do ya do buffets especially Chinese

dont know if I can handle buffet, I love that honey sesame seed chicken and those cream cheese puffs. Maybe if I can eat only a cup of the chicken I wont do too much harm.


  • twentyco
    twentyco Posts: 70 Member
    My daughter's favorite restaurant is a Chinese buffet, so I do do it from time to time. It's a little easier for me because I don't love the food. But I just try to plan around it --- eat lower calorie meals the other meals that day and store up extra calories for that meal. And then, knowing what they have, I try to plan in advance what I'm going to eat, and how much, and then map out the calories. Then I get that food, eat it very slowly, and drink lots of water. I actually use this method whenever I eat out. One thing I like about how MFP works for me is that I get to enjoy the food I eat if I have budgeted it within my calories, and not feel guilty for eating "bad" food. So I find that I enjoy the food I do eat more. I'm still practicing all of this myself, and it's not always easy, but this is what has worked for me to control situations like buffets.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,140 Member
    Fortunately not. I'm a food snob though, got that from my mother, thanks mom.:smile:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Yes, I do the chinese buffet.
    My strategy is select foods I don't make at home or order from the local chinese take-out.
    I will get a soup -- mostly chicken dishes - lots of fruit - and small ice cream serving.

    And the better strategy -- don't visit the buffet often. We go about once every 6-8 weeks (or more).
  • GluttonousGirl
    GluttonousGirl Posts: 384 Member
    Once I start thinking about all of the hands that touch the same serving spoons and how Many of those people probably got mouth germs on their hands from eating foods that don't require utensils...I just can't do it. But then I fear that books I have checked out at the library have been someone's bathroom read.
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Chinese buffets where I live often have salad bars, and fruit on the dessert table. I try to eat some salad (watch dressing, of course) or fruit and cottage cheese plus a cup of soup first so I'm less hungry when I hit the entrees. Then I look for meats that aren't breaded and fried and try to stick to about half a cup of white rice. I also load up on broccoli out of the broccoli beef.

    If, after I've made the healthiest choices I can at the buffet, I still want something fried, I go back for it. At this point, I'm too full to have much of it anyway--a couple of pieces of orange chicken or a crab rangoon will satisfy the taste buds and, like you say, not do too much harm. And then I don't walk away feeling deprived.
  • AMHouse85
    AMHouse85 Posts: 285 Member
    Once I start thinking about all of the hands that touch the same serving spoons and how Many of those people probably got mouth germs on their hands from eating foods that don't require utensils...I just can't do it. But then I fear that books I have checked out at the library have been someone's bathroom read.

    I love you cause I think the same way. Not so much when I was younger but now as a Mother I am all germed out.
  • gabiinacio
    gabiinacio Posts: 124 Member
    Good News about Asian Buffets, is my favorite food is the hot and sour soup. So I always get a bowl of that, and I enjoy it with some Salmon Nigiri (Sushi). If I'm not in the mood for either of those, I opt for the chicken and broccali, and my local place has awesome green beans i'm addicted too. I also choose white rice over fried anything. I go about once a month, since my husband works in the same plaza.

    The problem for me is staying away from those sugared donut things... ugh!!!
  • Wendysworld13
    Wendysworld13 Posts: 225 Member
    I do too! When I used to go I would load up a plate then go back for seconds. Now I get a taste of the things I want and make sure I still see plenty of plate. I then go back if I want more - I also ALWAYS start with Sushi and/or salad. Sushi is about 35 calories a piece and it is filling so 3- 6 pieces is a nice way yo start off.
    2 more hints - drink plenty of water - chinese food is loaded with sodium so you need to wash it away, AND use chop sticks - it slows me down and lets my belly tell my mind enough before my pants do.
    This is a life style change. If you like chinese food, don't cut it out of your diet, learn to control it!
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    I love Chinese buffets! We play a game when we go: Who Can Get the Most Types of Animals on a Plate? Salmon counts separate from white fish, but all other fish are "white fish". And mussels, clams and oysters are generally all considered one animal for the purpose of the the game. And you have to eat them all to count.

    My personal best is 13 animals on a plate.
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    It is a pain to try to log smallish servings of twenty different dishes, though.
  • GluttonousGirl
    GluttonousGirl Posts: 384 Member
    Once I start thinking about all of the hands that touch the same serving spoons and how Many of those people probably got mouth germs on their hands from eating foods that don't require utensils...I just can't do it. But then I fear that books I have checked out at the library have been someone's bathroom read.

    I love you cause I think the same way. Not so much when I was younger but now as a Mother I am all germed out.
    good so I'm not crazy! I work with kids and the germ thing...yuck!!
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,140 Member
    Once I start thinking about all of the hands that touch the same serving spoons and how Many of those people probably got mouth germs on their hands from eating foods that don't require utensils...I just can't do it. But then I fear that books I have checked out at the library have been someone's bathroom read.

    I love you cause I think the same way. Not so much when I was younger but now as a Mother I am all germed out.
    good so I'm not crazy! I work with kids and the germ thing...yuck!!
    As long as your not OCD about need to eat dirt.
  • KaraLee69
    KaraLee69 Posts: 57 Member
    Good advice on here....I love Chinese food...and one buffet in town in particular. I have already looked up what I like to eat and it isn't horrible calorie wise. Thank goodness!!! I love my veggies. =) I haven't been in FOREVER...but am actually planning to go this Friday (belated date with hubby). I love the chicken and mushrooms with jalapenos (lots of flavor, very satisfying. I do not get rice or noodles of any sort. I stick with veggies and non breaded meats . But will allow myself a few cheese wontons. YUM
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    We only go to the buffet a few times a year so I handle it like a splurge and go ahead and have some of that breaded stuff I normally wouldn't. However, if this is a regular occurance for you, it's a good idea to figure out how to handle this meal without going completely overboard.

    As others have said, go for broth based soups (egg drop, wonton) and check out the sushi. The only caution with the sushi is make sure it's not covered in sauce, doesn't have cream cheese or mayo (some salmon rolls do) and stick to those that have veggies only (california roll). Try to avoid dishes that have breaded meats. Stick with things like beef and broccoli and steamed green beens or maybe cashew chicken (if not breaded). Try to avoid those with sweet sauces. Avoid fried rice

    So OP, maybe have more like 1/2 cup of your fave honey chicken, have one rangoon and fill up on other healthier stuff like soup, salad and fruit.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Rarely anymore. I have too much of an issue of over eating. It's not bad to do every so often, but I have decided it's counter productive. It's annoyed some family members I think when they've wanted to meet up at one but I've suggested other places if possible.
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    I try to avoid, but allow yourself a splurge day
  • QuietMorning
    QuietMorning Posts: 28 Member
    We go to buffets at least once a month. They seem to be my hubby's favorite ;) What I do is take a pic of my plate as soon as I get back to the table. Not only does it help me remember what I got for logging, but I don't want to take pics of a plate piled full of unhealthy food. Chinese is my down fall, but with a little research, I know what is my best options and how much I can eat without killing my calorie budget.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I don't, but it has nothing to do with calories. I have only ever found two Chinese buffets that to me seemed to not lack quality. Seems like Chinese buffets are popping up all over the place and they all suck.
    Drove by one a few days ago called "Yummy Buffet" and I think another called "Happy Tummy".

  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I try to avoid it too, but I do love it and go every once in a while and just figure it a splurge day. Hmmm - maybe tonight?! :laugh:

    I just try to make better choices when I'm there like staying away from anything fried, going for more vegetables, etc. I still can never get away from eating about 1000 cals worth, so I try to cut back the rest of the day. It's also usually really high in salt, so I try to drink lots of water afterwards.
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    Buffet on an off day and go flipping crazy. After a week or two of restricting, I can't eat more than a plate and a half without puking anyway.

    Stick to meats and vegetables that aren't sweet sauced or fried/breaded.