Still Hungry!! ??

I feel pretty bad right now...I totally fell off the wagon today. :frown: I don't know what it is. Maybe because I'm exhausted - too exhausted to sleep, if that's possible, :yawn: and I can't seem to get full! I've drank 13 (YES 13!):happy: bottles of water today, 2 diet sodas and I've eaten almost everything I could put my chubby little fingers on! Luckily my only 'bad' was a handful of Chili Cheese Fritos (the bag immediately went into the trash after that!), but I'm over my calories by almost 300!! ZOINKS!!! :mad:

Maybe it's the heat (I'm boycotting air conditioning at this point in the year - in my stubborn head, it's just not time yet!!), maybe it's 'that time', maybe it's alotta things?!?!?!?!?

But, for now, the answer lies in a couple of Tylenol PM's and my big fluffy bed!!

Ah - I feel better getting that out in the open!!

Thanks to MFP for this chance to confess my sins :happy:

Scarlet had it right......For tomorrow is, another day!!

G'nite all - and hope you're having a great Memorial Day Weekend


    ILUVHORSES Posts: 12
    Dont worry tomorrow is another day...enjoy your memorial day weekend! :)
  • maryvick
    maryvick Posts: 12
    300 calories over -- might mean one tenth of a pound --- and may not even mean that much --- personally, i think going over 300 and then not going all out --- is a great thing --- it took me forever to stop reacting to a small overindulgence by going into lots of bad bad food --- so i think you did great!!
  • mell23
    mell23 Posts: 6
    enjoy memorial day weekend, use it as an exscuse :tongue: . that what i kept telling myself when i chowed down on 15 chicken nuggets :sad:
  • chanson104
    chanson104 Posts: 859
    Tomorrow will be better!! The important thing is to remember that it's not all over with because of one bad day. Jump back on the wagon! Have a great weekend!
  • shylanikole
    Don't feel too horrible....two days ago, I went 500 over my cals, and today i went more than a thousand over (thanks olive garden!!! and my parents anniversary dinner) i too feel like i just cant eat enough here lately, and im only 24. i think it may have something to do with the fact that i have gotten my body used to 2500 + calories a day, and now im basically saying HA you cant have more than 1200 anymore, and my bodys going WHAT WHYYYY like a whiney lil kid and i also have really bad insomnia...yeah me and my horrible insomnia stories will keep you up nights.... anyway, just remember, you can exercise and win back those extra calories you already ate.....well some of them anyway, lol.... no such thing as winning back 1000+ lol...

    and yes tomarrow will be better
  • charis2032
    charis2032 Posts: 64
    Give yourself permission to be human.....and look at any difference in your schedule that might have made a difference in your hunger. We slept late, had a late breakfast (10/1030) then worked in the yard for 5 hours straight without a break. I was STARVING when we came inside and ate nearly everything in my path!. The weird schedule did bad things to my body. Won't be doing that again anytime soon.

    Tomorrow is another encouraged and stay strong!
  • DarcieC2389
    DarcieC2389 Posts: 146
    I would not worry about it. Just don't use 1 bad slipup as an excuse to totally fall off the wagon. It isn't possible to continue to eat perfect 100% of the time. I think it is important to reward yourself once in while. You are less likely to feel deprived and not go crazy and totally overdo it when a craving for that food hits.
  • AllisonMO
    AllisonMO Posts: 68 Member
    Hang in there! You are just at the beginning of training yourself, your brain, and your stomach for what your body is telling you it truly needs. I had to reread your post to make sure you were just talking about 300 calories and not 3000! 300 is not a very big fall off the wagon, for sure. You have a great attitude, and this is just a very minor setback in what will be a life-long journey.

    Just so you don't feel too alone,! I almost had the same chili cheese fritos with lunch but switched out for quaker mini rice cakes in cheddar. Then, because I had been so righteous, I ate 6 Cadbury mini chocolate eggs. Only ended up below my day's goal by taking the dog for a walk (and indulging in 6 more Cadbury eggs!!).

    What has kept me going in MFP is realizing I can have some of the bad foods I love in moderation.
  • scott24
    scott24 Posts: 132
    It's almost midnight and I can't sleep. I read your post and went to the refrigerator. Leftover BBQ ribs or an apple? Well, I went with the apple - with a glass of water chaser. Your confession made me strong! Have a great day tomorrow.