Under eating your calorie target



  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    i am sensing that there is an obvious divide here--girls and boys! women have much slower metabolisms than men it seems--i am 160 odd pounds and my instructress is about 100lbs her metabolism is about 1299 and mine is 1693--both done by a dietician- i dont think my bmr will ever go as low as that--infact my goal is to raise it but she is as fit as i would want to be!
    My goal is to eat healthily and substainably after i have got past the excitement of the gym--and normal life takes over--its a fine balance because my calorie count is going up and i want to keep eating but then i want to be able to stop when i stop the extreme exercise

    The divide to me seems more like very petite women vs everyone else. For a man to take advice from a very petite woman on weight loss seems completely backwards.

    Most of the threads on this site are 95% female posters. I'd suggest the OP check out the man to man thread and seek advice from his peer group. Or better yet his doctor or a dietician.
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    i am sensing that there is an obvious divide here--girls and boys! women have much slower metabolisms than men it seems--i am 160 odd pounds and my instructress is about 100lbs her metabolism is about 1299 and mine is 1693--both done by a dietician- i dont think my bmr will ever go as low as that--infact my goal is to raise it but she is as fit as i would want to be!
    My goal is to eat healthily and substainably after i have got past the excitement of the gym--and normal life takes over--its a fine balance because my calorie count is going up and i want to keep eating but then i want to be able to stop when i stop the extreme exercise

    The divide to me seems more like very petite women vs everyone else. For a man to take advice from a very petite woman on weight loss seems completely backwards.

    Most of the threads on this site are 95% female posters. I'd suggest the OP check out the man to man thread and seek advice from his peer group. Or better yet his doctor or a dietician.
    Taking advice from a woman isn't backwards at all. :huh: Using the same numbers would be, but the general weight loss concept should be the same.
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    the problem is the bmrs are way different--my instructress is freting over gaining 2kgs and she starts from 1299 bmr--if she stayed at 1200 as the minimum she wouldnt loose a gram-its all a question of the math
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    I sit down all day - i wore my HRM all day - from the moment i woke up until i went to bed (no exercise included) and my BMR is around the 1400 mark.. so to maintain i would have to eat that, If i want to loose i really have to drop it more that 200cals to see the scale budge.. so im around the 1000 mark.. it works JUST FINE.

    "I personally believe in eating healthy food until your full and exercising everyday.
    I don't believe you should eat when you are not hungry.
    I believe we should all listen to our own bodies and respond accordingly. " - Mel... well said!! :drinker:

    Katherine :heart:
  • gponter79
    gponter79 Posts: 124 Member

    I've just come home from work to find all your responses and it's pretty clear different things work for different people depending on your size, shape, metabolism to begin with. All of you have lost weight at different rates, so your all success stories. I'll certainly increase the calories Im consuming and try and get near my daily target without eating any junk food.
  • ChiWaWaMaMa4
    When I first started on this site... it told me to eat 1800 cals a day... but my doctor said 1200... I am trying to stick to 1200... the 1st week I lost 8lbs... but since then it has only been about 2lbs... I think I am gonna try increasing it a bit 1400 to add more fruit & veggies throughout the day!!!
  • htebaram
    htebaram Posts: 120 Member
    Sounds like a plan...good luck!
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    i think we all start our diets from different intakes and the adjustment differs accordingly--i had a target yesterday of 2500 odd calories and i gave up trying to eat at 1699 because i was just stuffed--i had never eaten so much in one day of my recent life--my weight was from when i lived in the uk, it was alcohol and high protein that caused the gain then. i have lived abroad a fair while now and i reckon i have lived on about 1700 calories max a day.i did no exercise to burn the excess fat off because its too hot here and i hadnt joined a gym.--i stopped drinking plus here in the heat you dont crave protein so much.--i live happily within the normal 1200 calories they have given me but when i struggle is when i throw the exercise in! -a connundrum!
  • popplylily
    popplylily Posts: 97
    you all do what you have to... but the body NEEDS chemnically scientifically 1500 to maintain bodily function organs everything. why do people ignore this scientific fact? for women yes for women. 1200 is a diet. 1500 is a diet.
    makes me upset because it sets a bad example for the little ones if you have any. the key thing, and i though this way yrs ago when i ruined my metabolism and body by being too low cals.. sits here with severe me still caused by my undereating according to several specialists i have seen.. you have ONE body. its more of a crime to be a bit overweight than do this to yourself.
    baclk to point.. being 1000 makes you feel ok cos digesting food takes energy to do.. your organs arnt going to agree with that...
    major back to point.. its time people.. consistancy... dedicating yourself to improving your health not sabotaging it..
    1500 over time i mean yrs and body will bounce back and repairs its shoddy metabolism.
    ive been there.. ive lost it all gained it all back and more from eating whats considered under normal cals... then boom three yrs on i slowly lose weight and ive never had abig weight problem since. 3 yrs of 2000 cals i ended up at 9 stone 10 rather than 11, 10 i was before.. or the 8 stone i starved myself down to for four yrs... not bad.. yes i went huge at first but give your body a chance to realise your not going to suddenly stop eating again..
    its takes mega mega time. people dont have the patience to wait or patience to see big gains and know in their heart they are doing the right thing.. my sis keeps doing this and she is stil big. its a cycle. she is too scared to put on.
    my message is it take TIME and a LOT of it to repair your metabolisim to maintaining at 2000. but its possible. if you believe and keep on. then 1600 and your going to lose weight.. i repaired my body first now im losing and knowing my organs and muscles etc are healthy., unfort for me its too late to repair the damge to my muscles and immune system and here i sit with the consequences. having to give up my dream of being a scientist.. i cant even walk some days. all because i compromised my own health and got a retro virus from undereating. phewf thats me done. i jsut hate it when we dont educate ourselves when having children especially.. what kind of example? my ma has always underate.. and look all three sisters have weight problems and eating disorders. one it inhibited the foetuses growth and now he has a mental disorder. get real and healthy.
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    i tried to eat as many calories as i could for the 1st 7 days but came up 2720 cals under---i did 3600 calories worth of exercise so i am eating well but just cant make up the difference--all the other targets arent far adrift--i am over on fiber and under on sat fats which i dont think are bad things to miss on-or are they?
  • jadiebabie2
    jadiebabie2 Posts: 4 Member
    I don't really understand how people who've only lost 5-6-7 lbs in over a year can be so convinced that eating 1000 cals is helping them lose weight. That should tell you something. These calorie counting forums are always so cut throat, but I honestly do not see the point in limiting yourself to that many calories. Sure, you lose at first, then you hit the plateau. You've lost your metabolism and your weight loss plan.

    A lot of people don't eat back all of their exercise calories, I know this differs for a lot of people and this seems to affect people differently. Some eat back, some don't, some only eat half. I just don't think anyone's net should be that low.. It just doesn't seem healthy, ya know?

    Not trying to attack anyone or anything, just voicing my opinion.
  • popplylily
    popplylily Posts: 97
    i get what your saying. when you exercise loads its hard to keep up with eating that high amount. look at runner etc struggle, they always lose their bust too and menstruel cycle quite often goes. my friend is an athlete and climber.. he would often eat a whole loaf of bread with jam for lunch inthe hills.. and the dinner plate! omg!
    but women i believ would struggle with high levels of exercise. Mayb etry one step at a time. supplimenting your breakfast with a shake or smoothie. then at lunch an extra bar of something maybe cereal bar or granola. Then at dinner always have some juice and something like a handful of nuts and seeds. easy to eat cals are sorted :) xxx
    sorry for sounding harsh before i dont mean to offend anyone. its just im living with the consequences of what i did, and i remember saying the very same thing to people.. " i feel most energised at 1000 and sluggish with more" it was like readin my diary yrs ago. apologies.. xxx
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    before i came here i had no real system and was exercising full bore and only eating 1000 calories in total--i lost weight at a constant 3lbs a week but i was mood swinging with hunger spells--now i am monitoring things and eating more i am less stressed and never hungry---i find calorie counting and adjustiing exercise is a system that is working for me-i have dieted 12kgs so far and havent plateau'd--i eat very healthily and dont 'sin'--i have just 3,5kgs to go before i am mid way on the bmi scale of healthy