A NONJUDGMENTAL question about drinking



  • xtina11179
    xtina11179 Posts: 352
    Personally, I love the taste of a glass of Reisling wine. The taste is my favorite part about it, but the relaxing aspect can be nice too. Sometimes it's like taking a big breath and just letting it out.

    As for getting drunk, that isn't something I do often. However, occasionally it's nice to have your inhibitions lowered within a group of friends and do things you might not normally do - like sing playing Rock Band, dance at a club or just open up with friends and talk about things.

    Each person is different, but some people enjoy just letting loose, relaxing or savoring the taste of a good alcoholic beverage.

    And this is great too....especially the middle part!!
  • highrise
    highrise Posts: 147 Member
    Indeed - without alcohol there would be no karaoke :o)

    I used to drink a lot, because I loved the taste and the sugariness more than feeling drunk - hence why I am on MFP...all those empty calories. As someone else said, though, a good red wine with a steak is a wonder; the flavours just go so well together.

    Life should be about enjoying the small pleasures, like a glass of wine, or a beer, or a double G&T, or a run, or a piece of cake of an evening. As with anything, it's about knowing when to stop.
  • lindalloo
    lindalloo Posts: 47
    I actually love the taste of beer,I also love that buzz you get after about 13 of them:drinker:

    Everything is better after a few cold ones,sports ,conversations ,weddings ,birthdays ,beaches , golf ,lawn mowing ,swimming ,sex ,etc ,etc:wink:

    The more I drink, the better looking I become! :drinker:
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    I actually love the taste of beer,I also love that buzz you get after about 13 of them:drinker:

    Everything is better after a few cold ones,sports ,conversations ,weddings ,birthdays ,beaches , golf ,lawn mowing ,swimming ,sex ,etc ,etc:wink:

    hahahahahaha! Love it :heart:

    I've actually just poured myself a lovely glass of wine....the first of the week and it is going to go down a treat! :drinker:
  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    Cheers,yall have a great weekend how ever you do it,I'm outta here!:drinker:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I actually love the taste of beer,I also love that buzz you get after about 13 of them:drinker:

    Everything is better after a few cold ones,sports ,conversations ,weddings ,birthdays ,beaches , golf ,lawn mowing ,swimming ,sex ,etc ,etc:wink:

    The more I drink, the better looking I become! :drinker:

    Is that so? Hmm, maybe I should start drinking then and see if that works for me too. :laugh: naaaahhh :bigsmile:
  • Krystalams
    Krystalams Posts: 1
    Well- I had a few too many last night, but I sure was dissappointed when I had to enter them into my food diary!:cry:
    I think a couple of beers, or a glass of wine after work are the ticket for me. All I can say is -"It just feels good!." And once in awhile it IS fun to really let loose, but as said before, not condusive to the diet! I think it's best to stick to one or two.

  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    Maybe you just didnt try enough times.:tongue:
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    It's a flavor thing for me too. I don't really drink to unwind and I don't drink often at all (maybe once a month, if that) but when I do drink it's because I really have a craving for the salty, sour, sweetness of a margarita, or a nice fruity spicy red wine, or if I'm celebrating at a restaurant for a special occasion I may want to try their signature cocktail just like anyone else would like to try their signature dessert. Dessert isn't my thing, a cappuccino isn't my thing, a fruity cocktail? So refreshing.

    I will say though once a year when I get together with old friends that I never see back home, it's nice to let my hair down, catch a buzz, and sing some ridiculous karaoke. I never get drunk enough to where I can't wake up at 8am the next day or can't remember what I did the previous night. Everything in moderation.
  • Valqis
    Valqis Posts: 1,016 Member
    MommaRed>>> I am also a Christian, and see nothing wrong with drinking a beer or a glass of wine. The Bible actually does not say to not drink, it simply states do not drink to excess. The apostle Paul exhorted Timothy to take a little wine for the stomach. There have been many days when I have wanted to come home and open a beer to destress from a hard day at work or when I go out with friends, but most of the medicine that I am taking for my headaches cannot be taken with any kind of alcohol, so until the doctor takes me off it, I am pretty much a teetotaler. Every person is different, but that is my personal belief on the matter.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Valqis, just to clarify, I don't sit in judgment of anyone even other Christians who chose to drink. It's just that the church I belong to (an independent fundamental Baptist church) doesn't condone drinking and that's fine with me because I just don't have the desire to drink anyway. I do know Christians who do have an occasional drink and that's their perogative. My kids do. Well my son doesn't now that he moved back in with me because I don't allow alcohol in my home. I'm a self-professed teetotaler by choice. My son thinks I made that word up. :laugh: Thanks for your post and for everyone else who posted. I'm glad this didn't turn ugly.

    The way I see it if someone doesn't try to pressure me TO drink, I won't try to pressure them to NOT to drink. :bigsmile: I hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday. :flowerforyou:
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    3 pages of answers and I only glanced at the first few.

