Excercising before breakfast

NNE16 Posts: 21
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
This is one of the ones I have heard since I was young.. if you excercise before you eat breakfast it is far more effective and you will do your body a lot of good.. does anybody know if there is any scientific research put into that either way?

I was considering planning a morning workout routine (of sorts) for about thirty min before I had breakfast, thinking that if I was to eat after that it would be within an hour of waking, which would be ok.. but you find so many times with sayings that the opposite has been true.. I thought I should ask


  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    The time you work out does not affect calories burned. That is a fact.

    I have always been of the opinion that for me, personally, my workouts are more effective if I have eaten before hand, as I have more fuel to work harder. That is just my personal opinion and I do not know if there is scientific fact backing it up.
  • tazlady
    tazlady Posts: 60
    I am the same way. If I do not eat before the workout I find that i get weak and cannot finish the workout . blood sugar need to be stable not depressed.. thanks for your input. :smile:
  • NNE16
    NNE16 Posts: 21
    Is there anything unhealthy about excercising before you have eaten anything that day though? Assuming you feel ok doing it?
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    peole who work out in the morning tend to exercise more consistently.. Also working out before breakfast helps get your metabolism going, then you eat b-fast and that revs it up too..

    I've been doing that for about 6 months now and I'm very satisied with the results..:happy:
  • NNE16
    NNE16 Posts: 21
    The consistancy was the main reason I was thinking of it too.. I think it will be an easier time of the day to fit excercise regardless of whether it is a work day. Getting my metabolism going is definitely a plus too

    Thanks guys
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    My husband and I work out in the mornings. We head to the pool. He eats a slice of bread and some OJ before he goes, but he also checks his blood sugar as he's diabetic. I just take my vitamin C before I go. He swims very vigorously and I go at it for 35 minutes, whicih is all my skin can handle in the pool. After that I go home, eat breakfast, and start work. It feels good to get my exercise in early and have the whole day ahead of me to know I have accomplished something good for myself. Plus I always see nice people in the locker room.
  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447
    peole who work out in the morning tend to exercise more consistently.. Also working out before breakfast helps get your metabolism going, then you eat b-fast and that revs it up too..

    I've been doing that for about 6 months now and I'm very satisied with the results..:happy:

    exactly... when id say ill go to the gym later, that never happens!

    i go early morning and get it out the way =]
  • mapnerd2005
    mapnerd2005 Posts: 363
    I eat a very light breakfast before heading to the gym (a plain english muffin) to fuel my morning workout. By the time I'm finished with my workout, shower, dress, and walk from the gym to work, it's been about two hours and I'm ready for a snack, usually fruit and yogurt.
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    I work-out in the mornings & love it. Typically I don't eat anything... just not in the mood. If I wake up later (weekends) then sometimes I'll have a few almonds.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I prefer morning workouts; if it's going to be rigorous, then I eat a banana beforehand and then my main breakfast afterwards. I like getting it done and over with so nothing pops up preventing my workout from getting done later.
  • PoisonSugar
    PoisonSugar Posts: 51
    Exercising before breakfast forces your body to burn excess fat as opposed to metabolizing the food that you've just consumed with breakfast. I've heard this from every personal trainer I have ever met.

    Mayo Clinic (reputable source) offers this advice: (You may have to cut & paste the link)


    I hope this helps! Good luck.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    From what I've gathered, you should not workout before you eat. You need the fuel to get through the exercise. At least I know I do. I don't have the energy to push myself through it without eating before hand. Plus, eating breakfast helps get your metabolism going better for the day since its been going around 12 hours with no food....
  • dj_stevie_c
    dj_stevie_c Posts: 270
    I work out before breakfast, I tend to eat as soon as I finish (it's about a 3 min walk to work from the gym).

    Been doing this the past few weeks, and so far I must say that not only do I enjoy the atmopshere of the gym at that time of day (it's usually empty) but also my results have been far better than when I go later in the day. I'd say try it and do whatever you prefer :)
  • canstey
    canstey Posts: 118
    Exercising before breakfast forces your body to burn excess fat as opposed to metabolizing the food that you've just consumed with breakfast. I've heard this from every personal trainer I have ever met.

    Mayo Clinic (reputable source) offers this advice: (You may have to cut & paste the link)


    I hope this helps! Good luck.

    So what does your body burn after the workout and the food was used up during exercise? Everything I have seen from real research indicates your body will burn the excess fat when there is a deficit in calories for the day whether they are from exercise or simply living and it does not matter what time of day.

    The Mayo clinic article simply mentions that it is a good idea to eat before a work out but not too much so you have maximum energy available. If you don't eat or eat too much your work out will not be as effective.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Not a professional, but what I have learned along the way.

    1. If you exercise 1st thing in the morning, you have little time to make up excuses and not do it.
    2. You will burn more calories.
    When you work out you turn on your fire.......engine...your metabolism increases,burning more calories for a few hours after your done. The harder the workout, the longer it burns. So if you work out at night, you go to sleep and burn calories :(
    Still good.......but not the best advantage.
    3. There are usually more machines open, less traffic, it is cooler........

    I did a test on this and the only thing I changed was the time of day I worked out. My jeans were looser after the week of working out in the morning.

    And NOW you have got me to thinking!!

    Thank you very very much! I think you may have just given me the answer as to how to lose my last 10 pounds. Thanks again~!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Exercising before breakfast forces your body to burn excess fat as opposed to metabolizing the food that you've just consumed with breakfast. I've heard this from every personal trainer I have ever met.

    Mayo Clinic (reputable source) offers this advice: (You may have to cut & paste the link)


    I hope this helps! Good luck.

    So what does your body burn after the workout and the food was used up during exercise? Everything I have seen from real research indicates your body will burn the excess fat when there is a deficit in calories for the day whether they are from exercise or simply living and it does not matter what time of day.

    The Mayo clinic article simply mentions that it is a good idea to eat before a work out but not too much so you have maximum energy available. If you don't eat or eat too much your work out will not be as effective.

    when I went to a trainer she told me to eat 1/2 banana and a tsp of pb 1 hour before I worked out with her. IF you are lifting weights, you must have some energy to do so. Or at least this is what she told me. I went in one morning and was sent home because I had not eaten.

    I wonder if any PT are on here? Opinions?
  • NNE16
    NNE16 Posts: 21
    Exercising before breakfast forces your body to burn excess fat as opposed to metabolizing the food that you've just consumed with breakfast. I've heard this from every personal trainer I have ever met.

    Mayo Clinic (reputable source) offers this advice: (You may have to cut & paste the link)


    I hope this helps! Good luck.

    So what does your body burn after the workout and the food was used up during exercise? Everything I have seen from real research indicates your body will burn the excess fat when there is a deficit in calories for the day whether they are from exercise or simply living and it does not matter what time of day.

    The Mayo clinic article simply mentions that it is a good idea to eat before a work out but not too much so you have maximum energy available. If you don't eat or eat too much your work out will not be as effective.

    when I went to a trainer she told me to eat 1/2 banana and a tsp of pb 1 hour before I worked out with her. IF you are lifting weights, you must have some energy to do so. Or at least this is what she told me. I went in one morning and was sent home because I had not eaten.

    I wonder if any PT are on here? Opinions?

    Thank you for the link PoisonSugar.

    It does sound like it is best to eat something for breakfast before you work out, but nothing too heavy. I frequently find I have a banana for breakfast anyway so that really sounds good.
  • NNE16
    NNE16 Posts: 21
    Not a professional, but what I have learned along the way.

    1. If you exercise 1st thing in the morning, you have little time to make up excuses and not do it.
    2. You will burn more calories.
    When you work out you turn on your fire.......engine...your metabolism increases,burning more calories for a few hours after your done. The harder the workout, the longer it burns. So if you work out at night, you go to sleep and burn calories :(
    Still good.......but not the best advantage.
    3. There are usually more machines open, less traffic, it is cooler........

    I did a test on this and the only thing I changed was the time of day I worked out. My jeans were looser after the week of working out in the morning.

    And NOW you have got me to thinking!!

    Thank you very very much! I think you may have just given me the answer as to how to lose my last 10 pounds. Thanks again~!

    Lol you are welcome let us know if it works
  • relicsloft
    relicsloft Posts: 18 Member
    if you are going to be out in the neighborhood then maybe you should think about half a piece of bread before you go... its not going to get to your system for a little bitt and then you can start your burn still on empty if you want... or just take some crackers with you in case you get light headed, some days are different than others. i worry because my boyfriend in college past out after station one of curcit training (he was a very fit guy, hockey player and we had been training together for over 8 weeks at this point) he often had not eaten before we met up, but after he got up to go to the next machine and fell forward on his face, he was out for a few seconds and weak after that. he said he did not feel weak until just before he fell... it would be awful if you fell on your face out on the street, alone, and then had to get home again... all because you wanted to get the jump on a few calories....
    Morning routine is the best time do something you want to remeber and get done everyday, its always when doctors tell girls to take the pill, or gosh if i think about it anybody all kinds of meds, because once the day starts things change and stuff gets shifted around. dont forget your meds and dont forget to work out, do it in the morning!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I've always heard if it's a light exercise, you should be fine not eating, but if it's intense or you're running for a long time, at least eat a banana or something just to fuel you. This morning, I planned to walk/run for 30 minutes on the treadmill so I ate a banana as I was driving to the gym and ended up going for 2.7 miles and running 8 of the 30 minutes. No side cramps, nausea, I had plenty of energy to get through it, then once I was done, I was famished so I ate a normal breakfast and I've been feeling great ever since!
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