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I've just quit.



  • unohooz
    unohooz Posts: 2 Member
    Remind yourself that even if all you can motivate yourself to do is walk, it's better than sitting on the couch. Just keep moving. Eventually you will find your motivation again. For inspiration, I like to get on Pinterest and search "Fitness Quotes" or something like that. Those little motivational phrases really get me going. Good luck!
  • I look back at my "before" pictures. Me at my heaviest. UGH! I can't believe I let myself get there and I dang sure won't be back there again.
  • trinitye124
    trinitye124 Posts: 1 Member
    I just wanted to say hi. I have never posted before but don't give up on yourself. Everyone has bad and weak days-its where we go from there that determines who we are and who we will become :smile:
    Good luck
  • sarahfashion861
    sarahfashion861 Posts: 44 Member
    I felt like that this weekend! I ate way to much today! I had healthy foods but not right portion. Tomorrow is a fresh new week. I plan on getting back on track. I looked at how much weight I have lost in 43 days :)! I realized I got this. Keep it up!
  • I've just begun, but not really. I have begun and quit more times than I can remember. And each time, I get heavier. Right now, I am as heavy as I have ever been. I am afraid to go to the doctor's because I know what they are going to say. I am grossly obese and there is nothing anyone can do about it - other than me.

    Falling happens. It happens all the time. But you started this for a reason. Revisit that reason - does it still apply? If not, then you have to find something more meaningful to you to motivate you to realize that the day-by-day is a lifestyle change and lifestyle changes take time to implement. If it does still apply, then take a deep breath, go to bed, and wake up with a plan.

    Either way, if you come back tomorrow or in a year, you have support.
  • jkprof
    jkprof Posts: 20 Member
    look at the 21 lbs you already lost and what an incredibly accomplishment that was. Don't beat yourself up and get back on the wagon. find some good substitutions for things that are problems (i like to add salty pistacios and it kills my crave for salt but isn't chips and i can't eat more than 1/2 a cup which is lower cal than chips).
  • Dont do the same thing everyday, you get bored and slack, It happens to me if i dont change my exercises. Drive somewhere nice, like a park, forest, river or beach and go for a walk, it is so much better than at home. You get fresh air and it feels good. Throw in a good bike ride, a run, canoeing even play sport. It all helps burn calories but just put a bit of change in there.
    We all have our bad moments, but if you do enough different things you enjoy its alot easier to keep going. You also need rest days too
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    Look at how far you have come. It's hard but you have made it1/3 of the way to your goal. Obviously you CAN do this. We all have a thin self on one shoulder and a fat on the other. Don't let that fat self win.
  • krickeyuu
    krickeyuu Posts: 344 Member
    Just try to remember that this is a long haul, not a short hop. Today I was over by almost 400 calories and this is a total rest day except for whatever I log cooking, cleaning etc. which isn't much. But tomorrow--I will ROCK it because it is my lifting day and I will be spot on with my diet (I hope) and then I will do OK on Tuesday, but Wednesday, I don't know because it is my daughter's 26th birthday and we are going out. Blah, Blah. You get the point. Hang in there and look at this as a whole life thing. :wink:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    My first thought on posts like this is...

    What was your deficit like leading up to your collapse? In my experience, it is almost always too high. That you want to throw in the towel is almost a certain indicator that it was...because at a reasonable deficit, it is usually not that bad...certainly not anything you'd want to give up on. Sure, the illusion of progress can be slower, but the progress that you make that way is real...and sustainable.

    TL;DR: reevaluate your deficit and, if you're ready to try again, set it much more reasonable this time.
  • sylvabelle89
    sylvabelle89 Posts: 61 Member
    I eat 1700 cals a day, ritually....with the exception of the past two weeks :( lol. That intake is the one and only reason I have lost so much.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    recall the reasons you wanted to get healthy and lose weight in the first place.
  • Amy62575
    Amy62575 Posts: 422 Member

    And this:

    Oh and this:
  • sarahmarc
    sarahmarc Posts: 31 Member
    I often feel like quitting as this process is slow but I remember how much it sucks to be fat and lazy rather that be fit and strong. I've only lost 5 pounds but 6 inches, almost a size and made major changes in my lifestyle....I just can't go backwards.....

    Remind yourself why you started in the first place.... And finish what you've started! What's making you give up? Need a treat eat one, jut count it nd forget it.

    You can do it.... Look at all the success we are surrounded by!
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    You know what you're going to do tomorrow morning? You're going to make yourself a delicious, nutritious breakfast, and take time to savour every taste. You're going to treat your body to an invigorating "I'm alive and Kickin!" workout that will make you feel ready to take over the world. After downing some protein shake or snack and as much water as you can hold, you're going to peel the sweat soaked clothes off and stand under a hot stream of water and scrub your skin clean and tingly, breathing in the scent of your favorite soap, and then put on your prettiest underwear and most flattering clothes, and wherever you have to go tomorrow, your going to walk around like you own the place.

    You are going to treat that amazing, talented body of yours the way it deserves to be treated, with honour and care. This doesn't hinge on whether you want to, or not. It is necessity. It is for life.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    You've got to want it.


    Tomorrow's another day.
  • rmw10c
    rmw10c Posts: 10 Member
    I feel ya. I've been in that rut for about the past week and a half. I've been reading through success stories, and I've forced myself to log my calories, because I knew that I had to see the cold hard truth of how much I've consumed today.

    What I have done up until now that has worked really well, is break up my long term goal into a bunch of tiny short term goals. It can be really hard to stay motivated when you know that you're months away from your goal. When I think about needing to lose 65 pounds, that seems really overwhelming. But when I think about needing to lose about 1 and a half pounds in a week, that seems doable. So if the scale says "170.5", I just say to myself, "Ok, I'm going to work really hard, and this time next week, it will say 169." Then I get to be really proud of myself when I've lost a pound and half. I'm trying to get back on track with that mindset this week.
  • GaiaGirl1992
    GaiaGirl1992 Posts: 459 Member
    MAKE yourself work out, no matter how much you need to *****, piss, moan, or feel like poo- make yourself, and make yourself do the other stuff too- its never to late start again

    ^^^^^ this ^^^^^
    After about a month straight of sticking to a schedule, your body will feel weirder not following the schedule. Find images of WHY you should get back on track, google races or sports you want to do ( try the spartan race in canada,or run for your life in the US) set yourself some goals, like make it to 100 minutes of cardio this week.

    All in all, you're gonna have to take yourself out of the rut, whether it means dancing like an idiot around home or b itching yourself out. If you still want help, feel free to message me any time ^_^
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    add more friends and log it, no matter how bad it is the honesty will help kick start your guilt factor and help you get back on track.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Do you live in a snow-covered region of the world right now? I know the winter weather in Wisconsin can get me down...February through April are some of the hardest months....so bored of the snow, wanting spring so bad...the weather makes me want to sleep more and do less....and curl up with a bag of chips.

    Try something new with your workouts. Go to the gym if you haven't been in a while. Swim. Work out at home if you've been spending all your time at the gym.
    Go to the grocery store and buy a fruit or veggie you've never tried before. Youtube or Google it if you don't know how to prepare/cook it.
    Just do something and don't give up!

    Also, I think you're not completely giving up on yourself....you posted on here, didn't you? Good luck! :)