Pre-morning workout meal question

Hey guys! I have the opportunity this week to work out before I have to go to work. I'm a teacher and also work an after school program, so it can be taxing to work a full day plus a few extra hours afterwards and still feel fueled and excited about the gym. I'm in a different school this week and my in time is a little later. If I wake up at 5 to get an hour workout in before getting ready for school, do I have to be able to have a decent size breakfast before running/cardio? As in, can I down a bottle of water and have an apple and a hardboiled egg when I get up and then post workout/shower, have my normal egg white omelet and multi-grain English muffin? I know I need energy and nutrients to work out, but does this sound like a plan?! (pardon my run-on sentences!!!)


  • NickyLynnDoll
    NickyLynnDoll Posts: 9 Member
  • Jemellc
    Jemellc Posts: 308 Member
    I sometimes do not eat until after working out.... but if i do it will probably be like you said an apple or orange...
  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member
    You probably do not want a large breakfast before running as it will not sit well. I usually eat a bar before going out and running as well as having one glass of water.

    The larger high protein breakfast is a good idea for after the run.
  • Jacqmomof3
    Jacqmomof3 Posts: 24 Member
    I workout in the morning and I always eat before I workout. The days that I can't (if I wake up too late) I feel awful. But some people feel sick if they eat too close to exercise. So I would try it and see. I need a bit of protein, so I have yogurt and fruit then after the workout I have some toast and peanut butter. I sort of split up my morning meal. Good luck.:smile::smile:
  • pmaxson
    pmaxson Posts: 137
    I only eat breakfast if I am up an hour before working out. Since I workout at 5:15, I usually work out on an empty stomach. I think you have to find what works for you and your body. Try a few different things, but limit the quantity. Sometimes, if I'm up at 4ish, I'll eat a small bowl of cereal and then eat breakfast when I get home.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Eat if you're hungry before, but it's not 100% necessary. Also, I would advise against the egg: egg burps. :wink:
  • coleeli
    coleeli Posts: 40 Member
    I do not eat if I wake up early to work out because I get really terrible cramps and I wouldn't be able to make it through even 10 minutes. If I'm waking up early to workout, I try to have an extra snack the night before so my stomach isn't grumbling when I wake up. I eat right after I'm done!
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    The energy for your workouts comes from the glucose and glycogen you have stored - not from what you have just eaten and, for the most part, not yet digested.
    Eat before if you want to, eat afterwards if you want to. Personal choice and how it fits in with your routine.
  • chimp517
    chimp517 Posts: 185 Member
    I prefer doing cardio while in a fasted state
  • LJP1982
    LJP1982 Posts: 45 Member
    in Shaun T's recent live chat he said that he wouldn't recommend working out on an empty stomach, but also not a full one. He said he'd recommend a banana with peanut butter, or a wheat english muffin
  • Ok, sweet! Thanks everybody! Sounds like I can go with what I mapped out for myself! I appreciate the feedback!