Weekend failure...



  • anchorbaygal
    If you look at my meals, you will notice I am the same. I do make sure I get in the workout though, that is KEY! Or, at least try to do enough house cleaning or yard work to knock off a few calories. You MUST ask your husband to help you in the fight for weight loss - stop the BK!! I hate being selective with the things I eat but sometimes you have to. If I were to eat at BD - I would say hold the mayo on the whopper. Little things go a long way. So, if you are going to make bad choices, try to make the 'less' bad choice...if that makes sense! the best of the worse! haha! Good luck, we are all in the same boat, it isn't easy!
  • JenniJen26
    I try to keep my same routine as much as possible and so if I workout at 6pm during the week, I keep that appointment on weekends too. If I know i'm going to have to change it because I'll be going out with friends, I exercise earlier. Also, I "earn" the treat like another member said so I don't feel bad. Some exercise is better than none. Also, if I am hanging out with friends, I try to make sure it is something that keeps me active i.e. bowling, skating, dancing.
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    I eat burgers and have a drink all within my calorie and macros goals. You need to learn what you CAN have not what you CAN'T. I have dropped 5 pounds this month and have had cake and red vines and girl scout cookies. Planning is the key to work in yummies. If you can not do moderation on the weekends lower your week days calories by 100-200 daily to give you more on the weekends.
  • aepdx
    aepdx Posts: 218 Member
    I like to get up early on the weekends and do something that burns a ton of calories so I don’t feel so bad drinking a couple beers and having some nachos once in a while. Something active that me and my boyfriend (or you and your husband) can do together is go hiking. It burns a lot of calories and you are genuinely talking and hanging out not around the television. That is some good way to spend quality time together and exercise.

    I felt bad about eating over the limit this weekend, too. But I just got up early on Sunday and worked extra hard.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    i try to get in one good workout. I did pretty bad this weekend too but I went for an extra long run yesterday (breaking my own PR) and also did weights. Back on track now
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Change the routine! Rather than worrying about a "workout" go to the park and play. Take a picnic so that you don't stop for fast food on the way home.
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    Same...I went to Texas Roadhouse and Denny's in one day @.@ friends always wanna go out D:
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    I am also a weekend failure. My husband is not on board with the program, which makes it very hard for me. He accused me of avoiding him a few weeks ago because I spend many week nights working out and then occupying myself with hobbies while he watches television and eats snack after snack. The hobbies keep my mind and hands busy because if I join him watching television, then I snack too!

    Since the accusation, I have been spending more time with him, which has sabotaged my last two weeks. Quite simply, I am just too weak :(( My week day control is now suffering heavily and the weekends are outright killing me!

    For my own sake, I need to go back to avoiding him....and his nasty eating habits until I gain back some control.

    My husband is the same way. He is always bringing home crap to eat. He does not workout at all. I am trying to influence him but not having him on board makes it very hard for me. He is supportive of me though but he is not changing his life yet.

    mine brings crap home to eat too. Its so hard for me when he eats a big bag of chips with dip and Im working out hard and he just sits there.
  • seedot11
    seedot11 Posts: 7 Member
    I used to go over every single weekend, sometimes horrendously so.

    Althought I still go over (thanks to my good friend alcohol), I make sure my calories at the most match how many calories I burn a day. My deficit is 1390 and my metabolic rate is around 2200 kcal; so on Saturday and Sunday I just try and make sure I'm around the 1900 mark, while being under my deficit for the rest of the week. I'm still losing weight.

    I feel the key to this success is to make my breakfasts and lunches on the Friday night for the weekend, and forbid myself from snacking until these are gone. I don't usually feel like snacking after eating these low calorie but filling meals.

