Worried about what is happening to my body. Please help.

Hello myfitnesspal community!

My name is Katie, and I am a 20 year old university student. Lately I am dealing with a number of concerns and anxieties I would like to share and recieve some feedback on.

I am 5'6, and have been a steady healthy 115 pounds for most of my teen years. I have always been slim, but never too skinny. But- last summer I worked at a job where I ate a ton of sugar, and gained a few pounds and just felt awful on the whole. I began eating healthy, eating loads of fruit, veggies, nuts/seeds, and lean meats and for some reason got way too skinny. I didn't count a single calorie, just cut out sugar and bread. I eventually gave that up and started eating WAY too much, and all total crap. I reached 120 pounds, which looked and felt wrong on my body. After Christmas of this year, I have been following a 1200 calorie regime.
My typical day is as follows:

Eggs,2 or 3. Hard boiled or fried. Sometimes 2-3 slices of bacon.

Protein + veggies. Usually tuna with a mixed green salad, lemon juice and miracle whip,
salmon with steamed veggies
Sliced deli meat with veggies, cheese slices and nuts

Nuts/nut butter OR deli meat OR fruit OR veggies OR cheese

Whatever I feel like that is healthy- I eat carbs with this meal in moderate amounts, such as potatoes, rice or pasta.

A piece of fruit


I am back at my happy weight, but my period never came this month. I am also breaking out in terrible acne. I don't go to the gym or work out, I just changed my eating habits. I allow myself a treat, like chocolate or whatever sugary extravagance I am craving, once to twice a week. I know from time to time my calorie intake can be a little lower, or a little higher, but it is ballpark- anywhere from 1000 to 1500. But I make it a point to hover around 1200 always.

Am I damaging my body? If I up my calories, will I gain all the weight back? And has anyone ever missed a period on a new diet regime?
Please help!


  • Paigeballetdancer
    Maybe you should see a doctor, that sounds quite confusing
  • Cullinanmarti
    Cullinanmarti Posts: 72 Member
    You might want to monitor yr stress level and also exercise is needed at all ages. Oh and there are alway nice looking friendly guys at the work out centers at your university....just saying stress relieve...
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    have you been sexually active recently? maybe you're pregnant.

    ETA: Had to fix You're from your... stupid phone.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Extreme calorie deficits can disrupt menstruation. If you are at a happy rate, start bringing your calories back up. And talk to a doctor.
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    Go to a health clinci or visit your doctor. We on this website do not have the expertise to give advice.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Pregnancy test, ASAP.
  • sohmui
    sohmui Posts: 108 Member
    Too complicated and "medical" to ask for replies on a forum. See a doctor for good advice.
  • justforjen1
    justforjen1 Posts: 16 Member
    have you been sexually active recently? maybe your pregnant.

  • magiccat32
    Yeah. I've totally had that happen. Not the acne but the wonky periods. Actually, both ways, skipping periods and early/more frequent periods when i've restricted my calories a lot and/or worked out really hard, especially if i've also been stressed out. I talked to my dr about it and she wasn't too worried, apparently i just messed with my hormones and stressed my body a little but not a big deal. A little rest and a bit more food normalized me right up. But, it never hurts to talk to your dr. Also, first thing she asked me was, could you be pregnant? I wasn't but if you are sexually active and skipped a period...well, you know....good to make sure. ;)
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Your nutritional intake sounds a bit low but not incredibly so, so much as to cause you to miss periods. May be Cushings or PCOS. Go see a doctor.
  • mrshoneydew
    My weight loss actually jump started my periods. I would go almost a year without having one (I have PCOS), and now I get them almost every month.
    However.....you and I are very different. I've been overweight since I was a pre-teen, and am working towards a healthy weight. You have always been on the smaller side at what I'm guessing is a healthy weight for your frame.
    The things that you have been eating sound healthy enough (I don't see any grains listed though, that might be a good thing to add if you can).
    I agree that a doctor might be the best person to talk to about this. Maybe it's weight related, but it also might not be.
  • janinealfke
    Maybe the nuts and nut butters you are ingesting are causing the acne. Usually when you get pregnant, your skin gets very clear. I would contact your physician and ask for a referral to a nutritionist to see what they have to offer you. Can't hurt to just be sure. Good luck!!:wink:
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    Hello myfitnesspal community!

    My name is Katie, and I am a 20 year old university student. Lately I am dealing with a number of concerns and anxieties I would like to share and recieve some feedback on.

