SPINNING - How bad?!



  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    I love spinning! I was hooked on my first class! I guess a lot of it depends on who leads the class. The lady who does our class is a great motivator, very encouraging and tells newbies up front that they determine how much they put into the exercise. Now after you've been around a couple of classes she will call you out if you don't like you are doing enough though!
    I say try it. I burned almost 600 calories in 45 minutes last night at our spin class.
  • steph2606
    steph2606 Posts: 42 Member
    I did spinning for around 6 months and then stopped after having my routine trashed by a wedding i had to go away for :sad:

    The first session i ever went to was a killer, im not gonna lie lol! I could hardly walk because of the impact on my knees.
    But after going to the next class a week later, i was fine...and slowly but surely, my body adjusted to the workout and it didnt hurt anymore! It just made me sweat like crazy...which is a good thing! :smile:

    If i were you i would give it a go... definately follow the other's advice about letting the instructor know you are just starting out and they will help you set your bike up and help make sure you get the best from your workouts.

    PS, I HAVE NEVER BEEN STRAPPED DOWN TO MY BIKE?!?!?! lol! Yes there is a foot strap but thats only to make sure you dont fall off when you're riding whilst standing and to make sure you have full grip on the pedals.

    you will go and think, "WOW, i wish i had tried that sooner!"

    Good luck! and let us know how it goes :wink:

  • DaveRCF
    DaveRCF Posts: 266
    The important thing is for the first few times, don't feel you need to keep up with the class. It's okay to take a rest during the class by just backing off, having a drink and letting your legs and lungs recover.

    Also, this is an anerobic workout so great for your cardio, not so great for fat burning. I would also limit the number of classes to 2X per week and never two days in a row. Mix it in with other cardio if you need more but don't overdue it.

    A strong core is a BIG asset when spinning because you are spending so much time out of the saddle and also doing jumps (in and out of the saddle).

    Finally, if you stick with it, I would strongly recommend cycling shoes and a good pair of shorts. A heart rate monitor is also very useful to help you to push when you need to.

    I've been spinning for years and although I much prefer to just get out on my bike for a ride but this is VERY different. It is really an interval workout with a like-minded group of people, set to (usually) some good tunes. Good luck!
  • kaspily
    kaspily Posts: 24
    I enjoy biking so I gave it a shot a few weeks ago. I would recommend it to anyone. I see people of all ages and sizes doing the class. You control your resitance and how hard your workout is. I agree that you need to get there early and work with the instructor to set the bike up. It is easy to hurt yourself if the bike isn't set up right. Best thing I did in the beginning was bringing a gel bike seat with me to class. Also, bring a towel and lots of water.
  • maruxf
    maruxf Posts: 39
    I've noticed that a bunch of people are saying that their knees hurt while spinning.

    My knees used to bug me until I figured out the perfect bike setup for me (it took like 4 classes to get the settings to somewhat resemble the geometry of my road bike...) Now, my knees AND my girl-bits are used to the erm, impact. =P

    I now go religiously 3 times a week and its my cardio of choice during lifting days (I get on a spinning bike to top-off after a lifting session)...

    Drink lots of fluid beforehand. You will sweat.
  • mollymasm
    mollymasm Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you guys, I think I will definitely try it now :)
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    You set your own pace and resistance, so be honest with yourself about your own ability. Take water. And wear padded shorts!
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    I'm a spinning instructor, and I don't get why everyone's so freaked out by spinning. It's not that intimidating, and there's no reason why you can't take breaks. Locking you to the bike? WTF? Only thing I can think of that's remotely like this is buying cycling shoes so you can snap into the pedals. Give it a try! I have people of all ages and weights in my classes and everyone pushes their own limits, whatever they may be. Nobody should be judging you!!
  • jetabear10
    jetabear10 Posts: 375 Member
    I spin every week and love it. It is only as hard as you make it. If you dial up the resistance you will obviously work harder and your body will get used to spinning as it does with any other exercise.

    I love spinning so much (and it is such a good calorie burn) that I actually look forward to my class each week!!

    Take your time and ease yourself into it. You know what you can and can not do. Listen to your body!

  • Dragonfly1996
    Dragonfly1996 Posts: 196 Member
    I've been spinning every week for about 2/3 years now so obviously I love it!! Like most forms of exercise some will like it & some won't so would give it a go & form ur own opinion!

    Never been strapped into a bike nor ever seen this happen to anyone else! Certainly wouldn't rate any instructor that did that!!! Agree with others on here to tell the instructor you haven't been before & they should spend some time making sure your bike is set up properly so you know what to do & are comfortable. The saddle & handlebars should be at the correct height for you. Also never had any knee or foot problems (& I have some knee issues with running!!) however if u aren't used to cycling u may "feel the saddle" a bit afterwards so padded shorts can help there!! Oh & make sure u take water & a towel - it gets sweaty!!!

    Good luck & enjoy it!!! :flowerforyou:
  • SUSIE091
    SUSIE091 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi it does take a few goes to get the feel of it and know what to do but once you got there

    it is FAB :) and is such a good workout i love it now and try and go 3 /4 time a week :)
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Spinning can be TOO EASY if you let the flywheel drive your legs. (ie: bouncing in the seat....) You can go at your own pace. I find it much easier than actually riding.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Does anyone else do this ?

    I can "adjust" the resistance by clipping my knee off the side of the knob without anyone knowing. Usually decreasing the resistance lol.. Sneaky sneaky sneaky
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Does anyone else do this ?

    I can "adjust" the resistance by clipping my knee off the side of the knob without anyone knowing. Usually decreasing the resistance lol.. Sneaky sneaky sneaky

    You shouldn't cheat, but you can also do a quick decrease twist with your thumb, then just make the increase gesture with your hand while not actually turning the knob. Not that I would ever do that.
  • mrscritter1
    I just completed today my third spin class. And... No pain in the butt. Haha. The first time the pain was almost immediate but I pushed thru, second class was much less, and today none! I really like it cuz it's different than cardio machines, Zumba etc... It goes by very quickly. My heart rate monitor shows I'm burning 400-500 calories per class. Which to me is not that much I can burn 800 at Zumba or 600 at kickboxing in an hour. So for me it's good,fun and kinda a rest day although it's still intense. I like to shake it up all the time and this is another thing that I enjoy...
  • lissetmba
    lissetmba Posts: 13 Member
    It gets much easier as you go forward. You really can't judge the entire workout style from just one time. I'm sure the first time you lifted any kind of weights you thought "I'm never doing this again", but if you do it a few more time you'll notice that your arms don't hurt anymore and you don't get sore like you used to... well it's the same with spinning.

    The first class will make your "bottom" hurt, but then you do adjust to the seat and you don't feel any soreness at all. Plus, you get stronger and your body starts to change and feel leaner. it's amazing!

    Don't be intimidated to try it again. The more you spin the easier it gets and the more of an accomplishment you feel... that first class when you're able to keep up with everyone else... wow! Major awesome feeling!!
  • zacberm1
    zacberm1 Posts: 5 Member
    I began spinning in July of 2012 and have been consistenly spinning four days a week. It has been a huge part of my weight loss journey. I have found something that's really fun! I will say the first 6 or so classes were brutal. Sore butt, excessively sweaty, couldn't stand up or raise resistance but I stuck to it and now complete the entire class uping the intensity and speed. I am so proud of my cardiovascular accomplishments and feel my heart getting "healthy" LOL. Just tough it out and it will benefit in the long run. Lots of water and a sweat cloth. My gym has the pedals with the clips that you can snap your cycling shoes into but if you prefer just slide into the cages and tighten. That is my preference. Don't really like how it feels to be clipped in. My instructor says it gives you more power but oh well. I burn about 600 calories in 60 minutes and feel invigorated afterwards especially when there is good music and a great teacher. Go for it and keep me posted!
  • amwoidyla
    amwoidyla Posts: 257 Member
    My boyfriend made me to go spin with him at our gym. He's an avid cyclist, so I looked like a total n00b sitting next to him.
    I've been trying to go at least once a week for the last few months and now I don't feel like I'm going to die after the first 30 minutes.
    Plus, I used my HRM during spin this morning, and I burned just short of 600 calories!