I've just quit.

I still track every now and then but the past week and a half I have REALLY just about given up and for NO reason. One bad day has led to another and I've quit working out as well.
This is awful. How can I convince my eyes and stomach to get back on track?


  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    Sometimes you just need to be in the right frame of mind for this.

    When Im feeling blah I go over and have a read of success stories. Doing that is a basic slap in my face to carry on! Knowing if they can do it then so can I
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    youtube an episode of biggest loser. it helps me a lot
  • MAKE yourself work out, no matter how much you need to *****, piss, moan, or feel like poo- make yourself, and make yourself do the other stuff too- its never to late start again
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    MAKE yourself work out, no matter how much you need to *****, piss, moan, or feel like poo- make yourself, and make yourself do the other stuff too- its never to late start again

    ^^^^ this. I have 3 different DVD that have 10 minute segments. You can program the DVD to play 1,2 or all of them, in what ever order you want etc. Somedays if I am not feeling it I will promise myself 10 minutes. I figure even if I only do 10 mins it is 10 mins towards health etc...9/10 I end up doing at least 3 segments if not 4 or 5. Force 10 mins...if you have to stop after 10 ..and that happens. I stopped once as the emotional distress I was feeling before working out just made working out feel awful.
  • jennifer_a00
    jennifer_a00 Posts: 186 Member
    Don't give up! Keep trying and hopefully the motivation will come back. Make sure you are drinking lots of water, I seem to feel better and want to try harder when I'm well hydrated. I know it's hard and we all go through these times, but maybe if you keep up your food diary, even if you are going over, it will help you get back on track. Can you go out and take a walk today? If you can, go do it now! Hang in there!
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    I still track every now and then but the past week and a half I have REALLY just about given up and for NO reason. One bad day has led to another and I've quit working out as well.
    This is awful. How can I convince my eyes and stomach to get back on track?

    i believe your motivation has to come from within. there's nothing i can say to motivate you. you have to want it. the only person affected by your quitting is you. if you can live with that, then you probably aren't yet ready to make the changes you need to make to your life. it sounds harsh, but it's true. either you are doing this because you want to, or you're not doing it at all.

    all that said, you could just think of this past period as a "break". get back to it right now. this very minute. try to preserve whatever progress you've made. forget about the break and treat it as old news. that is, if you want to reach your goals. if you don't want to reach your goals, then grab a bag of chips and some dip and prop yourself up on the couch in front of the TV. get comfortable. you'll be there until you are ready, and of course your path back from there will be harder and longer.

    so it's really all up to you.
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    forgive yourself, look at the 21 pounds you have already lost, and remember that you didn't gain all the weight in one day or week or month, it took years!!!! then forgive yourself again. Do you have a non-scale challenge you can assign yourself, like a long walk or a new recipe - or a calorie free reward like a soak in the tub or sleeping in?

    or... dare you... instead of tracking what you are actually eating, track your "fantasy all you can eat" day and see how many calories and fat g etc are in it... then save it just so it can show you how big you would be if you went back to eating that way all the time.

    I am having the same kind of day. I think I just need a laugh and nothing is working to even get me to crack a dang smile. But I read the post someone made on how his fat self took his thin self hostage to a KFC... hilarious- look it up.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Don't quit .....

    When you want to quit, remember why you started !

    No one is going to do it for you !

    Attitude is a choice ...... think positive thoughts ..... and believe in yourself !

    Just do it !

    Good luck :drinker:
  • Everyone has motivational challenges from time to time. Sometimes if you watch things that get you pumped up it can help. Here are two video clips that help get me motivated.