    I don't know if you're anything like me, but working out just isn't going to happen on a weekend for me. Saturday and Sunday are my sacred rest days!!
  • rumplesnat
    Weekends can be horrendous for me, too, plus I only workout M-F. That being said, I workout like crazy on those days, bank some calories during the week, relax and don't worry about going over my goals on the weekend.It's Monday and I'm back on board, no real damage done over the weekend. Scale says I'm up a couple pounds as usual, but I know I didn't eat 7,000 extra calories for it to be true. Water weight and it'll be gone by Wednesday.
  • jzebracki
    jzebracki Posts: 112 Member
    There are always more social activities on the weekends, and most of them seem to involve food! It takes time and dedication, but you have to PLAN, PLAN, PLAN!!! If you know you are going to be "bad", then save calories, or do extra workouts to give you more calories to consume. If you work things out in your head ahead of time, it gives you the willpower to stay on track. You can do this!
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    I get up early and work out every day, including weekends. Sometimes sacrificing pillow time sucks, but it's never as bad as the feeling I get when I don't get up and do it.
  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    Plan plan plan. I am getting fanatical about knowing which restaurant we are going to eat at so I can check the website for calories and then plan my day around it. So far, so good. If I do splurge on something, I try to do it in moderation. I get up and go to the gym before anyone else in the house is up on the weekends, I just have to make myself do it. There's no easy answer but you will get there, good luck on your journey! :flowerforyou:
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    You can also be more proactive about your social plans - instead of waiting for your friends to invite you to a restaurant for lunch, invite them to play mini golf. Or at least pick a bar where you can play pool.
  • TAsunder
    TAsunder Posts: 423 Member
    Weekends can be horrendous for me, too, plus I only workout M-F. That being said, I workout like crazy on those days, bank some calories during the week, relax and don't worry about going over my goals on the weekend.It's Monday and I'm back on board, no real damage done over the weekend. Scale says I'm up a couple pounds as usual, but I know I didn't eat 7,000 extra calories for it to be true. Water weight and it'll be gone by Wednesday.

    I am kind of similar. I bank calories Monday through Wednesday because I find I have more social plans and eat more calories on the weekends. It is relatively easy to be healthy Monday through Wednesday. Usually ok Thursday, but Friday through Sunday is quite hard to work at a deficit for me. So I adjusted the other days to compensate.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    unfortunately i am not ...i am right there with you on the weekends....even more so lately.

    yes, but you have a puppy so its okay. :bigsmile:
  • cjcmrn
    cjcmrn Posts: 134 Member
    I am also a weekend failure. My husband is not on board with the program, which makes it very hard for me. He accused me of avoiding him a few weeks ago because I spend many week nights working out and then occupying myself with hobbies while he watches television and eats snack after snack. The hobbies keep my mind and hands busy because if I join him watching television, then I snack too!

    Since the accusation, I have been spending more time with him, which has sabotaged my last two weeks. Quite simply, I am just too weak :(( My week day control is now suffering heavily and the weekends are outright killing me!

    For my own sake, I need to go back to avoiding him....and his nasty eating habits until I gain back some control.

    The only thing is, is that you don't want to find yourself putting a distance between you. Maybe try doing activities that involve both of you, that way you are getting him away from the snacks as well. A friend of mine takes her and her man out snow-shoeing on the weekends, which means they do an activity together instead of going their separate ways.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    As of right now I only allow myself one "cheat day" per week instead of two. Even on days where I choose 'bad' foods, I make sure to stay within my calorie limits. If I'm about to go over, I go run up and down the stairs for a little bit or do some planks and pushups. Really, there's nothing wrong with eating BK and drinking on the weekends so long as you're not exceeding your calories by more than a thousand-- if you do, you're only cheating yourself in the long run. However, this is a lifestyle, not a diet, so if you're too harsh with your self-imposed rules you'll only feel more tempted to cheat and cheat big. Everything in moderation :) and if you want to overindulge, plan on doing a hard workout earlier in the day. Motivate yourself by thinking about all the delicious, terrible things you'll get to eat later. Best of luck to you.
  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    The weekends are tough. I don't seem to drink enough water...and of course there is temptation everywhere! I try and workout each day, even if it is just going for a walk around the block. I didn't work out yesterday, and when I logged my food, I was going over, so I laced up my sneakers and out the door I went for a walk around the block a few times. Made me feel better and I am back on track today. When you go over, just move on and get back to work the next day. We all have those times.
  • PamelaGatorMom
    PamelaGatorMom Posts: 348 Member
    I think you just have to make the choice to do it! I am the only one in my household who has to watch everything I put in my mouth so sometimes my family doesn’t get it, but that doesn’t mean I can’t stay within my calories for each day.

    I LOVE my beer and we have a pretty crazy schedule with kids playing sports, but I try to always just make a healthier choice, suggest Subway instead of BK for a quick meal but regardless of where you go almost every place has a healthy alternative on the menu. Saturday while my son was at pitching practice I actually walked to the ballpark (almost 2 miles away); I try to fit in small quick workouts on the weekends since we are busy so I can enjoy a cold one or two :drinker: