Women - Menstrual Cycle and Weight Gain



  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 735 Member
    I stay away from the scale. Im obsessive enough! I know I gain weight the week leading up to it. I can just tell b/c my clothes don't fit the same. 3-4 days into it and im back to normal :)
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 729 Member
    You will gain water weight during your period- I would also encourage you to use the search button on this site, as there are lots of other threads that have been started to talk about this very topic, where you could probably find out a lot more information.

    Just- another tid bit to keep in mind. You need to eat an excess of 3500 cals to gain 1 pound. So if you have been eating healthy, and go up 3 lbs overnight- unless you are a sleep eater and eating in excess of 10,500 cals(3,500 x 3) overnight- you have not gained 3 lbs of fat.

    Just keep doing what you are doing, drink lots of water, and stay off the scale that week if seeing the number go up will bother you.
  • hazelbliss6
    hazelbliss6 Posts: 253 Member
    I have learned to just never weight myself on my period. It's just not useful (or true) information. I do however still try to exercise. During your period your estrogen levels are at the highest- you actually have a fat-burning advantage hormonally if you do some cardio during that time. Figures it's not the easiest time to workout of course... low energy and more pain.
  • rachelelizabeth88
    rachelelizabeth88 Posts: 73 Member
    not even joking.. I gained 7 pounds on this months menstrual cycle lol I would def stay away from the scale until it's over I only weighed myself at night as a laugh because I knew I was so bloated lol
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    i suggest weighing during the week after TOM and the week after ovulation. these two events are typically on day 1 (period) and then day 14-15 of your cycle for ovulation. i usually see a slight gain from 2-5 lb during both of these times... actually for me it starts a few days before TOM and ovulation . so my advice is weight until like days 7-12 of your cycle and day 19-28 of your cycle to do any weighing. that is if you have a 28 day cycle... if it's longer or shorter you'll have to figure out what day ovulation and TOM happen on and don't weight a few days before, during, and after those times. like clockwork i am always up during those times. lots of others are too.
  • I'm glad you asked about this because I was wondering about it as well. However mine tends to be the week before my TOM and goes thru during. Does anyone else have this problem of it being more than a few days but a week before?

    Yes mine starts at least a week sometimes even 10 days before my TOM and I am so bloated during this time and the week I have them. Things settle down 2 days after they have finished. My extreme hunger is only for the week before but during, I hardly get hungry. Still bloat though.
  • Aleara2012
    Aleara2012 Posts: 225 Member
    I always gain 2-4 pounds of water weight before and during that dreaded week. So far I have been weighing-in and even logging the 'gain', only to be followed by a big 'loss' the week after... I think from now on I will just not weigh in and wait for a couple of days after it's over, it doesn't make sense to log that water-weight...
  • AngelAura777
    AngelAura777 Posts: 225 Member
    Make one of the days during your period a cheat day where you can satisfy your cravings and then be really really good for the next week after it and you will return to normal weight and you will feel better emotionally as well. I was really good for the week before my period and then on the weekend my boyfriend took me to a pancakes restaurant where I had the most AMAZING strawberry pancakes with cream and ice cream and I ate a bit of crap that day but I felt so full but great after it I really enjoyed it and it was easier to stay away from those foods in the days after it knowing that I had splurged. Im finding the more im healthy the more I resist cravings but it does get really hard at that time of month! I figured I would use my cheat day to kinda reset my metabolism and use the food as extra fuel for when I go running/ lifting again.
  • For those chocolate cravings-I found an idea on MFP that hits the spot. Take 4 ripe bananas and mix with 2 to 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder (depending how dark you like your chocolate) spread on a small pan or plate lined with wax paper. Let in firm in the freezer then break up into little chucks (about 10 - 15 calories for a 10g serving). I keep in the freezer & snack on it when I have those cravings.

    I usually gain about 4 pounds and I struggle with getting workouts in as I get very tired. Yes it does come off quickly after...it tends to makes me refocus & be stronger after my cycle-regenerates me!

    That is an absolutely awesome idea. I may try it with greek yogurt!
  • britneyy32
    britneyy32 Posts: 97 Member
    I gain like 5 or 6 lbs of water weight during mine and then it goes away within a week
  • rlt2005
    rlt2005 Posts: 15
    During my cycle, I avoid the scales like the plague. There's water weight gain & that higher number on the scale just feels like a someone in the crowd boo-ing me. The good news is, you usually lose all of that water weight by the end. I take a fluid pill after mine to rid my body of any excess water weight, but I also have a high tendency to retain so badly in my legs that it hurts, thus the reason I have a prescription for the fluid pills. The second piece of good news is that there are studies that show that during PMS (when you're ravenously hungry!) you're body actually metabolizes food more quickly. Because of that, your case of the munchies aren't AS harmful to your progress, and it is the best time to exercise/burn calories.
  • Anya06
    Anya06 Posts: 95
    so happy reading this as I have just had a complete freak out past few days as i am weighing 4lb more..:but I am on so that explains it lol x
  • staceyb_2003
    staceyb_2003 Posts: 396 Member
    This also happens to me i'm at 5lb at the minute makes me wanna give up ... i don't over eat by more than 300 calories but i eat a load of crap a week before my period and sometimes during ovulation time :-(
  • staceyb_2003
    staceyb_2003 Posts: 396 Member
    Do you mix them to a mush ?
  • That was very informational. Thanks.
  • 10 to 14 days before my period I put between 3 to 5 Ibs on in weight!!
    I do also eat a bit more but I crave food at this time!!
    A couple days after my period starts it is back to normal, but I wee for England!!
    I think a lot of it is water rentention ;-)
  • MsTanyaRN
    MsTanyaRN Posts: 21 Member
    I've noticed that when I exercise regularly I either don't gain any weight during that time or it's just a couple lbs but when I'm not exercising regularly I easily put on at least 5lbs during that time!! I would either just skip weighing during that time or know it could be more than usual. I also get extreme exhaustion during that time but, again, when I work out regularly even when I don't want to I seem to feel a whole lot better and I have a burst of energy even if it just lasts for a few hrs after working out.
  • emma155
    emma155 Posts: 152 Member
    Can someone tell me how my cycle is going to affect the scale. I'm doing so good these last two weeks and weighing every couple of days. I think I read a post one time that said we gain weight during our cycle. Does anyone know? Is it best to stay off the scale until I'm off? Thanks!!

    Hi, yes you will hold on to a bit of water but please remeber this is not an actual gain, it will go. Thing is you often get a gain just before your period starts so you may not realise this is the reason at first. I would advise only weihing once a week and probably best not to weight until you a few days into your period or have finished. My water weight goes before my period finishes but all women are different. :)
  • MandiISFitness
    MandiISFitness Posts: 1 Member
    I'm actually super happy I saw this post. This morning I woke up and was all excited to weigh myself . . only finding out that I went from 128 to 130. I worked out and kept my diet the same! Then I remembered my period comes within about a week and a half. I always gain water weight before my period. I immediately went to the community posts to see if I could get some help and then this post is there right in front of me!! With hundreds of women with the same issue!! *happiness* I hate periods . . especially when you're trying to diet.

    Mother Nature: "Oh, you want to lose weight, get in shape and impress the boy across the street without paying for plastic surgery?" *takes a sledge hammer to your uterus and injects you with 5 pounds of water* "DENIED!!!! I'll be back next month to keep you in check . ."
  • I usually don't weigh myself during my period, as I know that the number isn't "technically" accurate and I'll just freak out when I see it!