People who eat the same things every day



  • Most of my meals are the same every day. I tend to have the same breakfast and the same lunch, and then I have probably about 10 regular dinners that I choose one from every night. My snacks are usually the same too..

    I'm getting a decent amount of protein, carbs, fats, fruit and veg and even room for a treat every day by eating almost the same. It also works for me and I don't feel deprived. As long as that is the case, I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

    Completely agree and I do the same. Luckily I have found foods that I enjoy which helps. I couldn't eat the same thing every day if I didn't. My dinners vary with regards to the accompanyment i.e. potatoes, rice etc, and there are a few different mains I will have.

    It's also easier to just have the same when I'm at work everyday etc
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    The way I eat may not work for everybody but it works for me...and resulted in a "doctor called with lab results that were the BEST she's seen in years" and wanted to know what I was doing.

    I eat the same thing every morning for breakfast -- I know it keeps me filled up until I can get a quick bite around lunch time in ...and more than likely it will be at least right around the same thing.

    so breakfast -- 1/4 cup of perfect portions no sugar added maple oatmeal nuked with water, 1 small banana sliced up in the oatmeal and 1 packet of stevia in the raw

    lunch -- 1/4 serving of almonds, (sometimes to kick things up a notch I will throw in a greek 100 calorie yogurt)...4 celery stalks with laughing cow wedge cheese, 2 crackers, some mixed fruit

    supper is my variant -- but I have my basic to go to recipes I try to cook. Like tonight we will have the turkey chili I am about to throw in the crockpot.

    this is how I have to eat or I will go right back up to the weight I was before and this time...that aint' happening. For me it works...for others it wouldn't.
  • 1258936
    1258936 Posts: 115 Member
    I personally thrive on consistency. I like eating the same thing for breakfast and lunch everyday (at least weekday) and it helps keep me on track. I'll mix it up with a diffrent salsa or diffrent fruit, but it's the same basic thing. When I deviate, I have a very hard time getting back on track and it's easier for me mentally and for prep to do the same thing. Co-workers do think I am crazy though. They always ask, is it the same thing today? Yes. Yes it is, and I like it that way. :happy:
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Except for my supper I eat pretty much the same thing every day and it works fine. Breakfast is 2 hard boiled eggs and a yogurt, mid morning snack is an apple, lunch is a 250 calorie frozen dinner, afternoon snack is a pack of Special K Crisps& 2 cups of almond milk, a 300 to 400 calorie supper and maybe a piece of fruit later as a snack.

    I look at food as fuel for my body instead of some kind of super sensual reward pleasure that I need to think about all day. I just eat my food without giving it any special powers. It seems successful people learn not to let food rule their lives. Sure some things taste great and I can enjoy good food but food doesn't offer me comfort or control my life.
  • MsLilly200
    MsLilly200 Posts: 192 Member
    Me and mom tend to have the same basic dinner most evenings, a meat, a vegetable and some kind of sauce or side. Like, chicken, broccoli and bearnaisse, or steak, peas and creamsauce.
    Sometimes we make like a stew or something, but then we make a biig pot and eat the leftovers for lunch and dinner over the next days.

    I tend to have phases when it comes to breakfast, one time I had oatmeal with applesauce for 2 weeks straight, then I had philadelphia on toast for a week, for a while I had cheese, ham, tomato omelettes, then I didn't eat breakfast at all.
    This week I'm eating flapjacks, the english kind, not pancakes... What? They're basically oatmeal or a granola bar. But better.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Some of my MFP friends, and quite often the successful weight loss ones, eat almost the same foods every day. Personally I could never do that and I enjoy a wide variety of things. Occasionally this trips me up as I'll eat something I think will be OK and fit into my plan and it doesn't (We won't mention the Starbuck's almond croissant for 430cals - lol) I had to miss a meal to make up for that faux pas!. I can understand why people do it, it keeps you on track because you know exactly what you are going to eat and when and this makes you less likely to stray calorie wise. Should you also consider though if all the essential nurtients we need, vitamins, minerals etc can actually be contained in just one days worth of food? Especially women on lower calories like 1200, you could be missing out and affecting your health long-term. I also think it seems to have consequences for these people when they are forced away from their habitual food, like on holiday or eating out. They either go mad and binge on multiple slices of pizza, or maybe they just don't know which other healthy lower calorie foods are out there because they have never tried them? What do you think?