    I agree with you. I don't "get" it. Sure, I had a time in my life where I drank almost every weekend (early 20's) - but it only lasted a few months. It was a social thing and it was usually my girl friends who'd drag me out and buy. I never really enjoyed the feeling of drinking too much and definitely not the dry mouth, nausea and headache the next day! I rarely drink now, and when I do it's usually because my boyfriend is having one and makes or buys me one too when I'm with him.(and I often don't finish it because it makes me sleepy and I just don't enjoy it much - plus the calories are high!)

    When one of my children was here visiting not too long ago (she was 20 at the time) she pointed out to me that she wanted me to go out for her to her 21st birthday drinking with her.... because she thought it would be funny to get me drunk as she's NEVER seen me drunk!!! (No, I didn't go when the time came) I found that to be an unintended compliment- because no kid should EVER have to see a parent drunk. I was raised by an alcoholic, and her father/my ex husband was/is also an alcoholic - we split up when she was less than 2 years old and his drinking and other bad habits pretty much caused him to step out of all our lives for the most part and he was rarely around.... and the few times he was were, his visits often got cut short due to his drinking. I remember driving 3 hours to pick my kids up once when he had taken them camping for a weekend during the summer and they called me scared and had to wander in the dark to the check in office to get the camp clerk to give me directions to come get them because they didn't even know where they were (they were about 11 & 13 at the time) The next morning he called me and didn't know where they were- he didn't even remember my being there, feeding him, putting him to bed and telling him I was taking them home AT ALL!! I am proud that my children can tell people that they've never seen me drink. :bigsmile:

    Anyway.... Enough rambling and back to the question. I am not anti-drinking, I believe people should live their lives as they feel. But I have never enjoyed a hangover, seen the bad effects of alcohol on so many people around me and really don't think it tastes THAT wonderful that I couldn't live without it, I'd definitely prefer to "waste" my calories on an extra dessert or something :wink: But I agree with you, I don't understand the attraction or need for it because everything seems perfectly fine in MY LIFE without it.

    (Now I'm going to read the rest of the answers) :smile:
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    Indeed - without alcohol there would be no karaoke :o)

    :laugh: So so true!! :tongue:
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    Indeed - without alcohol there would be no karaoke :o)

    :laugh: So so true!! :tongue:
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I'm a big drinker. I used to drink more, but now its only on weekends.

    To be honest, I drink to get drunk. I don't see a point in having one or two beers. Sometimes I am happy with just getting a buzz, but I usually get drunk. I enjoy the feeling of being drunk. I admire people who don't need to drink to have a great time. Sometimes I can do this and when it happens I am very proud of myself the morning after. Every morning after I regret drinking the night before. I have a stuttering problem. When I socialize with other people, alcohol always helps my anxiety from that. Anxiety has always been an issue with me, so that and stuttering kind of fuel each others fire.

    I used to drink every day pretty much. I would drink with people or alone. It was a bad habit to get into. Alcohol just made me feel good, but bad the next day. I am happy I got out of that habit of having it every day. I want to switch from drinking twice a week to once a week. I know its the alcohol that is keeping me from losing weight. When I drink, I eat bad, and I get hungover so I don't work out. Alcohol is the worst thing for you on a diet. People who can just have one or two drinks...or none at all...I hope to get there some day!

    also...I don't agree that alcohol makes things better. Its good for BBQing or watching a game....but if its physical activity like sex or playing sports...its much better sober!
  • JenniferH81
    JenniferH81 Posts: 285 Member
    I'd like to state my opinion on this without anyone getting upset with me.. I have a very strong view on alcohol. Coming from a family filled with problem drinkers, I see no need for it. My mother is drunk every day (and hides it around the house) and every party...including children's birthday parties there is always alcohol served. I just can not deal with drunk people.
    Social drinkers are fine, but it's just not my thing.

    I wish I felt this way about smokers before I started that habit! ... /sigh
  • fearlessfatty
    fearlessfatty Posts: 206 Member
  • AnnieeR
    AnnieeR Posts: 229
    I would agree with a lot that's already been said - that drinking doesn't necessarily mean getting drunk and that even when it does, as long as it's not a regular activity, I don't really see anything wrong with it. I've had some stellar nights with a bunch of friends, a bunch of wine, and SingStar! LOL.

    I'm a wine girl - I love it. If it weren't for wine, drinking would barely be on my radar (other than the aforementioned SingStar nights!), but I'm fascinated by the different qualities wine has and most nights I enjoy a glass or two. If it were possible to have wine maintain its characteristics without the alcohol, that would be fine by me, but alcohol content is one element that affects its different qualities....

    To each his own - it would be a better world if we could all have mature discussions like this rather than getting all wound up and judgemental!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I completely agree AnnieeR. I appreciate the comments from everyone that responded and it was without being judgmental without the personal attacks. Thank you all and have a great weekend. :flowerforyou:
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