Skinny wraps???



  • MsMori46
    I went to a meeting for ItWorks just last night. Let me be clear, I don't sell it and I have never tried it. Nor do I know anyone who sells it so this is not an ad. I am cautious with anything that works too fast and seems to good to be true (wraps) but I do like the idea of using natural products to gently detoxify my system (greens) as opposed to a lemon and pepper poop fest (the other detox thing out there). I think you have to look at each product and see what you want, need and believe in. Then you have to try it and see what works for you. Saying a whole product line is worthless and a sham when you haven't tried it all is just as erroneous as making exaggerated claims about the results you will get from the product.

    I don't need to try every bad idea in order to know it's a bad idea. Detoxes have never been proven.
  • MsMori46
    "It hasn't been proven" is not the same as "It doesn't work". That is my point. Everything that we know to be true about anything scientific be it weight loss, location of planets, progression of disease took time and energy for someone with a degree to "prove" and then still more time for it to be widely accepted as truth, which doesn't mean it wasn't always true. We just didn't have proof of that truth at the time. Because something didn't or doesn't work for you, doesn't mean it can't help someone else. Again, I am not trying to sell the product to anyone, I am just saying that people need to figure out what works for them as an individual.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Watch the brand. A lot of them are just water loss. I use the It Works! brand: <spam link deleted> However, this was what it has taken for me so far: Skinny Pack <spam/crap product link deleted> pills that draw out the bad fat and flush them out of your system as well as block carbs when you eat a heavy meal + Defining Gel - liquid form of the wrap that you can use in between wrapping, daily 1-2x per day) + 2 Ultimate Wraps and Greens <spam/crap product link deleted>= (an organic, whole food powder that detoxes your body gently and naturally - it is a daily serving of fruits and veggies that is safe to take every day.
    I have lost 2" on that and then when I started the greens, I lost an extra inch and 3# in less than 2 weeks just from being regular due to the Greens! It also helped to cut down my cravings to less than 1/4 of what they used to be, even during my cycle (ladies, you KNOW what I am talking about)!!!!
    *Stretch Marks - <spam link deleted>

    I actually had to look at my before and after pics to see results. I tried to post here but it says the pic is too big *lol* kinda ironic ;) *Check my profile - trying to upload it there..
    Great spam. Now allow me to direct you to a link:

    This is the one where MFP rules state that spamming/selling things on the forums here is prohibited.

    To the OP - as usual, when somebody is extolling the virtues and SPECTACULAR results of some scam product that will do you absolutely no good, she's trying to sell you something. The only thing that will get skinnier is your wallet.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    All those wraps do is make you lose water. That will cause you to lose an inch or two which can be good to do before an event for exmaple however once you eat and drink again that loss is right back where you lost it.

    Those who claim they flush fat from your system, pull out toxins, burn fat from your belly area, etc etc are normally selling the stuff so they will tell you what you want to hear, truth or not so they make a sale.

    It is pointless to spend the money on the wraps. While they may seem like a great thing, if they worked, everyone would be thin.

    To lose belly fat you have to just reduce your overall body fat %. Stretch marks will never go away but they do fade in time. They get lighter and are much less noticable over time. The only way you can remove them is surgery (I forget the type of procedure).

    Don't fall for the wraps... the only thing they make smaller is your wallet. Don't fall for the one person who is recommending them as she is selling them (which BTW, posting a link to something you sell is against the forum rules).

    This. So much this.

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I am not sure if you were dieting before, but you have only been on here since January. Eat at a reasonable caloric deficit and exercise (including strength training).

    The best thing to get rid of stubborn belly fat...caloric deficit, squats and patience.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    "It hasn't been proven" is not the same as "It doesn't work". That is my point. Everything that we know to be true about anything scientific be it weight loss, location of planets, progression of disease took time and energy for someone with a degree to "prove" and then still more time for it to be widely accepted as truth, which doesn't mean it wasn't always true. We just didn't have proof of that truth at the time. Because something didn't or doesn't work for you, doesn't mean it can't help someone else. Again, I am not trying to sell the product to anyone, I am just saying that people need to figure out what works for them as an individual.

