200+ (Week 32) Let's Get Moving in May!

It's that time again ladies! Time for our weekly weigh in.

Just checking in for today:

2407 calories to maintain
1603 eaten /710 burned/-1514 day/-8360 week
So per theory, I should be down 2 pounds this week, but I think because of my carb extravaganza earlier in the week, it ain't gonna happen.

Good luck everyone! I'll check in in the morning with my weight before heading on my roadtrip.


  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I will be happy if I maintained this week again! Tuesday I start back at the gym. It's been like 3 weeks I think.

    We just warted Howard the Duck! Wow its Been a long time.

    SYTYCD starts tonight which is a nice surprise. Yeay!

    So Kristina even if you don't lose this week, I bet you will lose next week for sure! Especially if yiu slim down on the white carbs Good job!
  • bethcullen
    bethcullen Posts: 4
    Hi there everyone....

    I am supposed to have 1203 cals a day, I'm up to 867. I usually don't have so many carbs, so I'm running slow today. UGH! By the way, my cals are that low because I have the gastric bypass and I can't get in much more than that. I'm not starving myself...as if I could...LOL. It's pretty late so I'm going to weigh in the morning. I need all the help I can get.

    I ran day before yesterday, and I'm in so much pain. I have shin splints and it hurts really bad. Walking was absolute torture today. This is mighty inconvenient because my date has been bumped up to tomorrow night. I feel like Charlie Brown.

    Kristina- Thanks for the encouragement. I had way too many carbs today. I'll just have an omelet next time.

    Victoria- Wow, you are outside a lot. We have a garden this year but the tomatoes are not doing well.

    Kim- I think you will be pleasantly surprised in CA. That's my home state, and I can tell you that there's plenty of delicious and healthy food choices at most places there. I don't know where your going, but in most of the major cities there are several really good places to go to. Believe me, you won't have to suffer at all. Good luck!

    Lacey- Wow, Howard the Duck? That is old school. My brother and I just watched Footloose. Man...Kevin Bacon...it doesn't get much better than that. I miss the 80's movies because of their soundtracks (and the guys).

    Have a great day everyone....I'll not be around tomorrow night. I'll let you know how it goes on Saturday morning. I am soooooo nervous. It's been like over 15 years since I've been on a "date". This should be interesting.

  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Kim- I think you will be pleasantly surprised in CA. That's my home state, and I can tell you that there's plenty of delicious and healthy food choices at most places there. I don't know where your going, but in most of the major cities there are several really good places to go to. Believe me, you won't have to suffer at all. Good luck!


    Hehe yeah I do know there is a plethora of good places even organic places to eat. I moved from the Sacramento area 2 years ago (lived there for 8 years). The problem is because we used to live there (we will be going to the Bay Area as well as the coast) we know a lot of very bad but very yummy places to eat so my family wants to hit up all those places. I wasn't on a lifestyle change when I lived there so I also miss them and would like to taste them again due to the fact that there are NO good places in Idaho to eat really, in comparison, lol. We will however be hitting places like Pluto's and a few others but also some great chicago pizza (Chicago Fire) and some good burgers, maybe I'll get lucky and there will be veggie burgers on the menu *giggles*. Hey a girl can hope! Where do you live maybe you have some suggestions for me of healthier places to eat that I may not be aware of? Thanks :smile::


    Thanks for the suggestion of sharing meals. It's a great idea that I never thought of but it would allow me to still enjoy without "overenjoying".

    I will try and check in with my weigh in before I leave in the morning.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Lacey- LOVE SYTYCD. Excited for it to be beginning again. It's back in the summer as it should be. I don't know why they tweak with a formula that ain't broke. So yeah, it's totally my summer guilty pleasure reality show. Have you heard about this season though? Only 10 peeps are finalists and they are going to be paired with alumni. Now I'm excited about some of the alumni coming back (though am WTFing some of their choices), but I'm not down with the idea. it's too "dancing with the stars"-ish. I want 2 newbies dancing together! But come on... it's not like I'm not going to watch!

    Beth- good luck with the date! I'd be interested to hear more about what you can/can't eat after having gastric bypass. The goals for yourself might be a bit altered from someone who hasn't had the surgery. Just curious, as I don't know a ton about aftercare.

    Kim- have a good trip!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Weigh in: 189.4 (-.6)

    YES! :drinker: Considering I was up the past couple of days, I'm happy for any bit of a loss, especially considering 1)lost a fair bit last week, and I tend to compensate the week after by maintaining/gaining 2)carb issues through most of week.

    Plus, I'm in the 180s! Woot! Now I just need to stay there and keep plugging along, and hope my mini-vacation this week doesn't screw up with it.

    As for fitness goals for the week:
    1) 5 days of 30 min or more of high intensity exercise- CHECK! Did 6 days!!
    2) 2 3+ mile runs- CHECK! Both were just over 4 miles!

    So a pretty dang successful week for me.

    Well, i'm off in a few. Long day of driving ahead. Will try and check back tonight to see how everyone's day went. *mwha*
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Drum roll please
    Flips, Twirls, Flips again!!!!!!!!!
    Mr. Scale and I are back on (Sorry DH). I think Mr. Scale and I are having an affair. He jumped me to 191 (up 4 pounds) the day after returning from Phoenix with TOM in tow but this morning, I'm down to 186.25!!!! That's down 3/4 of a pound from last week. This is only the second time in the last 5 weeks the scale has moved. I had a tight tank on yesterday and mom commented that somehow I looked even skinnier (God Bless moms!!!!).

    I have a busy day with work and won't be home until late. I may not get to check-in again until tomorrow. Have safe travels Kim and Kristina. Have a good time on the date and stretch those feet out Beth. Kendal enjoy your weekend. Good luck on your weigh-ins.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome to the 180s!!!! Great job Kristina.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    228.0....thats down 1.4 from last week! YAY! I'm finally getting back on track!

