Scared to eat more than 1200 and Plateau



  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Every plateau I had to beat was caused by me undereating. I would definitely say that upping my calories worked for me.
  • 250mrsb
    250mrsb Posts: 33 Member
    Wow I think you hit a nerve with some people and their snide remarks. Anyway, try to ignore remarks like that and filter them out...I know you are new so this is good advice when combing the'll start to see a pattern with the people who give good advice, and the trolls.

    As far as your issue, I'd recommend you figure out your own TDEE manually then set your goals to custom to match those figures. MFP is notorious for giving people 1200 as a goal which in most cases is just too low.

    I dont know your stats (Age, weight, height) but if you took those to any decent TDEE calculator you can figure out what that is then take 20% or so off that number to find a number you should eat on a daily basis. Keep that up and you should see weight loss depending on how much you have to lose. (Always easy to lose more the more you have to lose and gets harder as you have less to lose)

    I was going to post something along the same lines as the OP. Im hoping im figuring this out right....

    my BMR is 1718
    my TDEE is 2354
    so if i do -20%TDEE then my daily calories should be 1884...or am i on drugs....haha
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    Wow I think you hit a nerve with some people and their snide remarks. Anyway, try to ignore remarks like that and filter them out...I know you are new so this is good advice when combing the'll start to see a pattern with the people who give good advice, and the trolls.

    As far as your issue, I'd recommend you figure out your own TDEE manually then set your goals to custom to match those figures. MFP is notorious for giving people 1200 as a goal which in most cases is just too low.

    I dont know your stats (Age, weight, height) but if you took those to any decent TDEE calculator you can figure out what that is then take 20% or so off that number to find a number you should eat on a daily basis. Keep that up and you should see weight loss depending on how much you have to lose. (Always easy to lose more the more you have to lose and gets harder as you have less to lose)

    I was going to post something along the same lines as the OP. Im hoping im figuring this out right....

    my BMR is 1718
    my TDEE is 2354
    so if i do -20%TDEE then my daily calories should be 1884...or am i on drugs....haha

    You are not on drugs, if that is your TDEE of 2354 (I dont know your stats so I cant double check) then 1883 should be your daily calories.
  • 250mrsb
    250mrsb Posts: 33 Member
    Wow I think you hit a nerve with some people and their snide remarks. Anyway, try to ignore remarks like that and filter them out...I know you are new so this is good advice when combing the'll start to see a pattern with the people who give good advice, and the trolls.

    As far as your issue, I'd recommend you figure out your own TDEE manually then set your goals to custom to match those figures. MFP is notorious for giving people 1200 as a goal which in most cases is just too low.

    I dont know your stats (Age, weight, height) but if you took those to any decent TDEE calculator you can figure out what that is then take 20% or so off that number to find a number you should eat on a daily basis. Keep that up and you should see weight loss depending on how much you have to lose. (Always easy to lose more the more you have to lose and gets harder as you have less to lose)

    I was going to post something along the same lines as the OP. Im hoping im figuring this out right....

    my BMR is 1718
    my TDEE is 2354
    so if i do -20%TDEE then my daily calories should be 1884...or am i on drugs....haha

    You are not on drugs, if that is your TDEE of 2354 (I dont know your stats so I cant double check) then 1883 should be your daily calories.

    Thanks :)

    Here are stats if you are interested (gulp)

    Weight 198lbs
    Goal 145lbs
    height 5ft 9 or 69inches
    work out 6 days a week for 30 mins
    walk to dog 2-3 times a week depending on schedule
    work is pretty sedentary so i gotta keep active with exercise
    semi-vegetarian diet
  • jennmariepantoja
    jennmariepantoja Posts: 145 Member
    Thanks everyone for the help!
    Hope this helps others as well!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Eat your prescribed calories. If you're set at 1200 that means eat back the exercise calories.

    I will try that - thanks!

    Read this:

    Trust science, not your emotions. Good luck!
    This exactly! I have been eating according to the info and guidelines in this topic for nearly a year, with steady results and not one single plateau. Find your numbers, and eat good food - fuel your body and it will thank you! My diary is public, have a look - I eat over 1800 calories a day, and I'm having great results.
  • I know it might sound weird, but when I ate 1200, I didn't lose weight. But when I upped it to 1400, I *slowly* lost weight. I probably lose weight slower than most, but the point is I was actually losing! So, I would guess just exercise and try following the 1300 calorie suggestion for at least a couple weeks. If 1200 isn't working, you might as well give it a try! Not like you'll gain weight on 1300 anyway! :p
  • rushandy
    rushandy Posts: 7 Member
    You say you've been on here since late January and lost 3 pounds the first couple of weeks then 1.5 and now nothing...It's only late February, so you've been here a month and lost at least 4.5 pounds. Depending on your height and starting weight, that's a pretty significant loss. You could try increasing your calories, but I know for myself, zero loss one week and then a greater loss the following week is not at all unusual. If it has only been a week, then I'd say have some patience and keep doing what you're doing. If in a few weeks you're still at the same place, then re-evaluate. I know it's hard and we all want it to come off immediately, but remember, you didn't put it on overnight, so you're not going to lose it overnight...!!

    Exactly what this lady said. You've only been at it 4 weeks! Give it some time :-)

    I started dieting early Jan, so only a little longer than you, and I've not lost anything significant the last week or so despite having a decent overall calorie defecit. I'm not worried as I'm looking at hitting my goal weight by the end of the year. I'm hoping slow and steady will help me lose weight safely AND keep it off.

    They say 1 - 2 lbs a week is a safe amount to lose over a sustained period. Looking at your records and stats it looks like you fit into that category, so just stick with it, don't get disheartened and watch the scales drop next week :-)
  • jennmariepantoja
    jennmariepantoja Posts: 145 Member

    Yesterday I upped my calories by about 150 and this morning I lost 2.6 lbs!
    I guess I did need to eat more or eat back some of my exercise calories since I am set @ 1200 and Sedentary