  • Ultragirl2374
    Ultragirl2374 Posts: 390 Member
    Think about all the positive changes that you've experienced so far and how good they've felt!! Don't let all that great progress be for nothing!! Keep focused on the reasons you first joined MFP in the first place!
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    I still track every now and then but the past week and a half I have REALLY just about given up and for NO reason. One bad day has led to another and I've quit working out as well.
    This is awful. How can I convince my eyes and stomach to get back on track?

    i believe your motivation has to come from within. there's nothing i can say to motivate you. you have to want it. the only person affected by your quitting is you. if you can live with that, then you probably aren't yet ready to make the changes you need to make to your life. it sounds harsh, but it's true. either you are doing this because you want to, or you're not doing it at all.

    all that said, you could just think of this past period as a "break". get back to it right now. this very minute. try to preserve whatever progress you've made. forget about the break and treat it as old news. that is, if you want to reach your goals. if you don't want to reach your goals, then grab a bag of chips and some dip and prop yourself up on the couch in front of the TV. get comfortable. you'll be there until you are ready, and of course your path back from there will be harder and longer.

    so it's really all up to you.

    ^^ This. If you really want to do it...you will. Don't let yourself get away with excuses.
  • SO....Quit. I did. Gained back all I lost plus 10 more.

    Now I'm back and this time is different.

    I know it mentally. I'm ready - I know I will have a bad day, skip a day of logging, or sit on the couch instead of walking. So what?

    I will start over tomorrow- and every day is a new day! I have lost 16 pounds and have many miles to go... but I'm on the road.

    Your journey- you decide!
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Bluto: Hey! What's all this laying around stuff? Why are you all still laying around here for?

    Stork: What the hell are we supposed to do, ya moron? We're all expelled. There's nothing to fight for anymore.

    D-Day: [to Bluto] Let it go. War's over, man. Wormer dropped the big one.

    Bluto: What? Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!

    Otter: [to Boon] Germans?

    Boon: Forget it, he's rolling.

    Bluto: And it ain't over now. 'Cause when the goin' gets tough...

    [thinks hard of something to say]
    Bluto: The tough get goin'! Who's with me? Let's go!
  • majoki
    majoki Posts: 151 Member
    Sometimes you just need to be in the right frame of mind for this.

    When Im feeling blah I go over and have a read of success stories. Doing that is a basic slap in my face to carry on! Knowing if they can do it then so can I

    ^^^ This is what I do too! I look here, google search, and I look on youtube for success stories. I've also been taking my picture each week, so I look at my pictures when I want to see how far I've come and that what I'm doing is working. I also notice that I feel stronger and better.
  • Look at a picture of yourself. before you lost the weight.....trust me Ive been there....one of the most important things to remember is when you start exercising and eating different it is important to eat a small amount of the food you love that way your not depriving yourself. ...do this once a week that way your body will be fooled into thinking nothing has changed and you will continue to lose weight....this works especially when you hit a plateau
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Look at success stories, look at photos of yourself where are at your biggest OR (what I do before I work out) watch 30 mins of a TV show where everyone is slim/buff. That will motivate you!
  • Tina4285
    Tina4285 Posts: 1 Member
    please don't quit!! I just started and I know I have to start everyday with a goal. I will get up and do SOMETHING even it is small. Ask yourself what it is that makes you want to quit and then ask yourself if that reason can control you or if you can change it. If you can change it, and I am SURE, actually 100% positive that you can change it, then change it and get up in the morning and walk, run, job, move.....just keep moving!! If I can start this after the last few month I've had, anyone can. :) trust me
  • CarrieBeck29
    CarrieBeck29 Posts: 24 Member
    I completely understand, I've had really bad days, weeks, even months! But I'm on a good track now and I stay motivated with the Health and Fitness category on Pinterest. Also, I watch a lot of Weight Loss Journeys on Youtube. It definitely helps me stay determined to get fit! Hope this helps and best of luck to you!
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    take it from a person who let life and tragic things get in the way and I quit ... I lost 78lbs back in 09/2010 .... I gained it all back and then some but I am back now since Jan of this year with more determination and more of a positive attitude.... Please dont quit its not worth it ...dont be like me and gain everything you have lost so far ....WE CAN DO THIS