Opinions on Aldi?

We have Aldi's around here, but I've never been to one and was wondering if it's a store worth checking out. What are their prices compared to other chain grocery stores? Thanks!


  • jonchew
    jonchew Posts: 239 Member
    We have an Aldi nearby - they have "off brands" which are significantly less expensive than the major brands that we're all used to seeing. There are hits-and-misses for sure, but I find the majority of what they have to offer to be really quite comparable to the major brands.

    I say go for it!
  • You can get some really great deals there, especially on fresh produce! It's definitely worth a try. They don't have a bunch of name brand items, mostly just their brand but very comparable to popular brands.
  • Mumbles83
    Mumbles83 Posts: 626 Member
    We got ALDI in Scotland too full of German imports i don't shop in it !
  • fara180
    fara180 Posts: 1,260 Member
    la-la-love aldi! they have some really cheap stuff, especially fruits and veggies. i always buy my produce from there.
  • Leophir
    Leophir Posts: 6 Member
    Aldi is one of the biggest supermarket chain here in Germany. They sell decent stuff.
  • Great prices, but I find that I have to eat the produce I buy there rather quickly, or it'll go bad fast.
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    It's ok, I like some of their stuff. I buy the shrimp and other seafood. The produce is hit or miss and does seem to go bad quicker than Krogers. I even like some of their pizzas. Over the summer they had a gallon of hormone free milk for .99.
  • rodeothedog
    rodeothedog Posts: 45 Member
    I first went to Aldi in Germany: now I have one 4 mileas away. Love it. It is true produce you need to eat fairly quickly but we have chickens who eat all are leftovers and the price makes it ok to waste some. Great prices. Cereals 1.70 soy milk 229 compared to 359. And I always buy my oatmeal and breakfast stuff. THEY HAVE THE BEsT CHOCOLATE EVER. Go there
  • jmmcs
    jmmcs Posts: 46 Member
    I wouldn't shop there every week, but they have decent prices. There's two of them here, the stores mostly have discount canned and boxed stuff.
  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    I shop in Aldiss every week for the fruit and veg sales! I freeze pineapple, strawberries, blueberries when on sale. I also buy a lot of veggies when on sale. I find the quality is better than the grocery stores. I don't buy much else there.
  • I love ALDI! I buy everything I can from there. I have NEVER had a problem with my produce from their going bad quickly...although I eat it quickly... I have never been attached to name brands so I don't care that its off brand. If I can't find something there I will go to a larger store and buy their store brand so what 's the difference. try it, you may like it.
  • Aldi is a cousin company to Trader Joes <3. Their shopping idea is very much like Ikea; you do more for yourself (bags, bagging, cart return) but the prices are great. I am a single mom and wouldn't be making it if Aldi weren't here. The produce is less expensive, and you just have to know how to pick good produce, like any store. I have great luck. I always shop Aldi first. Whatever brand-name stuff has to wait until I have the cash.
  • Energizer06
    Energizer06 Posts: 311 Member
    Aldi in the US is much different than overseas.....Don't shop there since thier major horsemeat incident. Which has apparently been going on for over 2 years. Substituting horsemeat for beef. Not bad except that it has the stuff they put the horses down still in their system which is consider not to be consumed by humans. Stick with the American supermarkets...better off...I'm sure some new cancer will arise from this incident. It's the same a shopping for food at the dollar store. My advice....Steer clear...Price match their ads a Walmart or something!
  • Love Aldi. I shop there for most of my staple food items and can have a basket full of groceries that will last 2 weeks (for a family of 3) and only spend @ $70.00. I could buy these same items at Walmart and easily spend $150.00 - I do have to go to Walmart or Publix for specialty items (gerber grabbers, ranch powder mix, etc.)

    edit add: I also have to agree about the produce - must be eaten quickly or will spoil. One time I went to get bananas and they were all already browning in the store so needless to say we did not get any there. The tomato 3-pack that I bought however was fine and it was in the fridge for about 2 weeks.
  • Gracerrr
    Gracerrr Posts: 141
    Aldi's is great, and they have plenty of healthy foods, but I don't purchase any produce there. I go to a local market for that portion. Aldi's = extremely affordable eggs, milk, cheese, breakfast food, canned goods, frozen food, rice, bread, yogurt, baking supplies, dark chocolate, oats, etc
  • Bbwnomore2
    Bbwnomore2 Posts: 225 Member
    whats the worst that can happen if u don't like it? they have chicken breast this week 1.69 a lb, tilapia 3.49 for 1 lb, avacados .49, 4 lb oranges 1.59. I buy from them quite a bit never had a bad product.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    Aldi is a magical, wonderful place full of happiness and unicorns.

    ...Seriously though, they're one of the few stores doing WELL instead of declining as the economy has been rough. Not only do they have the really cheap stuff (and everything is cheaper than you'd find in your other chain grocery stores, even Wal-Mart and the like), but they've also got their "Specially Selected" brand that includes fancy chocolate, cheese, and other tasty things. The selection is good, and for me personally it makes shopping a breeze because there's only one brand of everything instead of eighteen! Plus, they do get special deals on a few brand name items from week to week, so you'll see a few non-Aldi things hanging around.

    It is my personal opinion that soon, Aldi will corner the market on the "one stop shop" dream that Wal-Mart and so many other huge stores have failed to achieve-- because walking around in a gigantic box store is exhausting. Aldi is small, the shelves are short and unimposing, and though the checkout area can get a bit jammed up they do a pretty good job at serving customers in an orderly fashion. Just don't expect them to be terribly sensitive when handling your foods-- if you're picky and want your stuff bagged 3 items to a sack and double-bagged, Aldi may offend your sensibilities. And you can forget being helped out to your car. Oh also, bring a quarter for the carts-- it saves them having to hire employees to corral them constantly.

    The only thing I don't love is the bagged / packaged produce-- sometimes I don't want nine oranges, but you can't get just two. However, the quality of their produce has gotten way better than it used to be, so I just pick and choose carefully so that I won't be too wasteful with what's going bad.
  • vkw1
    vkw1 Posts: 88
    fantastic, I shop there regularly and am addicted to the coffe pods.In australia all the fresh food is australian grown and made/packaged.I love it but be warned the savings you make from food is quickly spent on the weekly specials
  • fuzzieme
    fuzzieme Posts: 454 Member
    Aldi is excellent
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    My wife and I shop there weekly. We get almost all of our staple items there. I really can't think of anything I bought there that wasn't good.