Weight Watchers 100+ Board Member

Hi! I've been here a week now. I've lost 77 pounds with WW in the past year and a half, but nothing in the past four months. It seems like double-tracking my food and exercise, here and there, will give me some insights. (Already see how important my walking and biking is, as I'm sedentary most of the day.) Glad for any new friends who plan to be here for the long haul... need wise companions on this journey.


  • eb12112
    congrats on the big accomplishment so far! feel free to add me!
  • deluda
    deluda Posts: 146 Member
    You've done great so far. Double tracking just might help. I do and it really helps me.
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    Congrats on the HUGE lose! You are doing fantastic. I lost 75 lbs on Weight Watchers about 4 years ago, and then I hit a plateau and gave up. Crazy, right?? Imagine where I would be right now if I hadn't given up!! As long as you maintain a deficit, the weight will come off sooner or later.One WW point is equal to about 50 calories. So, If I was on WW right now, my points would be 30....which is equal to about 1700 calories, not counting exercise and weekly points. I bounce back and forth between 1200 to 1700. Doesn't matter. I still have a deficit. You might want to try mixing things up. Eat less for a couple of days, then increase by 200 or so for another few days. Sometimes, you gotta mix it up or your body will think this is the "new normal".

    Try different things, and if NOTHING changes....then keep maintaining. As I said before, you WILL break the plateau. I'm always open to new friends. Feel free to send me a request. I log everyday.
  • majlinehan
    majlinehan Posts: 14 Member
    Hey All,

    I am previously a gold WW member (on their old points system) and I have since slowly moved up an gained (after having my baby) but I havent really been able to loose the last stone... (lack of motivation and excerise and living of junk its no wonder).

    I am considering going as it really helped me the last time but not sure if their new propoints will work for me???? How many points are you allowed? I used to eat 18 points per day. (168cm and current weight 68kg :( )

    Any tips?