I've just quit.



  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Just do it. The only person who's going to make you do this is you.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Don't quit .....

    When you want to quit, remember why you started !

    No one is going to do it for you !

    Attitude is a choice ...... think positive thoughts ..... and believe in yourself !

    Just do it !

    Good luck :drinker:

    i agree with this. my goals keep me focused. even when my friends cant join me at the spinning class i have to still go as i have to lose this weight
  • roselee1213
    roselee1213 Posts: 8 Member
    I think a lot of us have had our shares of wanting to quit throughout our lives. I myself have gone up and down in weight, but this year I want it to be different. I stay in prayer more about my weight and health, one prayer that has been answered I have asked God to help me eat the foods that do not defile my body. I will go awhile and eat correctly, but what was different for me today was, yes I had some pizza but and I ate a portion amount and did not overeat. I can not do this everyday since I have Lupus and flour and sugar products make me hurt more. Take one day at a time, does God not tell us not to worry about tomorrow? I trust in God to get me through all. God Bless
  • Joe7178
    Joe7178 Posts: 105
    Haven't read all posts so not sure if this was said, keep yourself accountable! Tell your friends and family about your weightloss journey! They will ask about your progress thus making you accountable. This really works for me. I've failed numerous times as well.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    I still track every now and then but the past week and a half I have REALLY just about given up and for NO reason. One bad day has led to another and I've quit working out as well.
    This is awful. How can I convince my eyes and stomach to get back on track?
    Stand naked in front of a mirror and do Gangnam style dance.

    LOL i could make you cry :sad: :bigsmile:
  • 1KiwiChick
    1KiwiChick Posts: 479 Member
    on behalf of my pals in MFP i can tell you that none of us would LET you quit !!! my MFP pals are a huge motivation for me ...as well as not wanting to let myself or my kids down i now wouldnt want to let any of them down either!! if you want this bad enough then quitting just isnt an option. Feel free to add me and i'll put you in touch with some awesome pals of mine to help motivate you and keep you positive. :)
  • UsernameStillLoading
    MAKE yourself work out, no matter how much you need to *****, piss, moan, or feel like poo- make yourself, and make yourself do the other stuff too- its never to late start again

    This is actually some good advice. Some days I don't feel like working out and I decide to work out anyway and I feel so much better afterwards.

    But if this is more of a psychological issue, you might want to talk about it with someone (perhaps a friend who knows you well enough to give you good advice). Sometime we lose motivation because we have other stresses in our mind and we can't seem to fight it off. A lot of stresses that kept me from doing what I need to are surprising, things that I wouldn't expect to hold me back but they do because I am not dealing with them. The mind is weird but when you learn to work with it, life becomes so much simpler to deal with.

    As for logging in, its easy to lose focus. Usually I stop logging in because the wi-fi in my phone isn't strong enough and by the time I get to a computer, I don't feel like logging it in. Then I stop for a couple of days (sometimes month) and then I decide to log in again.
    Usually I find that if I participate actively in the community, I tend to want to log in more (even though I don't have any current friends :frown: since I stopped logging in for a while)
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    Don't be a baby and just DO IT. Grow up.
  • nannybubbles
    You haven't just quit, as you say. You would have just quit and said nothing... no post... just never signed in again. You FEEL like quitting and that happens to us all. You posted because you want to be supported and motivated and talked out of quitting... AND THAT IS FINE... THAT IS WHAT WE ARE HERE FOR... to support others and receive support when we need it. We all do / will.

    And look at all the great advice you have received... people do care, we might be strangers but we don't want you to give up and I don't think that you WANT to give up. Follow the advice that most appeals to you... if that doesn't work have another look and follow that... don't beat yourself up. Do something to wear yourself out and then wallow in that lovely, hot, sweaty, smelly smugness of "i didn't want to, but I *&%*&%£% DID it!

    I have had "a weekend off" but it is Monday morning (UK) and it is cold and I FORCED myself out the ratbag door and stomped 5k. I am home. I am hot, sweaty, smelly and soooo smug! A lovely hot bath is waiting for me.

    Up off your butt... one foot in front of the other and the other and the other and the other... Pretty please?
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    No no no, do not quit. You are here, you made the effort to write a post saying you were going to quit. You still want to be in it, otherwise you would have just quit and not told anyone. Get your butt up off the couch and throw that bad food out and get yourself motivated again. You can do this. You are not a quitter. We all have little bumps now and again, this is just one of them.

    You got this.
  • albertasis
    albertasis Posts: 12 Member

    I'm not mad, just want to shout :D
  • jordansh1961
    Girl you can't give up! Bad days / good days we just push to them and give it another try. you have inspired me so much. You are worth it.
  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    i believe your motivation has to come from within. there's nothing i can say to motivate you. you have to want it. the only person affected by your quitting is you. if you can live with that, then you probably aren't yet ready to make the changes you need to make to your life. it sounds harsh, but it's true. either you are doing this because you want to, or you're not doing it at all.

    all that said, you could just think of this past period as a "break". get back to it right now. this very minute. try to preserve whatever progress you've made. forget about the break and treat it as old news. that is, if you want to reach your goals. if you don't want to reach your goals, then grab a bag of chips and some dip and prop yourself up on the couch in front of the TV. get comfortable. you'll be there until you are ready, and of course your path back from there will be harder and longer.

    so it's really all up to you.

    These are very WISE WORDS. Take heed of them please OP.
  • lfergurson1
    lfergurson1 Posts: 137 Member
    Im with you im at like about 14 pounds or so and just struggling to stay on but your response is a reminder that I CANT give back my success on the 7th of March I have been here everyday. Ive managed to stay under calories some days I ate crap and stay there but you know im going forward there will be successes and failures thank you for your honesty it strikes a chord in me I need to read! good luck friend me if youd like to.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    MAYBE YOU DONT WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT? MAYBE YOU DONT WANT TO BE HEALTHY? my bet is that YOU DO, YOUR JUST BEING WEAK! i bet you either want to lose weight, get healthy, or both! i bet you worked really hard, and then allowed 1 bad day to screw up all your progress, and you have convinced yourself that your a lost cause, that its hopeless, and that youll never succeed. I BET THATS WHAT YOU HAVE DONE! i did that for years and years and years... i wasted years being fat and feeling awefull, both physically and emotionally. none of us can make you be motivated, you have to do that for yourself. i bet your not as weak as you make yourself sound, i bet your not. its a shame that you would purposely and knowingly sabatage yourself. you had your bad day, your bad week, whatever, now get over it and get back on track, because my bet is that you dont want to continue with what your doing, thats why you posted!
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    When I was a baby, I tried to walk a couple of times but I fell down. So I never tried again and just crawl everywhere I go. That's the best way to live life: never try anything because sometimes you might be less than 100% perfectly successful. Ain't nobody got time for that.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I still track every now and then but the past week and a half I have REALLY just about given up and for NO reason. One bad day has led to another and I've quit working out as well.
    This is awful. How can I convince my eyes and stomach to get back on track?

    Reading the success stories really helps keep me on track when I feel defeated and so done with it all.