What do you reward yourself with?



  • CoachGwenna
    I like to go for a fun activity or "for me" day, some that I've done have been tree-top trekking, zip-lining, skiing, golf, massage, spa, winery tour, boating, off-roading, hiking, day-sailing... I know there's more but I can't think of them at the moment lol
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    At 5 pounds, I took myself to Popeye's for lunch (stayed within my daily calories, too).

    At 10 pounds, I'm buying myself a book. Haven't decided on the reward for 15 pounds.

    I print out a picture of my upcoming reward and hang it above my scale for motivation.
  • CoachGwenna
    I forgot to mention feel free to add me as a friend, the more the merrier!
  • saminmio
    saminmio Posts: 44 Member
    When I get halfway there I'm going out for pizza and eating 2 big pieces. I know you're not supposed to do food but seriously this is pretty much the only real food I've taken off the list so once in a while it's a good reward but not til I've lost some weight. When I actually reach my goal weight I think I might go for a make over like new hair style and possibly even a tramp stamp if the bod looks good enough. The shopping I do whenever I want already - I like to spoil myself.
    HKSJS Posts: 23 Member
    For each 2 weeks I stick to my daily calorie goal and do some kind of excrcise I'm getting myself a bath and body works body mist (from ebay of course as I'm from the UK) :)
    When I have all the scents I like I may change this to something from Urban Decay/MAC :)
  • carlysuzanne85
    carlysuzanne85 Posts: 204 Member
    When I hit my next goal, I'm treating myself to a massage. I've done things like buying new ear buds, buying a book I really wanted to read and made myself wait until I hit the next goal, a new workout outfit, new makeup, etc. For me, I can't do food rewards; I've done that in the past and, for me, it promotes my unhealthy relationship with food. My best friend who started out with 120 pounds to lose, is going to buy a plane ticket to come visit me when she hits her first 40 pound mark--and she's almost there! I can't wait :)
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    For me, feeling healthier is really enough of a reward to keep going, but I do find that doing things for myself keeps me motivated. Here's some ideas for you:

    New haircut
    new shoes
    exercise equipment
    home decor items (like a new mirror or a new bedspread)
    New underwear
    going to an indoor trampoline park
    go hiking/camping/canoeing
    go sledding/skiing
    buy stuff for your hobbies (art supplies, motorcycle gear, etc..)
  • tleeiiiii
    tleeiiiii Posts: 44 Member
    I'm trying not to reward myself when I hit numbers because I find it kind of discouraging.... a few pounds until I get that... I'm trying to just treat myself every week or other week with things that take care of me and make me feel good. So far I started getting my nails done and eyelash extensions. I've only lost 8 pounds in 2 months but I'm proud of myself for sticking with it even with slow results. Next I'm going to buy a few pieces of clothing or a facial (never had one) in a few weeks :)
  • Cheli216
    Cheli216 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm having trouble finding things to reward myself with because we have a very strict budget right now. Sounds silly but even $20 clothes shopping is tricky to do. Plus I work night shift, my husband works day shift and we have one vehicle. So going out in general is hard. So far my only reward is feeling better, which is a great reward, but I think if I had something to stand up for my progress (almost like a trophy) it would feel more like an achievement. Anyone have ideas? Feel free to add me, most of my friends don't want to try this :D
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I'm having trouble finding things to reward myself with because we have a very strict budget right now. Sounds silly but even $20 clothes shopping is tricky to do. Plus I work night shift, my husband works day shift and we have one vehicle. So going out in general is hard. So far my only reward is feeling better, which is a great reward, but I think if I had something to stand up for my progress (almost like a trophy) it would feel more like an achievement. Anyone have ideas? Feel free to add me, most of my friends don't want to try this :D

    Make a star chart! One reason I love logging into my Wii games is because a couple of them have calendars with green check marks or smiley faces - no reason you couldn't do this on the cheap! You could even do it for free on your computer.
  • addreonnaseger
    The intrinsic value of crushing my enemies, seeing them driven before me, and hearing the lamentations of the women is reward enough.

    Lol. YES.
  • addreonnaseger
    Oh man. I haven't made these goals yet but I certainly need to! Rewards could be a huge incentive.
  • nisenee
    I'm new to MFP and am struggling with this one. I'm currently searching for employment so spending money isn't a good option now. I think I need to take time for crafty things. I haven't scrapbooked in forever. In spring it will be to take Mom time in my garden. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  • Sassystac76
    Sassystac76 Posts: 44 Member
    Reward.... well BEST answer .... Look @ yourself, YOU are the reward!
    Congrats and keep up your hard work! You deserve the reward that's best for you.
  • Poetic_Photography
    Usually new clothes for smaller milestones... I save bigger & more expensive treats for larger weight goals :smile:
  • Sassystac76
    Sassystac76 Posts: 44 Member
    Welcome, I am new as well!
    As far as your question goes about how to get or be involved,
    My suggestion is go to your local library, creative centre, community centre, spca, clubs. It is amazing on how you can become involved and so quickly with free local events that can turn out to be personally and family fun!
    Best of all, they all include activity, getting out there and creating a new routine of being active and involved!
    Good luck, feel free to add me! We motivate and inspire each other helpfully
  • LisaM_9
    LisaM_9 Posts: 75 Member
    i do different things... maybe a professional manicure or massage or if you are a runner do one of those foot massage places. Love being pampered. Maybe fpr a little more cute work out clothes or shoes (to keep you going), but it could be just to be able to have a full on cheat dinner - I have an all time favorite hamburger place - and last year had one (havent for a long time, and didn't feel guilty about it, cause I knew I worked hard to enjoy it.) or doing a little day trip with some friends or family somewhere you really wanted to go to or do. Main thing is definitely give your self some little indulgences that still let you live your healthy lifestyle and keep you motivated :) Good luck!!
  • walkinon_sunshine
    I'm really not into Mani/Pedi's and i've had quite the range of body sizes so i have clothes for every stage of weight loss anyways, lol. But i do love baking. And i know, most people disagree with rewarding with food, but when i do have a food reward, it MUST fit into my calorie goal for the day and it is always homemade so it's lots of fun for me. Luckily, with MFP, you can add your own recipes, so i'll get something going in the oven, and while it's baking, i will enter my recipe into MFP and find out how many servings it'll make, and how many servings i want / can have. I try to do this for myself every time i have a "perfect" week. ie: Excercised every day, and put bio oil on everyday, twice a day. I never feel guilty about this one because it always fits into my diet plan and is a special little activity for me! Plus my family benefits too, they get to munch on sum homemade goodies :) Sry. for the long length of this post, thanks for reading.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    perfumes fabulous expensive perfumes!! Next one is either sergens lutens cheguri or dior's hypnotic poison
  • droneofvelvet
    droneofvelvet Posts: 290 Member
    Rewarding myself with weight loss. This type of system will only set you up to be disappointed if you don't accomplish your goals. In terms of weight loss that will be more common than not. I told myself a couple years ago I'd be buying myself a pair of shoes in February 2011 because I would hit 135 by then. Now that is just a bitter memory, I don't have my body and I don't have my shoes. :indifferent:

    Of course I am motivated by clothes, beauty, fashion, fitness wear, etc, but I think the reward system is an unhealthy mentality.