Crunching in knee when I squat, sit, go up/down stairs

What could this be. When I straighten my leg I can feel something in knee and hear a slight noise but not as loud as
When I squat or go up or down stairs.

I'm going to the doctor soon to check what It is but I was hoping someone would know what it is.

Is there certain exercises and/or strengthening for my knee so this noise goes away. It's more of an annoyance then anything.


  • black_cats
    black_cats Posts: 29 Member
    I have exactly the same thing in my right knee. I've previously had x-rays which showed I have a 5mm gap in between my joints. I'd love to know if there's exercises/something I can do to fix it.
  • aalpass
    aalpass Posts: 124 Member
    I use to have crunchy knees which ultimately led to a sore knee and time off the gym. Once its rested (3mths!) it seems to be alright again. I put it down to doing step ups, lunges, squats etc incorrectly as a beginner 10 years ago. One thing I have noticed quite recently since starting a weights program again is how much stronger it feels. I focus constantly on form. Rather have perfect form than go up in weight (which I try to do also). Also have to say I haven't noticed any crunching!

    Hope this helps? :o/
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I had it before I lost weight. I still have it but it's not nearly as bad now. I don't know how to resolve it either but I'm hoping it get better once the muscles around my knees are more supportive.
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    I have that too. If the house is quiet it sounds like I'm crunching on gravel as I walk downstairs! Since going to the gym and strengthening my legs it's not as bad. No idea what it is or if I should get it checked out though.
  • gethealthyAndrea
    Go to the doctor sooner rather than late and don't push yourself in the meantime.
    I went from exercising maybe 2 or 3 times a week to 2 or 3 times a day and have now hurt my knee. The first day it was a little sore so I just took it a little easier but kept up with the exercise. I didn't back off enough though and now I'm constantly in pain. It has been almost 3 weeks, I've been to the physio 4 times and to the doctors once so far. I'm on an anti inflammatory, doing some gentle exercises my physio has told me to do, am icing the knee and using a heat pack on my thighs. Tomorrow I'm off to get an ultra sound and an xray on my knee and then the doctor will decide if I need to go to the specialist. Originally they thought it was just my muscles were so tight from all of the exercise and not enough resting and stretching but as I'm still limping 3 weeks later then it isn't looking good. Perhaps a bit of cartlidge or something is floating around in there.
    Definitely think you should get your knee checked out before you could do it more damage.
  • traceyjj
    traceyjj Posts: 406 Member
    One of my knees grinds/makes noises. I went to the doctor about it. I ended up getting physio, (and over 4 months away from the gym) and now I use the hip adductor and abductor machines to help strengthen the muscles/area around the knee. The pain is becoming less, but the noises are still there. I want to start lifting weights very soon, but I will be visiting the doctor to get the go-ahead that its not going to damage my knee.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    chondromalacia patella. I've had it since the age of 11. low, heavy *kitten* -to-grass squats have eliminated the pain I lived with for most of my life. Low (hips parallel to or below the knee) squats help by developing the your glutes and hams equivalent to your quads. Partial squats where the hips remain above the knee will cause further overdevelopment of the quads and muscle imbalance around the knee because the hams and glutes remain weak.

    If you get a proper adjustment from a chiropractor, you can minimize cartilege damage.

    Don't have any MD inject stuff into you though.

  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    mnes done that ever since i was hit by a car at 14. they've scanned and examined it and its fine, just a wee gap that traps something. or something. stopped listening when they said it was nothing to stress about :laugh:
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I hear my knees all the time. It's only when I feel something in my knees that I worry about it.