    I am one of those people who eats mostly the same foods every day; I just dress them up differently! My staples are vegetables, fruits, lean meats, fish, beans on occasion, eggs, brown rice or quinoa on occasion, a tortilla (gluten free) at breakfast and I satisfies me and my family too.
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    As others have commented, I used a combination of both... I pre plan all my breakfasts, lunches, and snacks and those meals are usually the same types of things everyday, which doesnt bother me at all....Because I always make something different for dinner. I save most of the daily allowance of calories for this meal so that I can have more freedom to have different things and it really does help me not get bored. Like I said I eat the same TYPES of things for my breakfasts/lunches/snacks, like fruit. But there are so many different types of fruit. I mix it up some days and have a wrap and some days I have something different, but the consistency and balance I get out of planning is what keeps me successful. And as far as your comment about getting essential nutrients, I personally take a multi vitamin for several reasons, this being one of them.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    I eat the same stuff all the time. I get my variety with beer.
  • bbbgamer
    bbbgamer Posts: 582 Member
    its easy for me to eat the same thing every day. if one eats the right things nutrients, etc... arent an issue.
  • rainghirl
    rainghirl Posts: 203 Member
    I often end up having the same thing for breakfast and for lunch each day. Though my excuse is with 4 hens in the yard, I have to do something to get through the eggs! I usually have more variety for my evening meal. I find that works pretty well for me, and I can copy most of my meals from one day to the next. Most evening meals are cooked from scratch with plenty of veggies.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Certain foods are just staples. I'll always eat eggs and drink coffee and eat chobani yogurt and burgers. I don't always eat the same things but it does make it easier for logging. I mean really you can log eggs every day and cook em a million different ways for it to be different. Same with chicken. So it can't be assumed its exactly the same everyday or boring.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I eat almost exactly the same stuff every day. I say almost because I have different flavored yogurts or a different fruit here and there, and occasionally swap out chicken for fish, etc. I eat these things because I like them, but also because they fit my goals. I don't have troubles eating other things in other situations, I go for the same premise regardless (some lean protien, lots of veggies, etc.). I try to save my naughty treats for the weekends when I go on longer runs and generally burn a lot of calories and need to "fill" a good 1000+ calorie deficit. I have enough adventure in my life from other things. I don't need to eat Starbucks croissants to feel excitement.
  • beasilvac
    beasilvac Posts: 24 Member
    I could never eat the same everyday! So I bought a couple of low calorie recipe books and plan my menu weekly. Works very well, I eat all the stuff I like, and this books give you the calories, carbs and fat of every recipe, so u can plan well in advance. In my case the success of my diet depends on having variety and eating food that I really think is delicious. Otherwise I would have quit long ago.
  • sarahcuddle
    sarahcuddle Posts: 349 Member
    Some really great comments. I was not really referring to the people who eat the same TYPES of food every day. we all eat fruit, veg, meat etc but some people eat exactly the same meals, every day. The point I was trying to make was if you eat the same food, the same meals exactly, every day, you may lose weight but are you in fact being healthy and getting all the nutrients you need? and what do you do when you can't access that food?

    I know my way, with lots of variety can have its pitfalls, and I have fallen into a few, but I adjust, I do extra exercise or sometimes I do miss a meal,( it won't kill me as a one off ) and I learn my lesson for the next time. By the way, I like variety in my beer too :)
  • sarahcuddle
    sarahcuddle Posts: 349 Member
    Ok I wish I had never mentioned the croissant now since I'm being hammered for it. Maybe all those people who eat the same every day are just jealous, it was delicious. And no just because I mentioned beer I'm not an alcoholic either !
  • I have just recently begun my quest (again) to do better regarding health and exercise (around 4 weeks), but I am one who eats mostly the same things daily. I have a couple of different meals that I rotate, but I stay within my comfort zone. This works for me because I am not a big variety eater anyway....and it's safe because I know exactly what my intake is (calories, sugar, fat, fiber, etc.) I do occasionally eat something outside of my norm to treat myself, but I keep it simple and small. I find that when I do this I don't feel totally deprived.
  • You deserve to treat yourself every now and then, so don't feel bad about posting that you ate a croissant! :)
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    I mostly eat the same thing for breakfast (usually a bagel) and maybe for lunch (usually a sandwich), but planning and cooking a delicious dinner is sometimes the highlight of my day. Which sounds really sad and pathetic now that I type it out. :laugh:

    Ha! That's cute. You can eat the same thing, just vary it a littlle, there is a freezer full of chicken in my house, I just season it differently-sometimes bake it, parmasian, grilled. It makes it easier when you know what you are going to eat, but change is nice. Otherwise I'm sure it would start to feel like the movie "Groundhog day."
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Ok I wish I had never mentioned the croissant now since I'm being hammered for it. Maybe all those people who eat the same every day are just jealous, it was delicious. And no just because I mentioned beer I'm not an alcoholic either !

    I didn't see you being hammered for it. If you choose to eat it, then that is/was your choice and nobody has any right to criticize your decision. I doubt that those of us who eat the same thing day in and day out are jealous of your croissant. I know for sure that I'm not.

    I eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch every day. I get my fruit and vegetable quota in those two meals and they fill me up. For dinner we eat whatever we happen to pull out of the freeze that we made over the weekend or toss a couple of chicken breasts on the grill.

    I eat that way for two reasons. I like not having to figure out what I am going to eat each day and I don't obsess over the food decisions and make spontaneous, poor (for me) food choices.
  • peejay34mason
    peejay34mason Posts: 131 Member
    is it just me or is the original post kind of contradicting. You say that people that eat same thing every day may hurt themselves on holiday, but then you admit to doing the opposite of that and say that you ate a croissant from starbucks that had 500 calories in it.

    I do not eat the same thing every d ay..but I eat the same kind of foods - chicken, vegetables, steak, pork, eggs, whole wheat, brown rice, quiona, etc....I have built my lifestyle around these, every once in a while I will eat some pizza, buffalo wings, etc but I make them fit into my daily goals...

    I would say build your lifestyle around healthy foods and strength training....and if you go to starbucks look on the nutritional info or find something similar so that you can get an idea of the calories contained within ...

    YES YES and More YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I totally agree. You need to make things work for you! Variety is the spice of life but it really is about GOOD HEALTHY CHOICES