Looking for motivation

I am a 29 year old female. I started My Fitness Pal awhile back but never took it seriously. I am now dedicated to keeping myself motivated and actually going through with my weight loss plans this time. I have about 100 pounds to lose so I have a long journey ahead of me. I would love to make some new friends to keep me motivated throughout my journey.


  • chaaalgeo
    hey i am 26 years old trying to lose 50lbs. i have lost 20lbs since the start of the year using MFP so it works great if you stick to it
  • graciesmomma0209
    graciesmomma0209 Posts: 36 Member
    I have been using it religiously for the past 5 days. I know that isn't very long but it is a start. Everyone add me if you would like I could definitely use more friends on here.
  • Leighb25
    Leighb25 Posts: 3 Member
    I decided to come back and do this for real this time. When I looked at the date of when I started, I was shocked it was a year ago and I have gained 20 pounds since then. I feel so ashamed. I need to do this for myself respect. I don't know how I got here, but I am here and must deal with it!!!! So hopefully we can keep each other motivated !
  • zacberm1
    zacberm1 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all....I have lost 56 pounds since july 2012 and have about 45 more to go. Just started using MFP as a new motivational tool and to track my progress, food and exercise. Nice to meet you all and let's keep it up!
  • fatgirljessica
    Hi. I'm gonna add you! My diary is open to friends so you can see how I eat. I have it set to post when I exercise and I'll be posting little tid bits I find helpful...

    I'm 23 and have 135lbs to loose!

    Good luck!
  • jessp2011
    jessp2011 Posts: 40 Member
    Please feel free to add me on here.