Been doing so well and over ate today. Feeling super guilty!



  • wobblybitz87
    Its good to have a binge day every now and then. Seeing that you have done so well for 4 weeks then 1 day isnt going to make a huge impact. The key is to get back on track the next day. Drink plenty of water, stick to your calorie limit, and get in some exercise. Dont get yourself down about it, you deserve a treat day and now its time to get back to work. Think of it as a mini holiday from your lifestyle changes. :-)
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    First you need to stop the guilt. The stress will probably do more damage to your body then those extra calories will. Use this as a learning experience and come up with a plan to deal with it the next time it happens (because it will happen, sorry... it will). We have to gain knowledge to lose weight.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    It's fine. It's not going to hurt you to do it once.

    HOWEVER, if you find yourself getting like this more often from now on, it might indicate a problem with your diet being too restrictive. It's fine to go over once in a while- it's not fine if you find yourself getting in to a binge/purge cycle. Ask your friends on here to keep an eye on it for you- often we don't have the perspective to notice those trends ourselves, but your friends will be able to pick out if you're doing it cyclically.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    hi shiecon. Welcome to the site first off all! I don't have any suggestion but I will share what has helped me. When I started on MFP, I as just like you. I started out strong, had a day of chicken wings which took my calories to +1000 for that day and I felt super bad. A dear friend of mine on MFP told me to use that energy to plan better next time rather than feeling guilty and sorry for yourself.

    So I urge you to well properly on your typical days. It has taken most of us many months (at least) to understand that its ok to give in once in a while, as long as its once in a while. Also, with time and practice, you will gain control over your diet.

    Welcome to the site and good luck. Don't worry about going over. Just go workout the extra calories as much as you can and forget about the rest and start over tomorrow. This takes time, just be persistent!
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    Once you get to maintenance do you want to live your whole life eating under/at your maintenance calories EVERYDAY? Having to worry EVERYDAY about eating perfectly? No. Learning to live a normal life while losing the weight is just as important as staying in your calories most of the time.
    MFP wants me to eat 1400 calories a day. I reset my calories so I eat 1800 calories net. Last week I ate 1384 calories OVER my weekly goal. I still lost weight, the week before I ate 1536 calories OVER my weekly goal, I still lost weight, the week before I ate 655 calories over my weekly goal, I still lost weight. I do want to stay as close to my calories as I can most weeks, but I don't care at all if I have weeks I am over as long as the scale is still moving in the right direction.
  • Superchas
    Superchas Posts: 129 Member
    You can have a bad day
    You can have a bad week
    No to two bad weeks in a row

    Enjoy every calorie you have and log it.
    Congratulations on weight loss be happy and start again tomorrow
  • FitBlackChick
    FitBlackChick Posts: 215 Member
    You can have a bad day
    You can have a bad week
    No to two bad weeks in a row

    Enjoy every calorie you have and log it.
    Congratulations on weight loss be happy and start again tomorrow

    And congratulations on your weightloss! Amazing job :smile: