why is this so hard to grasp?



  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Ok, I just used two different calculators...BMR is 1429 and TDEE is 2207 so, what do I need to do to loose at least 2lbs a week

    If you have lots of weight to lose ..... 2 pounds a week (of healthy weight loss) is manageable. If you are say, within 15 pounds of your goal ..... 2 pounds a week (of healthy weight loss) is not going to happen.

    "Healthy weight loss" = losing body fat while maintaining muscle mass.

    BMR = calories needed for basic bodily function; lungs, heart, kidneys, etc.

    TDEE includes your ACTIVITY already .... reduce your TDEE by 20% to lose weight in a "healthy" way

    2207 x 80% = 1,765 daily. This is 442 calorie reduction per day (2207-1765=447).

    7 days x 442 = 3,094 per week ..... less than 1 pound (3,500 calories) .... per week
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    Ok..HELP! I am so confused. Fitnesspal suggest I eat 1200 calories a day for my goal. I look up my bmr and it says I need 2400 a day. Now my question is If I eat 1200 a day and burn 600 do I eat back those calories burned? Seems like I won't be loosing weight like this??

    I'm female 38 yrs ol 150lbs. Burn at least 600-700 cal a day every day

    This is not the popular answer here, but in my book, you don't weigh enough to be eating more than, say, 1400, 1300, if you want to lose weight. Maybe eat back half your exercise calories. You are just not overweight enough to lose quickly, or to lose anything on 2400 per day!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    Ok, I just used two different calculators...BMR is 1429 and TDEE is 2207 so, what do I need to do to loose at least 2lbs a week

    here are general guidelines to lose. And just cut 20% from your TDEE and that should be your deficit. This way you are pretty much eating 1800 calories daily. At your size, maintaining muscle should be a primary concern as that is what will provide you a lean and tight better.

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal, and
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal.
  • sassafrascas
    sassafrascas Posts: 191 Member
    Some one told me MFP's formula is great if you cant figure out the BMR thing just try what MFP says. Make sure you have the setting right sedentary light activity ect.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    Ok..HELP! I am so confused. Fitnesspal suggest I eat 1200 calories a day for my goal. I look up my bmr and it says I need 2400 a day. Now my question is If I eat 1200 a day and burn 600 do I eat back those calories burned? Seems like I won't be loosing weight like this??

    I'm female 38 yrs ol 150lbs. Burn at least 600-700 cal a day every day

    This is not the popular answer here, but in my book, you don't weigh enough to be eating more than, say, 1400, 1300, if you want to lose weight. Maybe eat back half your exercise calories. You are just not overweight enough to lose quickly, or to lose anything on 2400 per day!

    I believe it was a typo. I think her TDEE is 2400 caloires, aka maintenance, which means she will cut around 1800-2000 which is about normal for someone who exercise 6 days a week.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    I'm 5'4" and weigh 150..not large and I work out 7 days a week..usually burning 600-700 a day..The whole bmr and all that confuses the heck out of me. I went by the calculator online

    I would also suggest not working out every day. Your body needs a rest day or two so it can fully recover and provide you the full benefit of exercise. Also, what types of exercises are you doing? Are you weight training yet?
  • MoparMatt
    MoparMatt Posts: 15 Member
    This is not the popular answer here, but in my book, you don't weigh enough to be eating more than, say, 1400, 1300, if you want to lose weight. Maybe eat back half your exercise calories. You are just not overweight enough to lose quickly, or to lose anything on 2400 per day!
    I have to say this is bad advice 1300 calories is only enough to maintain a 97lb weight. It may be ok for 1-2 weeks to jump start a weight loss, but even then its not recommended.
    you mention "lose quickly" If all she wants is to lose the weight quickly then gain it back sure this will work, but for a life long change even 1900 is not a sustainable level. This is why 95% of people who lose weight gain it back, the yo-yo diets that are not sustainable. When you do it right it may take longer but it will last longer also
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I just turned 39, am 5'4", 158 lbs. I run 5 days a week (about 3000-3500 cal/week). I just follow mfp. I net about 1200 cal/day but eat my exercise calories (so eat until mfp says 0 calories remaining). I consume between 1500-2300 cal/day (probably average about 1700-1800). I lose about 1-1.25 lbs/week (on average over time). These are the same #'s I get if I go through all the trouble of calculating things myself-so I just stick with mfp-no math required.
  • Here's what I do to make it easy. I let MFP set my goal at 1200 because I have a sendentary job. I have a BRM of around 1300 and a TDEE of around 1600. I log all my work outs into FitBit based on my HRM. I eat back most of my calories (some days more!) but keep my weekly caloric intake below the dreaded red line. That way when I want something yummy I can plan for it by having a good work out that day. And I keep my body from ever thinking "uh-oh, food is scarce" because I'm always mixing it up. It's working well for me. Good Luck!
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    This is not the popular answer here, but in my book, you don't weigh enough to be eating more than, say, 1400, 1300, if you want to lose weight. Maybe eat back half your exercise calories. You are just not overweight enough to lose quickly, or to lose anything on 2400 per day!
    I have to say this is bad advice 1300 calories is only enough to maintain a 97lb weight. It may be ok for 1-2 weeks to jump start a weight loss, but even then its not recommended.
    you mention "lose quickly" If all she wants is to lose the weight quickly then gain it back sure this will work, but for a life long change even 1900 is not a sustainable level. This is why 95% of people who lose weight gain it back, the yo-yo diets that are not sustainable. When you do it right it may take longer but it will last longer also

    Perhaps you are speaking as a 26 YO man. For women, it is a different ballgame.
  • Dol10
    Dol10 Posts: 48 Member
    I think its a dumb idea to consume what you've just burned. Just because you burn 300 calories (or whatever the amount) doesn't mean you should go out and eat an additional 300 to meet your daily goal. That's just plain stupid.

    Say you are at a 1200 daily goal, eat 1200 calories, burn 300.. You're now at 900 calories for the day. Doesn't mean go out and eat an additional 300! Because in the end, you're still consuming 1500.

    Just my two cents.

    209 Days Straight on MFP. Holla.
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    "As a general rule of thumb, the number of calories a person can consume that will not result in a weight gain or loss is determined by multiplying a person's weight by 15. Thus, a 200 pound person will maintain this weight by consuming 3,000 calories per day. (200 X 15 = 3,000) Similarly, a 100 pound person would maintain his/her weight by consuming 1,500 calories per day. (100 X 15 = 1,500)
    Interestingly, this is one of the reasons it is easier for a person to lose weight in the early stages of a diet. If a person weighs 200 pounds at the start of a diet, he/she will lose weight by restricting their calories to 2,700 calories per day because this is 300 calories less than the 3,000 necessary to maintain a weight of 200 pounds. However, when this person reaches a weight of 180 pounds, he/she will no longer lose any weight on a 2,700 calorie diet because this number of calories will maintain a weight of 180 pounds. (180 X 15 = 2,700) Therefore, in order to continue losing weight, this person will have to further reduce the number of calories consumed each day."

    Read this on the web and it makes a lot more sense to me than "Eat more to lose more" which has never worked for me at all.

    Also, the OP is not looking to maintain, she is trying to lose, and she is only slightly overweight. Diet is differrent for different people. My 20 YO son who is 6'2" can eat me under the table and stay skinny. We are NOT ALL THE SAME!
  • Dol10
    Dol10 Posts: 48 Member
    We are NOT ALL THE SAME!

    Right, my maintenance is at 2400 calories. My friend who's nearly identical in height/weight has a maintenance of 1800.
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    This is not the popular answer here, but in my book, you don't weigh enough to be eating more than, say, 1400, 1300, if you want to lose weight. Maybe eat back half your exercise calories. You are just not overweight enough to lose quickly, or to lose anything on 2400 per day!
    I have to say this is bad advice 1300 calories is only enough to maintain a 97lb weight. It may be ok for 1-2 weeks to jump start a weight loss, but even then its not recommended.
    you mention "lose quickly" If all she wants is to lose the weight quickly then gain it back sure this will work, but for a life long change even 1900 is not a sustainable level. This is why 95% of people who lose weight gain it back, the yo-yo diets that are not sustainable. When you do it right it may take longer but it will last longer also

    You misquote me. I said she is not overweight enough to lose quickly. Not "if all she wants to do it lose quickly..."
  • Seriously, this is getting way too complicated.

    If all you want to do is lose size, here is the recipe. This is what MFP does well because it's based on generalities over a long period of time. If you get into the minutiae you will drive yourself crazy because every bit of it is very difficult to actually measure(calories burned, calories in EVERYTHING you eat, your actual BMR...etc).

    Do this and you will lose size:

    1) set your activity level as sedentary
    2) enter your weight
    3) enter your goal - i suggest lose 1 pound per week -
    4) MFP will tell you how many calories you can eat during the day...it's that big number at the top of the page

    5) Enter everything you eat during the day.
    6) Enter any exercise you do during the day.
    7) Make sure your "calories remaining" stays >= zero. This means you burned more than you ate, in a ratio that will roughly result in losing 1 pound per week.
    8) DON'T CHEAT.

    Don't overthink it. Don't try to trick the software. Do this religiously for 1 month and when your pants aren't tight any more you'll see that it's working, become addicted, and then have to buy new clothes.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Seriously, this is getting way too complicated.

    If all you want to do is lose size, here is the recipe. This is what MFP does well because it's based on generalities over a long period of time. If you get into the minutiae you will drive yourself crazy because every bit of it is very difficult to actually measure(calories burned, calories in EVERYTHING you eat, your actual BMR...etc).

    Do this and you will lose size:

    1) set your activity level as sedentary
    2) enter your weight
    3) enter your goal - i suggest lose 1 pound per week -
    4) MFP will tell you how many calories you can eat during the day...it's that big number at the top of the page

    5) Enter everything you eat during the day.
    6) Enter any exercise you do during the day.
    7) Make sure your "calories remaining" stays >= zero. This means you burned more than you ate, in a ratio that will roughly result in losing 1 pound per week.
    8) DON'T CHEAT.

    Don't overthink it. Don't try to trick the software. Do this religiously for 1 month and when your pants aren't tight any more you'll see that it's working, become addicted, and then have to buy new clothes.

    Best advice...KISS (keep it simple sally)