Ugh, blew it!!

Was so good this weekend until 8PM last night, just lost all self control and had a large snack during th Academy Awards. Still lost 1 lb. BUT worried I can't follow through for the long haul!


  • I had a cookie raid in the middle of the night last week. Felt exactly the same. Yes you can feel guilty about it, but you really shouldn't. Today is a new day. Make smart choices today!
  • Reza151
    Reza151 Posts: 517 Member
    Was so good this weekend until 8PM last night, just lost all self control and had a large snack during th Academy Awards. Still lost 1 lb. BUT worried I can't follow through for the long haul!

    Focus on your successes, not your setbacks! If you were "good"until 8 pm last night, then you can do it again. And as long as you eat healthy 80-90% of the time, and exercise, then a binge every now and then shouldn't ruin your progress. Remember: Negative attitude creates low self esteem, which ultimately leads to more binging. Chin up:)
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    I make due diligence to make sure I include treats and snacks into my diet. If i didn't I would feel deprived and go overboard. I feel any "diet" that excludes things is not sustainable in the long run. Also I plan for it. If I know that I am going to take the kids to do for a cone I make sure to eat light at breakfast and lunch, or add a extra half hour to my exercise for the day. Planning is key.

    Don't let one "slip up" set you off track
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I've lost my self-control so many times during my weight loss. I couldn't possibly add them all up! One bad day (or even a bad week) here and there shouldn't get you down. I know you can find the motivation to keep going!
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    The Academy Awards are sabotaging us all!!!!

    But seriously, don't worry so much. The "long haul" is.....long. You're not going to be perfect the entire time, these things will happen occasionally. How you recover from it will affect your success much more than the incident itself.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    Next time just pre-plan to have that snack ahead of time.

    Or exercise afterwords/beforehand to burn it off.

    OR just don't stress if you're eating maintenance calories every now and then. I know I definitely would not succeed if I forced myself into one little box of what I can/can't have all the time.
  • It's ok! Remember you aren't perfect and mistakes will happen the only thing you can do is say ok so I messed up yesterday but today is a BRAND NEW DAY! Besides the habits that we all have/ had that have gotten us to the point we are at now weren't learned overnight so don't beat yourself up or set unrealistic expectations it will take time to unlearn the bad behaviors and replace them with good ones!! So hang in there you can do better today and again tomorrow just do it one day at a time! Be kind to yourself, be proud!! look at the changes you have made! You took the first and hardest step and that was to realize you have need to get healthy and are doing it!! hang in there!! I am here and willing to be a friend on this site to offer encouragement, we all need that :wink:
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Is it the unrealistic expecations of seeing these tiny waifs who have access to money, make up artists, hair stylist, customed made gowns and personal trainers that are setting you all up for binges?

    It's only one night dust yourself off and keep moving.
  • Melaney1
    Melaney1 Posts: 44 Member
    Your not alone. I do well all week and blow it on the week-ends. I still don't eat as much as I used but it happens.
    I start new the next day. Don't give up.
  • Reza151
    Reza151 Posts: 517 Member
    I make due diligence to make sure I include treats and snacks into my diet. If i didn't I would feel deprived and go overboard. I feel any "diet" that excludes things is not sustainable in the long run. Also I plan for it. If I know that I am going to take the kids to do for a cone I make sure to eat light at breakfast and lunch, or add a extra half hour to my exercise for the day. Planning is key.

    Don't let one "slip up" set you off track

    Quoted for truth. For this reason, my binge last night at our housewarming party was so extreme. I had two slices of cheesecake since I hadn';t eaten it in at least 7 months! And I overdid it on the beef and lamb since I normally stick to white meat.

    Everythign in moderation, is what a binge teaches us
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Part of making it for the long haul is learning to take set-backs in stride. You just have to realize that one day is only one day, pick up and move on. Don't let it discourage you.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Was so good this weekend until 8PM last night, just lost all self control and had a large snack during th Academy Awards. Still lost 1 lb. BUT worried I can't follow through for the long haul!

    Hell, take a look at my journal if you want to see some eating failures this weekend and last week. It happens. Dust off, jump up and keep making the best choices you can as often as you can. Give yourself credit for what you do and just learn from those times you don't make the choices you want.

    It's a loooooooong process!
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    Its a lifestyle change - what kind of life would it be if you didn't push the boat out every once in a while?

    I had 6 pints on Saturday night. I did not log this. :tongue:
  • Thanks! Wow only 4 to go! Impressive:):smile:
  • Its a lifestyle change - what kind of life would it be if you didn't push the boat out every once in a while?

    I had 6 pints on Saturday night. I did not log this. :tongue:

    Love this!
  • I've lost my self-control so many times during my weight loss. I couldn't possibly add them all up! One bad day (or even a bad week) here and there shouldn't get you down. I know you can find the motivation to keep going!
  • Yeah I did that when I went over to my sister in laws home...I had pizza and soda...but since my body was used to eating clean already...I ended up with a huge tummy ache & guilt, but I learned from that experience :)
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    You are allowed to briefly fall off the wagon occasionally. It's the way that you deal with it that matters. Think about what went wrong, how you could deal with it better, and learn from it. Be honest with yourself and move on. It is no big deal if you do this after...
  • OMG Steve that is too funny.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    You are allowed to briefly fall off the wagon occasionally. ....

    Wagon? Barstool more like...