i know i know only 60 days ;/

Hello I would like some advice.

I have 60 days till my April wedding and still need to lose 30-35 lbs.
I am doing the JM 30 day shred, and my diet has changed.
So what else can I do to make this possible?


  • Hello I would like some advice.

    I have 60 days till my April wedding and still need to lose 30-35 lbs.
    I am doing the JM 30 day shred, and my diet has changed.
    So what else can I do to make this possible?
    Low carb
  • Low carb, low sugar, and amp up your exercise time as much as you can stand. It works, but its harder to keep the weight off if you go back to eating normally once you reach your goal.
    Remember it took time for that weight to come on, it's not going to want to go away that quickly without a fight!
    Good luck!
  • Congrats on your wedding! It sounds like you are doing what you can. Some people have a lot of success with low carb, but if you're counting calories that should work. If you want to lose the maximum amount of weight you can, limit your calories to 1200 a day. You can expect to lose only about 20 pounds max, and even that is stretching it.....but don't you think that's enough? Feeling good on your wedding day is not just about your weight :)
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member

    You should have started months ago and not waited until the last minute to try and lose such a large amount of weight.
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member

    I'd say that losing 30-35lbs in 2 months is not realistic. You'd be looking at needing to lose 3.5-4lbs a week; week in, week out.

    The base issue here is that you don't need to lose 35lbs by your wedding day, you want to lose it and those are two totally different things. If you need to lose 35lbs then you should lose it in a steady, healthy and sustainable way and I'm afraid you can't put a 'deadline date' on that kind of undertaking.

    The other issue is that you may lose 35lbs in 60 days if you do some kind of madcap crash diet and exercise until you drop but you also stand a massively big chance of piling it all on again in as much time as it took you to lose it and that isn't healthy either.

    My advice, love yourself however you'll look on your wedding day. Your body and your health is not a fashion accessory that you can change at the drop of a hat. If you want to lose weight, forget about the wedding date and concentrate on doing it in a healthy way.
  • Taraanne76
    Taraanne76 Posts: 111 Member
    A low everything diet. I did mrc diet a few yrs ago and lost pretty quickly.
  • sofielein
    sofielein Posts: 539 Member
    Not realistic methinks. Even on a very strict 1200 cal diet i only lost 20 lb in 2 months. And I have not had ANYTHING sweet for example since Christmas. I had pasta or bread - very minimal - once a week.

    You do not need to be stick thin on your wedding. You need to feel good on your wedding... losing 10 lb will be enough to feel good, then you will know what you do works and you can continue doing that. Being so strict and overrestricting will just make you give up within like a week.
    I'm guessing you don't want any saggy skin either so...
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    As others said, the 30-35 lb. loss in the time you specified would be unrealistic (or totally unhealthy). Instead, go at this in a healthy way so it's something you continue to build on in your life after the wedding as well. Whatever amount you lose will make a difference so accept that and revel in the fact that you're beginning a "new life" in more than one way. A better goal would be a healthier life rather than focusing on a one day goal...after all, if you reach a goal it's easy to say you're "done" and you ease up and revert to old ways.

    Concentrate on each day to make it the best you can...and don't sabotage yourself if it's not perfect. Good luck and be a happy and lovely bride on your wedding day. After all, that's how your groom sees you.
  • I did try to do this time but it just didn't really work out for me. Now I have my dress bought, to buy a new dress is not an option. So I need to lose the weight for the dress and my self. I'm 166 right now eventually I would like to be my high school weight at 125. But with 60 days to go I would like to lose the 30 lbs to fit in my dress so I am thinking about trying the fad diets just for now for the quick weight lose I mean I do work out and am healthy I just need the process to speed up.

