Only lost 3 pounds ;-;

So I only lost 3, maybeeee 5 pounds in a month, I know most people would say that is good but its a big
drop for me compared to the 10 pounds I lost last month. I am exercising the same amounts, and heavy weight lifting 5 days a week. I think my weekends are what is killing my weight loss. Sometimes I eat up to 3000 calories on a saturday but my BMR is 2000 calories, would this be haltering my weight loss? Monday- Friday I usually keep btwn 1400-1800 D: what gives


  • ReccaThorn
    ReccaThorn Posts: 5 Member
    Congratulations on your weightloss so far! Yes, the weekend binge is killing your progression. I tend to do the same thing. I just started this website a few weeks ago and the reports have really help me see when I trend to eat more. Weekends and evenings... The evening frustrates me somewhat more, because I'll eat so good throughout the day then I'll finish with a tasty dessert that sends me skyrocketing over my allowance for the day. Hang in there! You know where you need to improve. Keep within your daily calorie allowance even on the weekend and see if that helps. Good luck!
  • fespo276
    fespo276 Posts: 11 Member
    Ya, I think its the weekends, too. However, have you considered that you may have added a pound or two of muscle from your lifting? That's what happens to me all the time.
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    Ya I did consider maybe it was from weight lifting but then again I don't think I have THAT much muscle yet lol How much should I even be lifting, some people say to do it a lot and more than cardio but some others agree that too much can make you gain weight before you lose it! I weigh 265 right now and still have 65 pounds to lose. I would prefer I lose that first rather than gain muscle weight ;-;
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    Ya I did consider maybe it was from weight lifting but then again I don't think I have THAT much muscle yet lol How much should I even be lifting, some people say to do it a lot and more than cardio but some others agree that too much can make you gain weight before you lose it! I weigh 265 right now and still have 65 pounds to lose. I would prefer I lose that first rather than gain muscle weight ;-;

    At a deficit you aren't likely to gain any muscle. What you are doing is preserving the muscle you already have so you aren't in the same boat myself and many others are of trying to build muscle later. If that makes sense.

    What does happen though, is as you lose weight, your weight loss DOES slow down. Frankly you want it to for the most part. Also, weight isn't static, it fluctuates based on many factors, so don't sweat one month, as long as you are seeing steady lowering progress, you are on the right track.