For the new years gym rats thinking of quitting

Don't quit, don't look for "answers", don't get upset if people mock you when you ask about shortcuts, and just don't be a Journeyman. Instead of responding to the multiple threads that "just aren't seeing results". I repost this.

The gym is already thinning out with those who think 6 weeks is a major commitment.

Journeyman's song of January

The new year has brought determination anew.
He has vowed to enter the company of few.

The battle of the bulge is on yet again.
To fight the evil and decadence of all past sin.

The waist has expanded to quite a great length.
His wind has departed along with his strength.

so the music doth blast through the headphones so shiny
as the journeyman pedges to lose the great hiney.

He has searched the web for answers, near and far
bought the gym membership, found a smoothie bar.

The journey has begun, the effort in earnest.
He eats breakfast early to fire up his furnace.

the carbs have been shunned, no flour for him
DVDs have been purchased for when there's no gym.

He enters the gym, the temple of exertion
this time he means it, there will be no desertion.

The sweat it comes freely as he pushes along
the music cranked up to his favorite fast song.

The problem it seems comes from his own pace
It has been 4 whole days, but no change in his face.

So he looks for the answers as seen on TV
The juicers, the ketones, the body by V.

He goes to the programs to target his belly,
He skips all the sugars and avoids even jelly.

Maybe there is hope, how about shakeology?
or one of those courses of liquid proctology?

He eats a banana and is riddled with guilt.
with mistakes like these, he will never be built.

He knows now why he is doomed to be fat.
He is quite big boned, no way around that.

This can't possibly work. he sobs and he quakes.
What should I do, being a special snowflake?

But then he takes solace as it hits him like that.
He is doing just fine, muscle weighs more than fat!

It is obvious now, he needs not be sulky.
He should probably slow down. Who wants to be bulky?

His shake weight, his zumba, his work on his core.
With all of these options he could never get bored.

He works and he sweats. He cuts out all dairy.
Where the hell has she gone, the weight loss fairy?

Two pounds in a week, I have seen the show.
Less than 10 pounds and you might as well go.

So the winter moves forward. February is here.
Well this isn't working....

maybe next year.


  • SueSlick
    SueSlick Posts: 268 Member
    AWESOME!! My first time reading do have a gift, Sir!!
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    It really is sad how easily people can be pushed to a quick fix that ultimately does not work. Hopefully some of the noobs will make it!
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    That was awesome! It is funny how the gym is so busy in January, then slacks off in Feb...picks back up in around April (people think bathing suit season is coming), then slacks off again. I want to scream to all of them....there is no quick fix...
  • Kaypix
    Kaypix Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks so much for posting this! Yesterday (or maybe Saturday?) I was having a "The scale doesn't move, this is stupid, I quit" moment. Then I had a kick in the face reminding me that 2 months is minimal compared to life in general, and I have other things that have improved with my added gym time. My heart is healthier and I'm no longer on anti-depressants. To me that's a big step in the right direction!
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    Best song about the journey, ever.
  • sassafrascas
    sassafrascas Posts: 191 Member
    Story of my life! I did do a resolution this year. I am giving it my all this time working on it all year!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Bumping for the resolutioners! Great post, Hoss!
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Story of my life! I did do a resolution this year. I am giving it my all this time working on it all year!

    ....and for the rest of your life.
  • Lisa6206
    Lisa6206 Posts: 57 Member
    Awesome. I agree that you do have a gift, Hoss! Thanks for posting!