    I'm thinking of doing veggies liquids oat meal cereals and salads with protine?
    I just need help!
  • LauraAshley95
    LauraAshley95 Posts: 70 Member
    Sorry, but 2 lbs per day isn't going to happen. Not only is it unrealistic, it's not healthy.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I'm sorry you are in this situation. It sounds very stressful. Any way you can see a nutritionist for a short term plan?
  • 30ismyyear
    30ismyyear Posts: 145 Member
    You should re-change your plan. Depending on your current weight you might be able to lose 20 pounds before than but if you're not hugely overweight you're more likely only going to lose 10 pounds by then.
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member

    You should have started months ago and not waited until the last minute to try and lose such a large amount of weight.

    Seriously, why so doom and gloom? You must be perfect.

    I would focus on low fat, higher protein, lots of water, fiber, and low sodium. You can't hope to lose a ton of weight, but you can de bloat and work on toning...which will make you look thinner. No one is going to weigh you on your wedding day, so focus on de bloating and getting as toned as possible.

    Or you can follow the biggest loser diet and have a 3500 calorie deficit every day, lose a pound a day, possible murder your bridal party and fiancé before the wedding because your so hangry, and then gain back 20 pounds on your honey moon...but I would choose the first one.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I did try to do this time but it just didn't really work out for me. Now I have my dress bought, to buy a new dress is not an option. So I need to lose the weight for the dress and my self. I'm 166 right now eventually I would like to be my high school weight at 125. But with 60 days to go I would like to lose the 30 lbs to fit in my dress so I am thinking about trying the fad diets just for now for the quick weight lose I mean I do work out and am healthy I just need the process to speed up.

    I'm thinking of doing veggies liquids oat meal cereals and salads with protine?
    I just need help!

    you have time to get the dress let out.
    I don't think it's going to be possible to lose so much in 2 months though.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Eat a moderate calorie deficit, exercise, and be proud of the progress you make between now and then. Your goal is virtually impossible, but you can make some good progress if you are committed.

    Good luck!
  • Have the dress altered, it's cheaper than a new dress but you need to give yourself a break and realize that 30-35lbs in 60 days in very un-healthy and not realistic. You're setting yourself up for more stress than you need at a time that should be fun and exciting! So cut yourself some slack, plan to lose 10-15 and worry about the other 10-15 later; in the meantime have some one take the dress out a little and enjoy your wedding day!!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Sorry, but 2 lbs per day isn't going to happen. Not only is it unrealistic, it's not healthy.

    Um, that would be half a pound.
  • 30ismyyear
    30ismyyear Posts: 145 Member
    I read your other comment...

    If you try to eat only veggies and work out like crazy you are going to end up starving yourself which will lead you to be cranky and miserable and stressed out. Plus, more than likely you'll binge and could end up not losing anything!

    I'm sorry your dress won't fit...they can let it out a size or, what I had to do for my wedding dress since I got knocked up a month after buying it and was 3 months pregnant at my wedding... you can get the zipper taken out and do a tie up back instead.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member

    Eat well and healthily, move more, lose as much as you end up losing in a sane way (most likely 1/2 pound-1 pound a week, you might lose 10-12 pounds in the time you are given if you are very diligent), and use the time to figure out 1) why you waited until you were in panic mode to feel like you should do something, 2) how long the dress will take to be altered, since this is what you probably should be doing in the meantime, and 3) how to regain a healthy and realistic relationship with your body and food.

    Congratulations on your wedding.
  • PosterGuy1
    PosterGuy1 Posts: 163 Member
    It looks like I'm going to lose 45 pounds in two months, but I'm obese.

    What are your stats?
  • michelle7673
    michelle7673 Posts: 370 Member
    What kind of dress, and where doesn't it fit?
    My point is really that you don't have a pounds challenge; you have an inches challenge. I think it's feasible to lose 15 pounds in 2 months; maybe even a bit more. But you can get 10-15 pounds worth of help, easily, with a good body shaper.
    And I agree with other posters. Even 15 pounds is going to make you feel great. If it is a strapless dress, or your arms will show, you can do a fair amount to tone them up in 2 months.
    Honestly, a crashy crash diet will just make you lose weight all over, much of which won't matter. If you do it right, and lose more fat, it will help where you are likely to need it (aka the bodice and the waist).
    And DON'T go doing a million sit-ups!!! There is an exercise called "stomach vacuums" that will help reduce your waist a bit.
  • I've read everyone's in put and thank you all.
    I do think maybe even 10-15lbs will do and yes my issue may be losing inches so any advise for that?