    I am 5'6, and have been a steady healthy 115 pounds for most of my teen years. I have always been slim, but never too skinny. But- last summer I worked at a job where I ate a ton of sugar, and gained a few pounds and just felt awful on the whole. I began eating healthy, eating loads of fruit, veggies, nuts/seeds, and lean meats and for some reason got way too skinny. I didn't count a single calorie, just cut out sugar and bread. I eventually gave that up and started eating WAY too much, and all total crap. I reached 120 pounds, which looked and felt wrong on my body. After Christmas of this year, I have been following a 1200 calorie regime.
    My typical day is as follows:

    Eggs,2 or 3. Hard boiled or fried. Sometimes 2-3 slices of bacon.

    Protein + veggies. Usually tuna with a mixed green salad, lemon juice and miracle whip,
    salmon with steamed veggies
    Sliced deli meat with veggies, cheese slices and nuts

    Nuts/nut butter OR deli meat OR fruit OR veggies OR cheese

    Whatever I feel like that is healthy- I eat carbs with this meal in moderate amounts, such as potatoes, rice or pasta.

    A piece of fruit


    I am back at my happy weight, but my period never came this month. I am also breaking out in terrible acne. I don't go to the gym or work out, I just changed my eating habits. I allow myself a treat, like chocolate or whatever sugary extravagance I am craving, once to twice a week. I know from time to time my calorie intake can be a little lower, or a little higher, but it is ballpark- anywhere from 1000 to 1500. But I make it a point to hover around 1200 always.

    Am I damaging my body? If I up my calories, will I gain all the weight back? And has anyone ever missed a period on a new diet regime?
    Please help!

    IMO, Ditch counting calories, go back to what you were doing before. Eat veggies, meats, nuts, breads, etc. Have a couple squares of dark chocolate daily to keep you sane.
    You probably looked fine at 120lb.
  • JenS2586
    Take a pregnancy test. I've been pregnant 4 times and everytime my skin breaking out was a main give away for me to take a test.[Its usually so clear] Only other time I had breakouts was when I had ovarian cysts. Take a test to rule it out and then go see your doctor.
    Could be many things. Could be your diet, pregnancy, stress or many other possibilities. You'll drive yourself nuts searching online for an answer.
  • Peanutbutterx
    hey katie, how late for your period are you? ive its more than a week or two, i would definately up your calories and your fat intake. it doesnt have to be unhealthy fats, but more meat and nuts, peanut butter, olive oil stuff like that. with girls, our hormones play alot on fat and if you dont have enough then it can cause you to miss your period. try to not limit yourself so much to a certain number of calories or foods 1-2 weeks before your period, because your body needs a little more then since it's doing extra work to get ready for menstruation. I know a lot of people dont like carbs because they think it will make them gain weight, but the right kind of carbs and in moderation is actually the bodys best source for energy. if your really hungry for something, eat it beause your body is trying to tell you that you need it. I'm not saying go completely overboard and eat like a whole cake or something lol but just dont restrict so much. I hope everything works out okay, stay healthy and God bless :)
  • forbiddendonut
    forbiddendonut Posts: 60 Member
    I agree that you should definitely see a doctor if you're worried. That being said, the lower my calories are, the later my period is. I do have PCOS and it's always a little irregular, but when I'm doing really well, near 1200 calories on most days, it's at the high end of my normal range for cycle length. Maybe you should try adding back more calories and see what happens? Maybe 1400-1500 a day? That's still pretty low!
  • Peanutbutterx
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    @5"6' 115lb even with a small frame, you're technically considered underweight. Not saying this is the reason, but it's possible.

    Also, when I start working out, it almost always affects my periods... early or late, sometimes it alternates between the two.. drives me batty, but I usually don't worry about it unless it's over a week n 1/2 off(I have preg tested due to this twice now lol)

    Either way, you should probably go see a doctor if you're concerned.
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    At 120 lbs for 5'6", you're probably at the lowest end of the 'healthy weight' range. I know this because I'm 5'6" also, but my goal weight is a healthy 130 lbs. There's no reason why you should have to get back down to 115 lbs. I agree with one of the above posters, stop counting calories and just go back to eating healthy as you did before. You are young, and have metabolism on your side right now. As for the missed period, could be a number of things. Give it a week, sometimes periods can be really late. If you are still concerned than seek a doctor for peace of mind.