    Regardless of who you are, the wraps will not make you lose fat and the greens will not detox anything. They will provide you with some extra fiber and nutrients at a price tag that is not worth the suppliment.
  • KristineW78
    KristineW78 Posts: 42 Member
    Eh, to each their own.
    I worked out 2-3 times per week for at least 1 hour each time. NO weight loss.In a month!
    I started my supplements and I lost 7 pounds before I found this forum and 3 after.
    I did cardio ONCE in the month that I lost so I mean, whatever works for you is what you should go for.
    I just used wraps to jumpstart my motivation since the month that I worked out before that did NOT cause me to lose any weight. It helped ME, that is all.
    Obviously yes, working out and eating right are the BEST methods to lose weight, gain muscle, etc.
    I personally like wraps and greens (brand unimportant for those that get upset) and feel that I have the money to invest in something that helps me, personally, be healthier so I will continue to add that to my routine along with yes, smart eating and working out.
    I am new at this so yeah, sometimes I deviate from that "perfect" nutritional routine and supplements help me. Maybe once I know as much as a "qualified nutritionist" or someone who has been at this for awhile I can maintain my lifestyle without supplements.
    However, I am not alone in taking supplements and good supplements also cost money (again, brand/store supply irrelevant).
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Eh, to each their own.
    I worked out 2-3 times per week for at least 1 hour each time. NO weight loss.In a month!
    I started my supplements and I lost 7 pounds before I found this forum and 3 after.
    I did cardio ONCE in the month that I lost so I mean, whatever works for you is what you should go for.
    I just used wraps to jumpstart my motivation since the month that I worked out before that did NOT cause me to lose any weight. It helped ME, that is all.
    Obviously yes, working out and eating right are the BEST methods to lose weight, gain muscle, etc.
    I personally like wraps and greens (brand unimportant for those that get upset) and feel that I have the money to invest in something that helps me, personally, be healthier so I will continue to add that to my routine along with yes, smart eating and working out.
    I am new at this so yeah, sometimes I deviate from that "perfect" nutritional routine and supplements help me. Maybe once I know as much as a "qualified nutritionist" or someone who has been at this for awhile I can maintain my lifestyle without supplements.
    However, I am not alone in taking supplements and good supplements also cost money (again, brand/store supply irrelevant).

    It's great that it "helped" you... however, correlation doesn't equal causeation.

    You can achieve and maintain a healthy body, diet and life without suppliments provided you are eating correctly. Far too often we suppliment with things our bodies don't need more of.

    Can you please stop trying to sell your products here now?
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Thank you all for the great info. It's been what, two days now, and still haven't seen any improvement or change. I have seen pictures from my own friends who have done them. Some of which have seen some good, but not great results. I have seen other pics from my local spa, that showed great results, which obviously were advertisements, so I can't really believe those. I thought they were pictures of local people, but probably not. Oh well, guess I'll keep applying the stuff I have already purchased and see what happens. I will definately give the bio oil a try once I run out of this stuff. I have tried the palmers...nothing. I've heard good things about the bio oil, but didn't know it would help once the stretch marks are already there. I have also heard that in many cases, such as my own, that after childbirth, and being stretched out as far as I was, that sometimes the only thing to get rid of the belly is surgery, which is not a financial option right now. I tried to get the OB to do a little tummy tuck while she did my c-section, but no such luck! Bahahahaha...JK. I've already lost 65lb's, with only 15 more to go. Maybe this last 15 will be the trick! Ha! I really don't want to lose anymore than that, because other than my belly, I'm beginning to look a little anorexic. Lol. Thanks everyone! Wish me luck! :happy:
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    ...I have seen other pics from my local spa, that showed great results, which obviously were advertisements, so I can't really believe those. I thought they were pictures of local people, but probably not...
    Watch this video to learn the secrets behind "before and after" pics and why a lot of them are phony baloney. Both interesting and funny:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Thank you all for the great info. It's been what, two days now, and still haven't seen any improvement or change. I have seen pictures from my own friends who have done them. Some of which have seen some good, but not great results. I have seen other pics from my local spa, that showed great results, which obviously were advertisements, so I can't really believe those. I thought they were pictures of local people, but probably not. Oh well, guess I'll keep applying the stuff I have already purchased and see what happens. I will definately give the bio oil a try once I run out of this stuff. I have tried the palmers...nothing. I've heard good things about the bio oil, but didn't know it would help once the stretch marks are already there. I have also heard that in many cases, such as my own, that after childbirth, and being stretched out as far as I was, that sometimes the only thing to get rid of the belly is surgery, which is not a financial option right now. I tried to get the OB to do a little tummy tuck while she did my c-section, but no such luck! Bahahahaha...JK. I've already lost 65lb's, with only 15 more to go. Maybe this last 15 will be the trick! Ha! I really don't want to lose anymore than that, because other than my belly, I'm beginning to look a little anorexic. Lol. Thanks everyone! Wish me luck! :happy:

    Do you do some kind of strength training?
  • blueeyez1727
    blueeyez1727 Posts: 56 Member
    I also tried the It Works wraps trying to jump start things- 5 wraps, no results at all. I would have a little skin tightening for a few days following, but never inch loss. I'm sorry they didn't work for you either :(
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    ^^ Lolol...too funny!!! Crazy! I might try to cut out my diet sodas after seeing this! Lol. I only drink about 1-2/day, but I've heard it can make you bloated. Thanks for that! :laugh:
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    I also tried the It Works wraps trying to jump start things- 5 wraps, no results at all. I would have a little skin tightening for a few days following, but never inch loss. I'm sorry they didn't work for you either :(

    Oh well, I'll just keep on truckin'! Lol. Thanks for sharing! :happy:
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Thank you all for the great info. It's been what, two days now, and still haven't seen any improvement or change. I have seen pictures from my own friends who have done them. Some of which have seen some good, but not great results. I have seen other pics from my local spa, that showed great results, which obviously were advertisements, so I can't really believe those. I thought they were pictures of local people, but probably not. Oh well, guess I'll keep applying the stuff I have already purchased and see what happens. I will definately give the bio oil a try once I run out of this stuff. I have tried the palmers...nothing. I've heard good things about the bio oil, but didn't know it would help once the stretch marks are already there. I have also heard that in many cases, such as my own, that after childbirth, and being stretched out as far as I was, that sometimes the only thing to get rid of the belly is surgery, which is not a financial option right now. I tried to get the OB to do a little tummy tuck while she did my c-section, but no such luck! Bahahahaha...JK. I've already lost 65lb's, with only 15 more to go. Maybe this last 15 will be the trick! Ha! I really don't want to lose anymore than that, because other than my belly, I'm beginning to look a little anorexic. Lol. Thanks everyone! Wish me luck! :happy:

    Do you do some kind of strength training?

    Yes, ma'am! I don't do crazy lifting, but I'm pretty buff for a girl! Lol. They have a great ab machine at my gym, plus I've done the crunches, the squats, the exercise ball, all kinds of stuff. I can FEEL the abs under my fatty fat! Drives me crazy that I can't see it! Lol.
  • SexyPrettyMama
    JUST do the Greens if nothing else and those are inexpensive as a loyal customer
    I guess I spent the money because it was a quicker way to lose weight
    I was NOT losing my belly eating right and exercising
    I didn't realize that I wasn't regular and therefor - toxic!
    The greens are really what cleaned me out and cut my cravings.
    I know I will lose eating right and exercising and that is the right way to do it but I am also a spiritual person and one who STRONGLY believes in nutrition, which is why this line is for me
    These are the links that have rooted me!

    What she said^^^^^^
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Thank you all for the great info. It's been what, two days now, and still haven't seen any improvement or change. I have seen pictures from my own friends who have done them. Some of which have seen some good, but not great results. I have seen other pics from my local spa, that showed great results, which obviously were advertisements, so I can't really believe those. I thought they were pictures of local people, but probably not. Oh well, guess I'll keep applying the stuff I have already purchased and see what happens. I will definately give the bio oil a try once I run out of this stuff. I have tried the palmers...nothing. I've heard good things about the bio oil, but didn't know it would help once the stretch marks are already there. I have also heard that in many cases, such as my own, that after childbirth, and being stretched out as far as I was, that sometimes the only thing to get rid of the belly is surgery, which is not a financial option right now. I tried to get the OB to do a little tummy tuck while she did my c-section, but no such luck! Bahahahaha...JK. I've already lost 65lb's, with only 15 more to go. Maybe this last 15 will be the trick! Ha! I really don't want to lose anymore than that, because other than my belly, I'm beginning to look a little anorexic. Lol. Thanks everyone! Wish me luck! :happy:

    Do you do some kind of strength training?

    Yes, ma'am! I don't do crazy lifting, but I'm pretty buff for a girl! Lol. They have a great ab machine at my gym, plus I've done the crunches, the squats, the exercise ball, all kinds of stuff. I can FEEL the abs under my fatty fat! Drives me crazy that I can't see it! Lol.

    Squats and other similar compound movements are the best thing to do to help 'mobilize' the stubborn fat, so that is great.

    I know what you mean about starting to worry about getting too thin in some areas but still having excess fat in others as I have the same concerns. Unless you do a bulk/cut cycle to gain LBM (higher LBM 'supports' more fat), the best thing to do is just continue losing the fat slowly but also make sure that you have a good strength training routine - something like StrongLifts 5 x 5 is great.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I think those things give only temporary results and that's why they are done by celebs before appearances. that's like it's only use, and for normal people...high school reunion. and even then it's not gonna create miracles.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Well, it's about day 4, and I am finally starting to see some results! Thank goodness!!! I've been doing the defining gel daily. My belly has gone down about 2 inches! Although, it could be in part because I'm no longer hormonal, but I'm still down a little more than what I was before the hormonal thing! Crossing my fingers! :happy: