200+ (Week 32) Let's Get Moving in May!



  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Ok, no up but now down either, so I'll take it...
    weigh in for this week 199. Works for me. nursing a bad headache.....so, write more later!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning super pals!!! I was home yesterday but didn't log calories. We set up our garage sale in the morning. I decided not to log calories yesterday. I know I was over since I had wine and beer as we people watched the neighbors. Too much fun. No formal exercise but moving tables and hauling stuff was a workout. We had yummy mini hamburgers and hot dogs for meals plus fresh guacamole and chips.

    Caroline - great job on staying under 200.

    Lacey - hope your girly day was great.

    Deb - I can't wait to hear how many cal your HRM says you burned.

    Krisina - sounds like you're having a great trip.

    Kim - hope you're having fun.

    Beth - how was the date? I hope it was wonderful.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Well, scratching my head......my HRM says that I burn on average 96 calories per hour doing nothing but sitting on couch and watching movies...which is what we did all day yesterday after our run.....so that would put me at 2400 calories per day if I did absolutly nothing all day.....this is off by about 268 calories daily compared to mfp counts and also doesn't count when I'm running around all day, I'll be doing a more normal day this week....I have to tell you, wearing the strap was NOT very comfortable for a whole day...but now I have some numbers to figure things out with....I might just have to try to "re-setting of the metabolism thing"....oh bother!:ohwell:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey everyone! Checking in quickly from yesterday:
    2407 calories needed to maintain
    2111 eaten/218 burned/-514 day/-1236 week

    The eating went okay overall, until dinner where we went out for mexican, which was fabulous, but quite caloric. I did a 2.5ish mile walk with the parents that night. We were walking pretty fast and I branched off at the end and ran the last half mile at a pretty speedy pace. I'm hoping to get at least another walk in today. I knew eating wouldn't be pretty these couple of days and I wouldn't be getting as much exercise. I'll just need to kick it into high gear my last two days of the week I'll be back in town before weigh in and hope for not a horrid gain.

    Debra- interesting to hear about how much your HRM says you're actually burning.

    Victoria- get back on the logging calories train! doesn't matter if you're over- it's a slippery slope. *cracks whip* accountability! Sounds like the sale was fun and you had a nice day!

    Carolyn- hey, at least you're still under 200! Yes!!

    Plans for the day are pretty relaxing. I'm going through some more stuff in my room to figure out what all I need to take with me back to MI. Will go shopping later with mom as one of the great stores in town is having their annual storewide sale (it's going to be a madhouse there!). Then, just bbqing and relaxing. Totally fine with that!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning ladies! Girls day was great. Unfortunately about the last 30 mins of the movie I started not feeling so hot. And an hour after I was home I was having stomach flu. I still don't feel good, my stomach is still rumbly, thoughthere cannot possibly be anything left to come out. Bleh. I had to be the stomach flu, as my BF ate the same exact things as I did and she's fine.

    I hope you guys have a great day. I'm gong to go take a warm bath and sip some water!
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    I am 199.8!!!!:bigsmile:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    still ghosting around here...got woken up by a call at 11:20 this morning from my realtor...someone wanted to see the house at 12. I threw some clothes on and did a few last minute cleaning things before leaving around 11:55. Hopefully something will come out of it. This is the second showing in a week.

    We're doing dinner at mom and dad's tonight for mom's birthday. I need to go out and get her a card and a gift. I should work on my brother's chorus video I shot on Thursday night. I bet they would love it if I had it ready by tonight to show to everyone (mawmaw and pawpaw will be there too :smile:)
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    so this week was an off week at the Y .. no formal classes.. but free try it out and see if you like them classes.. i only went to one it was turbo kick.. i just took the week off.. and did some stuff around the house because june 1st starts the summer classes.. we are usually gone from 4 30 - 7 in the evening.. with everyone in different classes.. it was kinda nice not having to get ready and leave every night.. it was a good break.. but im ready to get back into the working out.. so with me not working off the calories like i normally do .. im weighing in at.....197.8 i think thats the same as last weeks.. so thats good i guess.. didnt gain a whole lot.. and ive not been eatting as much as normal because im not being as active ...

    i have gotten the little pool out for my kiddos and they are having a blast... i love summer... and my 4yr got an early bday present her bday is in aug.. we got her a big girl bike... shes super excited... we have been taking walks around the block ... super fun...
    well hubby and i just celebrated our 5 yr anniversary on the 28th... good time.. went to La Fiesta for dinner... it was yummy.. i ate part of it.. then took the rest home and had it for lunch the next day ..then he took me out for ice cream i got a small chocolate malt it was oh so yummy i havent had one in forever...

    well i hope everyone has a wonderful memorial day wkend!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Checking in for the day:

    2407 calories needed to maintain
    3067 eaten/0 burned/+660 day/-576 week

    Yeah... you read that right. Over 3000 calories for the day. Believe it or not, I could have made even worse food choices. It wouldn't have been so bad if I had worked out. Anyways, weigh in is going to be BAD this week.

    Tomorrow shouldn't be AS bad with food. I think we're doing PF Changs for dinner, but the rest of the day should be good- busy. Packing my stuff and car for the drive home on Tuesday. Going shopping for a few things. Getting a peek at the new TV my parents are buying me (woo!)- it's my graduation gift- one year late. I wanted to wait until I had my own place.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Check-in 2156 eaten and over by 616. I did not log exercise but spent 30 min on garage sale reorganizing and more plant repotting.

    Kristina - glad you're having a good time. Enjoy this time with you family. You can get back on track Wednesday.

    Debra - holy crap that's a huge number of cal for a slow day. Imagine what you burn on an active day!!!! Every skinny person I know eats cookies, pizza, and other crap but uses moderation. Don't be so hard on yourself, and enjoy that slice or two (but not whole pizza) or a few cookies (but not the whole batch or box). Keep us posted on how you do with upping your calories.

    Lacey - hope you feel better soon. That's great news on the watch fitting better.

    Kendal - I'm holding my breath for you on the house sale.

    Nikki - WOOT WOOT!!! Great job girl on breaking into the hundred club.

    Carolyn - great job at maintaining.

    Mrsmarv - you're doing wonderful too...

    I've got to get up to work today. I have to leave thurs for a conferance in Nashville. To see all my clients, I have to work today (cries).
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    feel like something should be said since its been 14 hours since the last post....

    my eating was horrible this weekend. oh well. it was a holiday weekend. I will make up for it this week
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    All I have to say is thank god I don't eat like this regularly. Checking in from yesterday:
    2407 calories needed to maintain
    2189 eaten/0 burned/-218 day/-794 week

    It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Had PF Changs for dinner, so the sodium content was out of control of course. Otherwise, ate okay yesterday. I just haven't been able to get any exercise in. Oh, I probably could have, but didn't. My priorities were to spend as much time with family and friends as possible.

    I'm up early (blech), cause it's time to roadtrip home. Kendal, I'm totes driving right through Winston-Salem. Maybe next time I come back home we'll be able to meet up!

    It'll be a long drive (11 hours), but hopefully it won't be too painful. The way down wasn't too bad, but jesus.... Ohio takes FOREVER to get through! Ugh!

    Anywho, eating should be on point today, but I certainly am not going to be down with working out when I get back to MI. Will get back on track tomorrow. Hope everyone is doing well!

    *cracks whip* where my posters at?
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Morning pals!!! Drive carefully Kristina. Check-in not so good 2755 consumed and over by 1215. No formal ex but did 30 min garage sale breakdown and made it a point to do some strength ex with each client yesterday.

    Another busy workday for me. And I have to get the bills paid this morning. It looks like my brother will be moving to DC to be nanny for 3 months. His best friend had a baby april 1st and needs a sitter until they can get the girl into a good daycare. This means I'll be even busier helping mom with yardwork, her dog and more. My bro hasn't worked in 2 years so I'm happy for him to get the work. Maybe he'll find a girl and get a real job - I just want him to be happy. He's been down lately but I guess I would be too. Michgan's economy is really depressed now.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kristina- of course we can meet up next time! I figured you were busy with family/friend events this weekend since it was such a short trip.

    It feels like such a Monday. I rented a movie from the Redbox yesterday and didn't have a chance to watch it. I need to go to the gym tonight and Tuesday is super-good tv night. But if I don't get the movie turned in by 9pm tonight, they'll charge me another $1. I guess I can hold it till Wednesday and watch it after work. I dunno....I don't need to skip the gym at all this week. Oh well...guess I will return it without watching. There goes $1. lol
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning ladies! I am sure I was under cals the past couple days...or right at. I'd be surprised though. Still not feeling super hot but came to work anyways.

    Kristina - glad you had a good time on your trip!

    Victoria - glad your brother found something to do! Jobs here in Oregon suck too.

    Kendall - gasp! You bad girl, wasting a dollar like that! lol

    Okay...back to work...busy morning. Customer screaming (in caps letters via email) because we didn't answer email yesterday! Sigh...
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Checking in for the day:

    2407 calories needed to maintain
    1622 eaten/202 burned/-987 day/-1781 week

    Arrived back in MI safe and sound. Tired, but okay. Not looking forward to work tomorrow.

    Will check in further tomorrow.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hey gang - I'm feeling pretty stressed today. Ex 40 min (10 min power walking and 30 min tilling). Consumed 2201 and over by 447. So the d@mn tiller broke and I only got 1/3 of the garden done (sighs). I'll catch up later.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hola. It was a Monday if I ever had one. Good Lordy! Glad there are only three days left to work this week. Very busy. Yeesh.

    I'm pretty sure I will be around 2000ish cals today. Which considering how little I've eaten the past two days will take it!
    Tomorrow I will go back to the gym, I just felt I needed one more day to rest up. Got all the bills paid, picked up stuff at Target, except I forgot the lotion and something else I had my head just seconds ago....sigh.

    I grilled corn, asparagus and tamales on the BBQ tonight. Wow! Were the tamales ever good, that's the first time I've ever done that. Yum!

    Victoria that sucks the tiller broke. I don't care if its raining or what I WILL plant my garden this weekend. Probably not a lot until I know the hotter weather is fiinally on its way but at least get it going.

    Kristina glad you made it back safely z
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I've lost my ability to work out for 60 minutes on the elliptical. I have been so focused on c25k the past 2 months or so that I have hardly used the elliptical at all and I only stayed on for 30 minutes last night. It could have something to do with being incredibly bored with it too. I'm also going to have to start over at week 1 with c25k I think. Its been over a week since I even tried it, and even then it was week 2.

    I think I may go to yoga tonight. They have a 30 minute abs class after yoga. that might be fun. Looks like zumba is permanently switched to Tuesday this month....although there is no zumba class this week at all. Maybe I'll try the kettleball class tomorrow. I think its time I spice up my workouts. I've gotten bored with the gym again.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- sorry to hear about the broken tool! Hope your week is going okay :)

    Lacey- good luck with the gym today!! Your bbq from yesterday sounds AMAZING. Jealous.

    Kendal- it took me a bit to get used to working on the elliptical again when I was focusing on c25k. Now that i'm doing more half and half (running v. elliptical), I'm pretty even on them. Good luck with the c25k restart!! You'll have to let us know how yoga is. It's something I've thought about doing in the past, but never have. Sounds like you've got the right idea about mixing things up, so you don't hit a rut.

    Well, it was painful to get up this morning. No surprise there. Slept amazing last night, just not nearly long enough. Luckily today isn't too stressful (*knocks on wood*) at work, so I should ease my way on into the week okay. I think I need to take a mini trip to the grocery store tonight- I thought I could make it to the weekend, but I realize I took my last apple today and am unsure of what to take for lunch the next two days, so I might need to stop in briefly before the weekend.

    Rec center after work- will either run or elliptical, depending on machine availability and how I'm feeling. So I stepped on the scale this morning, insanely worried about the number, and I was virtually the same as last week's weigh in! Go figure! I'd be elated with a maintain this week (of course a loss would be amazing). Also looking at the calendar, it appears that TOM might be arriving next week, which won't make for a fantastic weigh in. I do loathe when I have 2 TOMs in one 6-week challenge. Blech!