    BFF and I are going to see Sex and the City 2 tonight. :bigsmile: We're gonna get all gussied up before going out. The guy I've been casually seeing is planning on coming to see me this weekend too. :bigsmile:

    Its snack day at work. I brought baby carrots and mushrooms and ranch dip (the kind where you add the powder to sour cream). Participation has been absolutely SUCKING the past few months and it doesn't look like "Healthy Snack Day" made it any better. I think only about 2-3 other people brought stuff out of a team of 25. UGH. I think its time to cancel it. :grumble: Besides, hopefully by next month my team will be moved out of this department and that means they might make us move to a different floor in the building.

    anyways, I guess thats all for now :smile:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Great job Kendal!!!! Your snacks sound good. Too bad others aren't helping.
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Hey super heroes; i feel bad that i haven't been arnd much. I've beeen dealing with alot of things at home.
    Things are getting better... Today is Friday? My weigh in is 202. I was 201.2 yesterdat, but flucuations suck... I missed y'all and I'm gnna start logging in everyday again!

    **shirts are xl now, some brands xxl..ugh coogie...
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    we have alot of new ppl! welcome! I read the posts, some left me clueless, I just can't remember all the posts, lmao. I am going jean shopping today at oldnave.. I have a pair of 14's that I bought 2 yrs ago; and they are deff too loose. Hopefully I can get 12's. 3xs are too big now (for a while now), but I bought a bunch of shirts in march... I'll let yous know my size... eekkk
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    yayy pinbot for being <180 & you too aka!!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    bump.....I forgot to weigh in this morning:blushing: , I've been super busy this week outdoors, took off this morning to beat the crowds and did the "meats" bulk shopping, vacumed packed a bunch of portions.... I'll weigh in in the morning and get back with everyone...looks like I need to catch up with posts bigtime!!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    AKA and Victoria! Way to go!!! Congrats on the 180's :)
    I'm weighing in tomorrow, as TOM has wreaked havoc on me this week, so we'll see tomorrow. im too scared to try today.

    Kendall, have fun at SATC2, and good job on losing!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hey girls! Yeah for this weekend! My BF is coming down, mani's & pedis, then lunch and wine, then shopping and shopping, then SATC2 and Prince of Persia! Excited. I haven't seen her in like forever. It might have been last July. It sucks not living where your friends are. And how sad is it that we're only 1.5 hrs apart and life is still too busy to get together more often!

    I hope you all have a good weekend. I might weigh tomorrow. Or I might just say to heck with it and get on the scale next Saturday morning.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    To follow up:
    I doubt I've lost any weight, but I can say that I must be slimming down somehow...because the watch my husband bought me, that isn't adjustable to make it bigger around, that was almost too snug on my wrist at Christmas, is loose enough now to fit my thumb between it and my skin.
    And that, I say, is a win! (and quite the carry on sentence!)
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I'll comment more on posts tomorrow, but I just wanted to check in briefly. I made it to North Carolina safe and sound in just under 11 hours. Whew! The drive wasn't too bad except for the torrential downpour and wind that I ran into in the West Virginia/Virgina mountains. Blech!

    Went wine tasting with the parents when I got home. Had pizza tonight, but didn't get too out of control with it and it was loaded with veggies. I'm hoping to at least get in a decent power walk tomorrow. Plans are to hit the Carrboro farmer's market, brunch, a neighbor's dance recital (adorable!), and visiting with another friend. Should be nice!

    Checking in for the day:

    2407 calories needed to maintain
    1685 eaten/0 burned/-722 day/-722 week

    I don't know how much I'll be able to check in this weekend, but will hopefully do so at least daily. Hope all is well with everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Just popping on here for a quick minute...I weighed myself tonight. I want to toture myself for having a ton of pizza and a pint o beer. Last week I weighed 210. This week I weigh 208.5.
    Now I will weigh again tomorrow morning and see where i sit. It's either a total fluke OR I was maybe not eating enough again?

    Until tomorrow morning!

    I will reply to posts tomorrow! We're watching Star Wars attack of the clones. Gracie loves star wars which is great since we bothi grew up on the first three!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hello everyone....not such a good weigh in for me today....I'm up, up, up....to 210???? not sure why...I had worked all week in the yard, mowing, weeding, and our pool... I wasn't good about logging for a couple days, but I ate the regular stuff except for yesterday when I had a doughnut and a slice of pizza...maybe it's salt....or maybe I'm just always going to weigh this amount...what ever, I'm not letting it get to me....I am enjoying the holiday, I may even have some drinks and I'll worry about it next week!

    Hubby and I did get out for a run this morning...walked 1 mile, ran 4 miles walked the last mile home...

    Enjoy your weekend everyone!!
    I am wearing the HRM all day today and we'll see what I burn in a day...I'm curious, I made the run a seperate log.....I'll see tomorrow at 6:30 AM
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning everyone! Final weigh in: 208!!!!!! I still think it's the darndest thing but I will take it! Woohoo! and I'm going back to the gym Tuesday so that should really help progress as well!

    Kristina glad you made it to sc safely! Yeay for weight loss!

    Congrats to Victoria as well and nikki (nice to have you back!)

    Caroline! I call the scale an evil B when Tom is around. It's like they preplan our ruin or something! Lol.

    Beth let us know how your date went!!

    Kim, are you going to San Francisco area? My husband and I went on a mini vacay there last year and at ate the Stinking Rose. It's anything Italian and everything is made with garlic. O. M. G. Not only was it amazingly good, the ambience of the place was fantastic. It's in the North Beach area if you are looking for something. I love that area. All those late night bakeries, Italian laces and bars open! Wow!!