What is all the hype about Insanity and P90X?????? Help me p


Ok.. So it's my first week here on MFP and am trying to stay on the straight and narrow and fit in the gym 4-5 times a week.... I have at least 34 kilos to lose (around 75lbs)

However, I am a nanny and I work for a VIP family and this summer is going to be a very long one with LOTS of international travel... which means as I am the only nanny going on this trip (my junior nanny is not coming with us this year unfortunately for me!) I am going to be on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from the end of June until mid Sept when we return to the Middle East for the kids to go back to school....

Normally whilst the kids are at school I am able to fit in a gym workout in the mornings, however whilst we are in hotels I won't be able to go to the gym as I have to be with the kids all the time.... And whilst I could take the oldest child with me to the gym, I can't take the youngest as she is too young to go, so that puts a stop to my gym visits....

I was going to try and see if I could have a piece of gym equipment put into my room at some of the hotels as I know in the USA they do sometimes do that (I once stayed in a Kimpton hotel in DC and they put a treadmill in the bedroom!) but I can't rely on it and I am so scared that with all the hotel eating and restaurant eating my weight gain will get out of control!!! And I CAN NOT ALLOW MYSELF TO GET ANY BIGGER (Basically I put on about 8 kilos last summer from not being able to go to the gym and not eating well)......

Because I have PCOS it is so easy for me to gain weight and doubly hard to lose it, I have to severely cut calories and work out all the time.... So PCOS coupled with travel and hotel/restaurant eating/ no gym = weight gain!

I keep hearing about Insanity, P90X, Beachbody etc and I just wondered if anyone recommends them for travel to try and do exercise in my room?
I won't be able to take weights or any kinds of portable equipment as I won't have space in my suitcase so I wondered if you needed to have those sort of things to do the program?

Another question... What kind of HRM do you think is the best make? I'm going to try and do as much walking with the kids as possible depending on where we are and how safe it is (which will be a shock to their system a little as exercise is not a big thing in the Middle East!), so if I have a HRM on then at least I'll get an idea of roughly how many calories I'm burning...
I want one that is as accurate as possible, comfortable to wear.... cost isn't really a issue... I'm prepared to pay a little bit more to get a decent one that does the job the best!

Thanks guys!

Any info will be greatly received!!!


  • louloup
    louloup Posts: 87 Member
    If you are quite fit already and are ready to push yourself harder than ever before then Insanity is for you.

    You dont need any weights or equipment just some good trainers and lots of willpower.

    I have heard that a bodybug is the best cal counter/heartrate monitor but I do not have one so cant advise.

    I have just finished my first round of Insanity and it has changed my body so much in 60 days. I have more energy, am so much more toned and have lost 11.5 lbs. I am starting round 2 P90x/ Insanity hybrid next week.

    Good luck on your journey :smile:
  • karenga
    karenga Posts: 28
    I have been looking at Heart rate monitors at the moment. The biggest loser US use the bodybugg but I didn't really like the look of it as it seems to go on the arm and looked a bit bulky. The biggest loser Australia use the Garmin Forerunner and you can get it with a footpod ( thing that goes on the trainer to shop steps) and usb stick which is meant to give better and more accurate information. My sister has a polar FT7 which seems very accurate but no footpod. I'm looking at buying the garmin forerunner myself after researching a little.
    Some restaurants put their calorie information online. I went to Pizza express recently and had planned my meal beforehand by going online and checking the meals.
    Good luck.
  • LisaJayne71
    LisaJayne71 Posts: 197 Member
    I'm not really sure how fit I am, so the idea of Insanity frightens me a little! I need to be able to still move!
    I'm not completely unfit as I have been going to the gym on and off for quite a few yrs, did 8 yrs of modern jive dancing and until 18 months ago was playing netball 2 times a week.... however I am very overweight so I'm not sure if I'm fit enough to do the insanity one!... I'm prepared to push myself, just not kill myself!

    I'll have a look at the HRM's you both mentioned.. the footpod sounds interesting!

    That's also a good idea about the restaurants... we will be in the USA mostly but with some forward planning hopefully I can still make and receive healthy choices!!
  • janetgardiner
    Hi as a nanny myself I often ask for a step to be put into the room so the kids can reach the sink and get onto the loo without help (not sure how young the youngest is). I use it to do step aerobics on when the kids have gone to bed or while we're all watching TV at the end of the night. Checking online for calories at different restaurants is also a great idea. You could do salads more for dinner and the big thing is not snacking. Not sure what your intake calorie count is, but you may also need to change how active you'll be while away. Sadly this may change your calorie intake up or down.
    I have a HRM Polar FT7 and I'm happy with it. I can burn up to 329 calories in an 1hr with my HRM on. My weight is 90.4, if you weigh more you'll burn more.

    Good luck
  • janetgardiner

    Some idea's. I'm heading to the USA in Oct so will be checking things out before I leave and deciding the best places to eat.
    Some hotels have a pool and swimming burns lots and you could take the kids with you.
  • shanwow16
    shanwow16 Posts: 203 Member
    May I suggest the Biggest Loser workout dvd's?? If you can fit in even a light set of hand weights into your suitcase that's all you will really need. Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred or The Biggest Loser Cardio are really good.

    I've heard P90X is really good, but the other ones are only about 30 minutes and don't require nearly as much time/work and cost a lot less.

    When you go to restaurants be picky, ask for dressing on the side, salad instead of fries, water instead of juice or pop.....ask for a take home container right away so you can automatically put half of it away for another meal. That way you won't feel the need to eat everything on your plate as restaurant servings are usually a little extreme.

    If you can't fit in any alone time for a workout, take the kids for a good 30-60 min walk to burn off some calories. If there is a park nearby that they know they'll get to stop at along the way it'll make the walk that much easier as they'll have something to look forward too.

    Good luck!!
  • 1Steph1
    1Steph1 Posts: 145
    You should try Chalean Extreme. It is a Beachbody program like Insanity and P90x. I love it. I am almost finished my second month and I have lost 7 lbs and gained a lot of nice looking muscle :) You can do it with a set of 3 resistance bands so its good for travel! You should look into it :)