love my juice! In the summer I grew my own greens garden just for juicing. I want to add to it more this year. Also I buy large quantities to save money. If bags of oranges are on sale I buy two. I don't buy organic oranges but anything that the peel goes through I try to buy organic. You will find what works for you. I've had my juicer over a year and I use it about 4x a week and more in the summer. I first noticed changes in my skin. I haven't worked my way up to a cleanse yet.

    Not sure if you found this website yet but check this out.

    Great juicing plans.
    my quoting you didn't work right lol...
    this was response to zorreena

    Do you use lemon peel and orange peel ? if organic only or could you just clean real good?
    Tried different combo this it......
    I saw joe cross video and one reason I started looking into this....
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    I have been juicing daily for almost a month now. I can definitely feel it in my skin. I found numerous websites with recipes, but now I feel fairly comfortable to mix & match on my own. I'm really having a lot of fun trying different veggies - ones that I have never actually eaten. Today I had collard greens and radish greens, chard, carrot, celery, apple and ginger in my green cocktail. Some days I make red juice like carrot, beet, sweet potato.