You don't need to read, Just Venting

UGH I am gaining again. How can I start losing again, I am so frustrated right now. The first 16 came off with no problems and now I am slowing creeping back up, I don't want to do that. This is where I just say screw it, Im better off fat, but I cannot get into that state of mind again.

I have a hard time logging on the weekends, no computer access all the time. I am working out, NOT hours on end, I try to get at least 15 minutes in everyday. I will do walk off the pounds and them ab workouts. I will increase as my capability increases.

I guess I am at a loss of what to eat and snack foods at night. Anyway, just a vent.


  • Akumu
    Akumu Posts: 120 Member
    MFP has you set at 1470, your diary shows some days where you have breakfast lunch and dinner logged, and you have a total of 800 calories, 700 calories, even 600 calories one day. This is way too little, even if you aren't working out, never mind the fact that you are. Your body is going to hang on to whatever you give it with such few calories. And if you are binging on the weekends (don't see much logged there) that makes it worse.

    I would try to eat the 1470 and continue working out. Don't look at it as a diet, where success means starving yourself. Do it in a way that you can see yourself doing it for the rest of your life. Eat like a normal healthy person, have the occasional snack, and incorporate exercise. Try to have a good mix of carbs, fat and protein at each meal, a good amount of water, and fruit and vegetables when you can. Sit down and plan a days worth of meals so you can figure out all the numbers and portions. Take it one day at a time and go from there.

    To be sure that the 1470 is appropriate for you (taking into account fitness level, etc.) this is a good tool:
  • You're not "better off fat" - no one is. You may be gaining muscle mass, which is offsetting the weight loss, or it could just be the tides. Consider taking measurements and not weighing yourself for a while. Look back at your own posts her on MFP. I think you'll see that you've been feeling great and just hitting a rough patch at present.

    Is it possible that you're eating more on the weekends than you think? If you can't get to a computer or use the phone app grab a pad and paper. Write everything down and enter it later on. Then you can see if you're going over. Weekends can be crazy but make yourself the priority. I didn't for far too long which is what got me here.

    I would suggest more "real" food, rather than frozen or diet dishes. Most of the meals my family eats - normal, every day food - Are under 500 calories per serving. Homemade meatlof, manicotti, pasta fagiol (sp?), steak, etc. Keeps me happy and on path, and I only occassionally ask for a modification (my daughter's meatloaf is great but I have her leave the bacon off one end so I can have more). Yes, I can't have all the mashed potatoes I want (which is the entire dish) but I can have a smaller portion and enjoy it. Normally I enter dinner first and then figure lunch from there.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    You're not "better off fat" - no one is. You may be gaining muscle mass, which is offsetting the weight loss,

    The OP is NOT gaining muscle. Besides small newbie gains you will not gain muscle while on a calorie deficit... especially if you are eating as little as the OP is at times. You need a surplus of calories and heavy lifting to build muscle.

    Is it possible that you're eating more on the weekends than you think? If you can't get to a computer or use the phone app grab a pad and paper. Write everything down and enter it later on. Then you can see if you're going over. Weekends can be crazy but make yourself the priority.

    This! Write down what you eat and the amounts on a piece of paper if you can't actually log online or on a phone/ipod/etc. Than input when you are able to. Also, use the weekends to get more exercise in. Push yourself when you exercise. Switch things up. Make sure you put your full effort into exercise. Don't stop when it gets hard or you get tired. Keep going.

    Weight loss is mainly about diet. Make sure you are eating properly.. stop eating so much processed foods and fast food.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    When I started out I was doing 20 minutes of light exercise a day and eating 1700 calories. If I managed both of those I got to put a sticker in my day planner. It's a silly, non-food based reward and it let me track how many days a week I was off my diet at a glance.

    That's what worked for me. It may not work for you. But my point is to find some little reward (preferably not a food item or cheat day) that you want to work towards. And find some way to track your progress. If you can't be on MFP every day, get a notebook and write it all down. Keep notes in a day planner or buy one of the pre-made food trackers out there (a lot of them are on sale now that the New Years resolution hype has died down). Find something that works for you and just keep going. I know you can do it!
  • tammycolbert
    tammycolbert Posts: 236 Member
    Thank you all so much. I will starting logging the weekend on paper and transferring here as soon as I can. I will keep on keeping on and just do what I can do. Thank you.
  • Stay motivated! Giving up is not an option. All my life I have been a diet yo-yoer, up and down, always!