    My dress is strapless and it is corset back, it can not be let out :( the part that does not fit is thw waist part does not go all the way down it stays stuck around my mid section. ( I shld post pics)

    Shld I work out out more? Or what type of exercise shld I be doing. My arms is also something I shld try to tone up.
  • berrymuffins89
    berrymuffins89 Posts: 17 Member
    If it can't be let out, you should get another dress. Otherwise it will be a couple of days before the wedding and you're freaking out because you can't get into your dress and no time to get another.
  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member
    Losing weight rapidly for a single event will likely lead to gaining it back rapidly after the event. It's the wrong way to think. It's the kind of thinking that has led people like us to struggle with weight to begin with. Forget about how you will look at the wedding (spoiler alert: you're the bride, you will look beautiful :smile:) and focus on losing gradually with changes in your life that you can sustain long term.
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    Personally...I would aim for 10-15 pounds and do some serious exercise to try to cut the inches off...

    Aiming for 10-15 instead of 30 may make the difference between being a happy bride vs a total hungry angry bridezilla.
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    If it can't be let out, you should get another dress. Otherwise it will be a couple of days before the wedding and you're freaking out because you can't get into your dress and no time to get another.

    ^^^ This

    OP - did you purposefully buy a dress a few sizes smaller as an incentive to lose weight, but didn't actually get round to doing anything about losing weight until now? If so, you've piled a whole world of stress and pressure on yourself. With 60 days to go you'd have to time to sell the wedding dress and buy another. Personally that's the avenue I'd go down and then also diet/exercise sensibly as part of a lifestyle change to get healthier in general.

    If you are determined to go hell for leather then the only diet I've ever come across where people have lost that much are the VLCD 500-a-day calorie diets such as Lighter Life or Cambridge and they tend to work on 14lbs loss a month (if you have that much to lose, obviously). If you think you have the will power to stomach 60 days of disgusting fake soups 3x a day then go for it....however they are not good for you and I can pretty much guarantee that you'll be spending your honeymoon face down in a plate of food from dawn till dusk to make up for it and regain all the weight within a few months of doing it.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I have no idea, but if you manage it, please let us all know how you did it (in 60 days time), that seems like an awfully hard to achieve goal. Obviously your fiancé loves you the way you are, I'd be trading the dress in for the next size up and take the stress off. Good luck!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I only have 20 lbs to lose, have been losing at a rate of 1.5-2lbs a week and I still won't reach 20lbs in 60 days. Sorry but there is no way to lose that amount of weight in the time frame specified.

    Get another dress or do the 30DS - everyday for 30 days. Once you complete it, do it again for another 30 days or try another workout video. Make sure to add walking or some kind of cardio in as well.

    Good luck
  • I have heard working out early mornings or before meal time is better for weight lose so I think I'll start to do that. And my meal plans are that with cereal or oat meal for breakfast, veggies and wheat thins for snacks, soup for lunch, and a light dinner. I can give that a try see how it goes.

    I just to put it out there I want to lose weight for the wedding but I also want to keep it for after, so this is for sure something I want to stay with. I'm thinking that yes maybe 10-15 lbs will do it it's more possible too, I'll take anything I can get lol.

    We are planning for a baby after the wedding so staying in shape NOW is a must.

    Thanks again for the comments, advice and support :)
  • I have no idea, but if you manage it, please let us all know how you did it (in 60 days time), that seems like an awfully hard to achieve goal. Obviously your fiancé loves you the way you are, I'd be trading the dress in for the next size up and take the stress off. Good luck!

    I will definitely try and report back.
    Thanks :)